Allure Of The Night

Chapter 378 Gift In The Pocket

Music Recommendation: Chiyo's Prayer- John Williams


Eve looked away from Noah and stared outside the window. She then said,

"I wish I could explain, but I doubt I can. I am sorry," she apologised. After a second of silence, she asked him, "I don't think it is easy to speak and get some things solved."

Noah felt her words go deeper into his mind and said, "I think it depends. When you share it with people and confide it with the ones you believe, it makes things easier."

Eve nodded, and as she stared outside, Noah's gaze fell on her and the delicateness that she carried around her. He didn't like how she had to see the person who promised to love her be engaged to someone else. Even if it meant that Vincent would try to get out of it. He had the sudden urge to hug and comfort her, but he had drawn such thick lines that he couldn't move but only watch. He asked her,

"If you ever need my help, do not hesitate to ask for it. I will always help you, Genevieve."

"Thank you, Noah. I will always remember it," Eve offered a smile to him. She took a deep breath and murmured, "I wonder if he will be busy with the guests tonight." The last time, the ball had ended past midnight.

Noah's lips were set in a thin line, and he said, "Genevieve, if you have nothing planned for now, I would like to ask you to accompany me. Just a walk in the garden will do."

Eve asked, "You mean in the back of the mansion's garden?"

"Yes," Noah smiled, and Eve gave a thought before she said to him,

"I think Lady Anaya is waiting in the ballroom. I even left her alone," Eve regretted leaving Anaya without company.

"I will ask someone to fetch her so that she can join us," Noah assured Eve, and she nodded. They walked to the mansion's backside garden and took a stroll with the other guests who had come out to get some fresh air.

Though the place had stopped snowing, the snow still covered the ground enough to turn hard because of the weather and the number of times people had walked around to cement the snow.

Noah and Eve didn't need to speak to keep themselves busy, as they were comfortable with their shared silence. The Duke basked at the moment, knowing things would not be the same, or it already had changed, and he had internal conflicts.

"How are things with you, Noah?" Eve asked him.

"Not much has changed except for the loss of someone whom I held close to me," Noah put on a kind smile, and though he smiled, Eve looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"I am sorry for your loss," Eve said to him.

"Don't be. He wanted to die, as if he was tired of living and he had decided this end. You can only help people who are willing to accept your help," the tone of Noah's words were as soft as the snow that had settled on the branches and leaves of the trees, while it held an indescribable hollowness in it.

Eve wondered whom Noah lost, and she said, "He must have thought through it before deciding his end."

Noah nodded, "He probably did." Sylvester had left him without answering his questions as if it didn't concern him or he didn't want to entangle the young Duke more than he already had been entangled. "Let us not speak about sad things," he smiled.

He had invited her outside to know about her plans for the night. It was because with Vincent and the others busy with the guests, he didn't want Eve's day to start in the dullness. It was her birthday in an hour, and like every other year he had come to know her, he liked to give her a gift and wish her.

Noah slipped his hand into his coat pocket, feeling the gift box he intended to give her. It was something that he braced his heart and wanted to give her. A music box that she had when she had first come to the mansion with her mother.

"When is Lady Aubrey returning from Berkshire?" Noah asked Eve, while he stared at her.

"She is supposed to be here in a week at the most. I wrote to her a few days ago," Eve smiled, and as she continued to speak, Noah drank in every word Eve uttered and how her eyes and lips moved.

The gift that Noah would give Eve today... was nothing less than a clue. A revelation to the small Eve, who once carried the broken music box with the same music. He had heard it play in the servant's quarters.

To Eve, spending time with Noah brought a certain calmness. He had been her friend since the beginning, and she cherished the friendship that they both held for each other. Though she didn't know why she detected sadness in her friend's eyes today.

The Duke smiled in his usual calm and kind manner, where he appeared to be someone who knew how life and people were.

After a few minutes, one of the servants arrived at the back of the mansion's garden and bowed to Eve. The servant said, "Milady, your presence has been requested."

Eve wondered if it was Lady Annalise or Vincent. She turned to Noah and said, "I will be back in a few minutes."

Noah gripped the music box in his pocket and gave her a nod, "Go ahead. I will be here," he offered her a smile. The need to hug her was intense, but he bit down the feeling and watched her leave with the servant.

A minute later, Anaya arrived where he was, and she said, "One of the maids told me that you are here. What are you doing here alone?"

"Genevieve was here with me. It is her birthday tomorrow. We thought to take a walk with you, but she was summoned inside," Noah let Anaya know, and the woman gave a nod.

Anaya and Noah took a stroll, and the she-wolf said, "Sometimes I wonder, Duke Noah. If you are kind to let me know the truth without hiding things, or if you are cruel, let me know so that I am aware and distance myself from you."

Noah smiled at the woman's words and asked, "And what did you deduce?"

"I was hoping you would help me with that, but then I realise it doesn't make much difference." Anaya looked at the snow, and when she looked ahead, she smiled.

"It isn't too late to take a step back, Lady Anaya. You are a perceptive woman, and you should know how things are with me, or my family. You will lose the air that you breathe," Noah lightly warned her, but Anaya had already made her decision, and there was nothing that could change her mind.

Anaya only continued to smile, and she changed the subject by asking him, "What hour is it?"

Noah pulled out his pocket watch and read, "An hour away from midnight."

"Have you planned anything for Eve? I would be more than willing to join in. If you don't mind that is," Anaya offered, knowing no other person could replace Eve's spot in this man's heart. But it was commendable that even after so many years, he hadn't breathed a word about it to Eve, as if he wasn't allowed to.

"It is a wish and a gift. I won't be in town tomorrow as I need to go visit a town in the West on work," Noah replied, and Anaya nodded. The two sat on a bench, talking to each other as time passed, but Eve didn't turn up at the mansion's backside garden.

After some time, Alfie stepped out of the mansion's back door, and his dull red eyes looked around before they fell on Duke Noah and a woman who sat next to him, talking. He walked there and offered a deep bow before informing,

"Duke Noah, Ms. Barlow wanted me to inform you that she needs to go somewhere urgently and she won't be able to return here for the night."

Noah stared at the butler, while Anaya did it too and her eyes then shifted to the man sitting next to her. The expression on his face was unreadable, and he asked, "I hope everything is fine with her?"

"Yes, Sire," Alfie's words were calm as he offered another bow.

"I see. Thank you for passing her message," Noah responded, and the butler walked away from there. Sensing Anaya's gaze, he said, "I will wish her when we next meet."

Even though Anaya wasn't Noah to understand how he felt, she sensed the heaviness and said, "That is a good idea."

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