Amazing Village Building

Chapter 164: But the only way to get one will likely be to stealthily abduct it

Chapter 164: But the only way to get one will likely be to stealthily abduct it

The body double was super helpful.

Thanks to it, I could do various things in faraway places, all while remaining in the village.

Sure, we had roads that allowed us to travel quickly, but given the size of the whole village at the moment, it was still troublesome to go from place to place.

However, if I stationed a body double at various key points beforehand, I would be able to go there instantly whenever necessary.

Ideally though, I wanted the doubles to become able to decide and act on their own, without any help from me at all.

To that end, they must first experience and learn all sorts of things. Fortunately, the knowledge that each double has acquired was shared to the others, speeding up the whole process.

The result

Huh? How is the village chief here? I swear I saw him walking in the other direction just a while ago

Say, isnt the village chief acting a little strange today? Like, his responses are, how do I say it, awkward, I guess

Actually, you know what, I feel like Ive been seeing an awful lot of the chief latelyits almost like theres many of himoh, what am I saying, theres no way thats the case

Hey, I just saw something! There were two of the chief! Their face, their physique, everything, it all looked the same! Does the chief have a twin!?

the villagers were confused.


I guess I should have warned them about it beforehand, huh.

And when I did tell them about the doubles, their responses were I see, So, its like that, huh, and just what youd expect from the village chief as though they understood things right away.


Shouldnt you, I dont know, be more surprised?

The chief multiplying is amazing, but its not something thatll surprise me anymore.

I mean, if we get surprised by this, wed get surprised at every little thing you do.

Will everybodywill every home get their own Luke-sama now?

They pretty much told me they developed a tolerance for surprises.

And then, as though brushing it all aside, some expressed to want their own double of me. I had no idea what they would use it for though

*(A copy  of Luke-sama!? I-I want one! But the only way to get one will likely be to stealthily abduct ithaa, haa)*

For some reason, Millia was breathing hard.

I didnt know what it was about, but I felt like it would be better if the body doubles kept their distance from her.

Afterwards, I once again stationed the doubles and let them act independently.

Much like before, I had instructed them to contact me if the villagers requested something from them or if they just had any concerns. Apparently, my doubles and I could communicate over long distances through a telepathic link of sorts that was not unlike Satins.

Also, I could easily locate the doubles anytime on my map since they were represented by a star.

If you have trouble in making a decision, feel free to ask me, ok?


<<I did say to contact me if youre having a problem on a decision, but>>

A double had contacted me.

<<Anyway, whats it about?>>

<<I dont know whether to accept or decline the request asked of me by some women of the village.>>

<<Im gonna need you to be more specific. Actually, it might be better to hear about it myself. Im transferring my consciousness to you right now.>>

I transferred my consciousness over to the double and soon realized what a mistake that was.

I should have looked where on the map the double was beforehand


What I saw upon assuming control was a warm, steamy room. The visibility in there wasnt great. And yet, I still could still see many naked bodies.

Yes, it could only be that place: a public bathhouse. Worse yet, the double wasnt in the mens section. Rather

Village chief, let me wash your back.

No, let me do it.

Hey, you two, dont go stealing a march on me. Ill be the one to wash the chiefs back.

The ones talking in front of me were some of the adult women in the village. Although I could only see the half of their bodies that wasnt submerged in the water, I could tell that they were totally naked.


What am I(the double) doing here? And why am I (the double) also naked and in the water!?

<<I didnt know which one of them I should allow to wash my back. Or is it better to not choose anyone?>>

<<Thats not the problem! In the first place, why did you enter the womens bath!?>>

<<Huh? But they said its alright for the village chief to enter the womens bath>>


Its not alright!

Well, were all here, so why dont we all wash his back?

Thats an excellent idea.

Oh, huh? Village chief?

As soon as I could, I got out of the bath and escaped.


Ohh, what a cute bottom he has!

Please wait a moment, chief!

No, I wont!

I then built an underground tunnel and exited the womens bath through that.

Evidently, the body doubles still had a lot learn



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