Allure Of The Night

Chapter 352 In The Cave

Music Recommendation: Andrei- Martin Phipps


After spending more time together in the water, they finally stepped out. Vincent covered her body with the towel he had earlier brought from the basket. He used another towel. They both dried themselves before wearing their clothes.

As the weather was cloudier on this side of the land, it left a shadow on the forest and the land. Vincent had spread a blanket on the ground, while he placed the logs of wood that he had earlier chopped.

Eve asked him, "What would you have done if I refused to come out with you today?"

"I didn't doubt that you would refuse me," Vincent responded and rubbed the two stones against each other in his hands for a spark to erupt, and soon the logs of wood caught fire, emitting warmth in the cave.

Water dripped from the ends of Eve's hair, and when she went to pick up the towel, Vincent took hold of it. He said, "Allow me."

"You are worrying me by being too gentleman-like," Eve told him, not knowing if the pureblooded vampire was up to something.

"Is that your way of saying that you prefer a non-gentleman me? I wouldn't want to worry you," he teasingly smiled and sat down on the spread blanket before patting the gap between his legs that he parted.

Eve walked to where he was and carefully sat between his legs, which he pulled up with his knees facing the cave's ceiling.

Vincent put his arm around Eve's waist and pulled her closer to him, noticing her warming up along with the heat in the cave. He then placed the towel on her head and gently rubbed it, making her close her eyes. After five minutes, he said,

"There, it's all dry and you won't catch a cold."

"Thank you," Eve murmured, feeling very loved and cared for. A soft sigh escaped from her lips when Vincent's cold lips pressed against the back of her nape.

"Out of the river you smell like heaven, and the sweetest delicacy that has been seasoned with a hint of fire," Vincent whispered in her ear while his chest pressed her back. "Are you hungry?" He asked her. Eve felt her pulse rise with the way his voice had lowered, "I had Alfie pack some things you might like, you must be tired after the swim."

Saying it, Vincent leaned to where the basket of food was, grabbing it, he placed it near them. When the basket's lid was opened, Eve took in the delicious smell of the meat and other items that drifted up to her nose. There were small pieces of roasted steak, slices of bacon, and freshly made bread with a few more things to go with them. She smiled and said, "This is like a picnic. My mother and I used to do this... whenever she had time and wasn't at work."

At the memory of her mother and the sacrifice that was made for her to live, Eve's eyes lowered as she stared at the burning logs of wood.

Vincent put his arms around her, holding her close to him. He said, "She did the best she could."

"She did," Eve whispered, and she was finally resting in peace. With a slight worry about their future, she asked him, "You will always stay by my side, won't you?"

When Eve was young, she had always believed that her mother would be there with her, that they would move to a place where people didn't stare at her or her mother in disgust. Her younger self had believed that she and her mother would spend more time with each other, where she wouldn't have to share her mother with her mother's work time. But things weren't as one often thought they would be.

Vincent loosened his arms around her and had Eve turn the upper half of her body to face him. He noticed her glistening eyes, and he said, "I vow to have you next to me. In life or death. In any form, and I won't leave you. You will always have me. Every part and piece of my soul. Asking me such a question, silly girl," he hugged her, gently stroking the back of her hair.

Eve hugged him back, trying to let go of the slight tremor of uneasiness that had slipped into her mind.

The pureblooded vampire could feel his mermaid's emotions, and he pressed his lips on the side of her head for more than three seconds.

Several seconds passed, Eve's breathing turned calm, and her body relaxed in Vincent's arms. Suspecting, he quietly pulled away from her and noticed her closed eyes. She had fallen asleep.

"Sleeping like an innocent angel. You must be more tired than I thought," Vincent whispered, letting her sleep in his arms. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to rest in bliss, while the fire from the burning log of woods crackled in the cave.

Far away from the forest and in Skellington, Marceline, who reached the front of the Moriarty mansion, stepped down from the carriage. She ordered, "Don't park the carriage. I will be going to Hollow Valley soon."

"Yes, milady," her coachman bowed. He noticed his vampiress mistress had trouble while walking, but he didn't dare to utter a word about it. Who knew if he would only end up getting scolded for it? It was better to stay tight lipped.

Before Marceline stepped inside the mansion's entrance, she noticed the bright light and couldn't help but be pleased. She muttered under her breath, "Finally something good is happening. Soon," all she needed was to wait to hear about the rotten leg of the person.

As she walked, her back turned straighter than ever, with her face lifted and her eyes holding the same arrogance and spark. On her way, she met Alfie, who bowed at her. On noticing the young vampiress walking unevenly, he apologised,

"Forgive me, milady for asking, but is your foot alright? Would you want me to call a physician?" he asked, half in concern and half in curiosity about what she was up to until now.

Marceline glared at the butler, knowing he was her brother's loyal servant. Without answering, she was about to walk towards her room when one of the servants arrived and informed her,

"Milady, Lady Aurora told me to inform you that she will be waiting for you to join her to Hollow Valley."

And if Marceline had the time to change her clothes, maybe she would have noticed the colour of her foot that was slowly changing, where the curse she had placed had backfired and her foot would only turn worse with every passing hour.

Marceline huffed, before muttering, "Seems like I will have to change my clothes later." She then ordered the butler, "Get me my coat. This one is dirty," she raised her hands, and Alfie quickly came to stand behind her and helped her remove her coat. He then picked up another coat of hers which was in the coat stand, and helped her to wear it. "Shoes," came the next order.

If there was one thing the vampiress liked to do, it was to show the servants their place, who thought they could measure to her or to her status.

Alfie fetched her shoes and returned, helping the vampiress remove her shoes. But it was when it came to helping her wear them, that Marceline felt a sting in her foot and she kicked the butler with the sharp end of her other black shoe.

"Did you forget how to do it? Gently now," the vampiress glared at him, and Alfie silently buckled her shoe before standing up and stepping away.

"Forgive me, milady," Alfie apologised, and heard her harrumph. The butler was sure that he had taken extra care in buckling her shoes.

Marceline Left the mansion in her carriage.  Upon reaching the Wright's mansion, the Wright's butler went to inform the Marchioness about her. Soon Lady Aurora appeared out of the mansion, wearing another dress that looked expensive than the last one. In the young vampiress's mind, the Hookes were the right alliance for her family.

"I thought you wouldn't be able to make it, Lady Marceline," Lady Aurora made her way to where Marceline and her carriage stood.

"I would never miss an opportunity to spend time with the Marchioness, milady," Marceline smiled.

Lady Aurora smiled and said, "To save time, how about we use your carriage, as it seems already here." Marceline nodded, and when she went back to climb the carriage, she could feel the ache returning. Seeing this, the Marchioness asked her, "Are you alright?"

Marceline offered a polite and kind smile that she had mastered and replied, "It is just a little twisted foot. Nothing to worry about," and she used all her force in stepping inside the vehicle before taking a seat.

Lady Aurora joined her inside the carriage, and soon the carriage left for Hollow Valley.

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