Amazing Village Building

Chapter 222: Maybe I should go to the church and pray

Chapter 222: Maybe I should go to the church and pray

The fight between Dorial and Selius-kun came to a sudden end.

When it seemed like there was no more safe space in the ring for Selius-kun to retreat to, Selius-kun actually leapt into Dorials direction.

Jumping from such a distance was normally reckless to say the least, but by using the wind to push against his back, Selius-kun managed to travel in the air further. And as soon as he was near enough, he dropkicked Dorial who was at the center of the axes orbit.

Dorial lost consciousness from that attack and accidentally let go of the chain. That caused the axe to fly toward the audience. We obviously couldnt have the axe hit any of the crowd, so I quickly built a wall in front of the audience.

At any rate, with Dorial unconscious, Selius-kun was declared the winner.

Selius-kun, you did it! You made it to the semifinals! Keep giving it your all, okay!?

I applauded Selius-kun with all my might.

Hey, what gives? You didnt look that happy when I won, you know.

Selen said so with a discontent look on her face.

I-Is that so?

I dodged the question, but to be honest, I reacted like that because I was hoping that either Selius-kun or Noel-kun would become the champion. After all, I knew both of them would make reasonable requests as their prize for winning the tournament.

In contrast, I was scared of what Selen and especially Gori-chan would ask. As such, I was hoping that neither of them would become the champion.

But anyway, we were now down to four participants, hence the start of the semifinals.

The matchups were as follows:

Selen vs. Noel-kun

Gori-chan vs. Selius-kun

With the end of the competition close at hand, the audience were understandably eager to start the semifinals right away. Unfortunately, they would have to wait one more day.

On the flipside, the grand finals would be tomorrow as well.

maybe I should go to the church and pray. Pray so that either Noel-kun or Selius-kun will win tomorrow

It was finally the last day of the villages fighting tournament.

Whoever it might be, the champion would be decided today.

Noel-kun! Good luck!

Village Chief?

Before his match began, I cheered Noel-kun on.

For some reason though, he made a puzzled face.

Huh? Did you perhaps not like that I cheered for you?

N-no way! Its justmy opponent this time is Selen-san, soso, I thought the chief would be cheering for her

W-well, of course, Ill be cheering for her as well. Im cheering for the both of you, yeah. So, Noel-kun, go do your best!

Chiefhm, I will.

Noel-kun tightened his fist and nodded.

Seriously, I wish you luck in stopping Selen from becoming champion.

However, it wasnt like all I could do was cheer for Noel-kun and Selius-kun.

No, I actually had a secret plan.

Fufufu, yes, I have a way to support them even from outside the ring. And its name is Villager Enhancement!

Unlike magic, I could use it without anyone noticing.

<<Dont do it, Luke. That is cheating. As village chief, you should embrace the results in a sportsmanlike manner, whatever those results might be.>>

What, an angel Luke is scolding me!?

<<Ha, dont be stupid. If Selen or that pink macho becomes the champion, who knows what theyll request. If you dont want to end up with regret, you oughta do the sure thing here. Not like youll be caught anyway.>>

And now theres a devil Luke!?

<<Pay the devils words no mind. For the sake of all the villagers who have fought fairly thus far, make sure the competition stays fair until the end.>>

<<You talk about fairness, but what that Belrith fellow did wasnt fair at all. That guy had the nerve to suggest such an absurd prize. Youre not wrong for what youre about to do. Plus, like I said, no onell notice. Even if they suspect somethings up, it can be swept under the oh, he just got so pumped from my cheering that he fought better than usual excuse.>>

<<Luke, follow your conscience.>>

<<Youve been tiring yourself for the villagers sake, right? No onell bat an eye if you fudge the rules a bit here and there, you know? Besides, in the first place, this event was for fun, wasnt it? Forget fairness, what matters is that people get excited. And you know whatll excite the public the most? To see Noel defeat Selen, the one predicted by many to become the champion!>>

<<H-huh? That strangewhy does the devil have more lines than me?>>

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