Allure Of The Night

Chapter 376 Fire Under The Feet

Music Recommendation: Professor Stoddard- Ben Frost


Marquee Hooke turned and looked at his daughter, and Rosetta used her shaky legs to step forward. He placed a hand on his daughter's back and announced to the guests,

"It has been Rosetta's wish and dream to marry the person she is in love with, and she finally found the person to be Vincent. And without a doubt, we believe he will take good care of her. We would like to hold a small engagement with the same thought to proceed things."

Rosetta whispered to her father, "I thought there were three more weeks before the wedding would take place."

"It is because the time and situation demands it, dear," Marquee Hooke replied in a low voice, and he said, "Smile now. You are supposed to be happy about this, you will not have to worry about living on the streets or wearing clothes like the poor people."

When Rosetta didn't step forward from where Vincent stood, her father grabbed her arm with a smile and pulled her forward. The vampiress was speechless, feeling the anxiety eating her with every passing second.

"The rings," Lady Aurora raised her hand.

Eve watched the two families stand next to each other, while she felt an uneasiness slither into her chest. When the rings were brought forward, the guests watched the couple, who would help each other wear their rings. She turned to Anaya and said in a shaky voice, "Excuse me."

Anaya didn't stop her, knowing it would be hard to watch, and watched Eve exit from the ballroom.

Eve knew all this was a sham, but she didn't have the courage to watch this without feeling the prick in her chest. She walked through the corridors of the mansion. With all the guests and servants concentrated in and near the ballroom, there were fewer people on the other side of the mansion.

Back in the ballroom, Marquee Hooke announced, "The couple will now exchange the rings," and both Vincent and Rosetta were given rings.

Rosetta had barely slept the last two nights as she had tossed and turned thinking about this evening. With her already feeling queasy about everything and having drunk two glasses of wine on top of it, it made her feel sicker. She turned to her mother and said,

"Mother, I am not feeling that good."

"Not right now, Rose. It isn't uncommon to be nervous, but you will be fine," Lady Aurora placed her hand on Rosetta's shoulder.

"I don't think so, mother..." Rosetta shook her head.

With everyone watching, Lady Aurora couldn't chastise her daughter and had to continue smiling. When she looked at the crowd of guests, she noticed Mr. Etsbury made his way towards them, and she quickly said, "Just push the ring on his finger and have yours done. You can take a rest after that. Do it soon," she said in a rushed voice.

Rosetta raised her ring, ready to put it on Vincent's finger.

Noticing the unsteady gaze of the vampiress and the way her hand swayed, Vincent noticed Rosetta ready to choke, and he quickly stepped aside. Not a moment later, Rosetta threw up on her father's shoes.



"Is she alright?!"

The guests reacted, and Rosetta turned red in embarrassment. She quickly ran away from the ballroom, while Lady Aurora said to the guests, "I will be right back with her. Excuse me!" The Marchioness hurriedly followed her daughter.

Viscount Eduard called a nearby servant, "Have this cleaned quickly and have someone escort the Marquee to help him clean his shoes right away." He then turned to the guests and said, "Lady Rosetta must be tired and nervous with the guests today. It would be best for her to get some rest."

The guests agreed by nodding, and Vincent said, "Supper is being held in the dining room. The butler will lead the way for you there."

"Let me go and see how things are with Rosetta," Lady Annalise stated her husband, but Vincent stopped her by saying,

"I will do that," and he walked towards the exit of the ballroom.

Before stepping out of the room, Vincent's dark red eyes searched the place and noticed Eve was missing from there. When he reached in front of the powder room where Rosetta and the Marchioness were, he heard Lady Aurora scolding Rosetta,

"You cannot do one thing right! All you had to do was exchange the rings, but you couldn't even wait to finish it and you made a fool out of yourself!"

"I told you I was feeling sick..." Rosetta replied to her mother, who glared at her.

Lady Aurora held Rosetta's shoulders with both hands and shook her. She threatened, "What did you do? How did you fall sick when you have been alright all this time? You were fine until this morning."

"I wasn't able to sleep with the place being switched back and forth. Why didn't you tell me that you are holding the wedding in a week? None of my wedding clothes have been prepared, everything is hanging in--"

"You don't have to worry about it. I have taken care of all those things. All you need to do is sit quietly and do what we say, which you obviously have trouble following. When are you going to behave like a responsible person?" Lady Aurora demanded angrily. She couldn't believe her daughter had ruined the one thing she had arranged with much difficulty, but at the same time, she remembered Mr. Etsbury and the others were here in the mansion. She brought her hand to her face and pressed her forehead.

Internally, Rosetta was happy to have fallen sick and stopped the possible engagement ceremony that was going to take place if she hadn't thrown up. At the same time, her mother glared daggers at her. Rosetta knew if they were back home, where she didn't have to show her face to the guests, she would have been slapped by her mother.

Someone knocked on the door, which had the two women turn to look at it. Lady Aurora snapped at Rosetta, "Fix yourself quickly before you humiliate us."

Rosetta wiped her mouth and finished fixing her dress. Lady Aurora put a false smile and said to the person on the other side of the door, "Come in."

When the door opened, they saw it was Vincent, who looked concerned and asked, "How is Rosetta doing now?"

Lady Aurora responded, "Much better. We will be back there with everyone in two minutes."

"You don't have to worry about that, my parents are taking care of the guests, Lady Aurora," Vincent responded and said, "There's a man outside and he said he wants to talk to you. He said his name was Mr. Etsbury and it was something urgent."

Lady Aurora's eyes widened, and she asked, "Where is he?"

"Right outside and at the end of the corridor, I told him I would let you know," before Vincent could finish his sentence, Lady Aurora quickly stepped out of the powder room and hurried to meet the person.

Vincent stared at Lady Aurora's back and then turned to Rosetta, "You okay?" Rosetta nodded, "Good, but it would be better for you to go to your room and get some sleep. If someone asks, I will inform them that you retired to bed for the night as you are unwell."

Rosetta left the mirror in front of which she had been standing and then asked him with worry, "There's only seven days left for the marriage. Do you think my parents will back down from their decision?"

"They will. Everything is already in motion, and every minute counts. Now go," Vincent instructed the vampiress, who quickly left the place. Soon Alfie arrived near him, and Vincent ordered, "Send Eugene to Rosetta's room with food."

"Yes, Master Vincent," Alfie bowed and left.

On the other side of the corridor, Lady Aurora reached where Mr. Etsbury was waiting for her, and he remarked, "Marchioness, I hope you and your family haven't decided to move to Skellington in hopes that I don't find you."

The woman softly chuckled and responded in a low voice, "Of course, not. As you heard, my daughter is going to get married to Vincent Moriarty."

"You have all the money to pay for the wedding expenses but not the money you owe me?" Mr. Etsbury questioned the vampiress, and Lady Aurora quickly looked around to ensure no one heard what he just said.

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