Amazing Village Building

Chapter 334: Is it really that!?

Chapter 334: Is it really that!?

After traveling to the 3 nations of Edou, Osaku, and Kyou, we returned to the village.

Never would I have imagined that there was such a large city on the side of the mountains!

Look there! Theyre selling potions so casually!

Its true! Wait, are they selling minotaur meat on a skewer!? Is it really that!?

We already had merchants from the east going around the village. And most likely, they were Osaku merchants who likely arrived here through the newly made railways. As to be expected I suppose from the nation of commerce, they were quick to adapt.

Unlike Edou and Kyou, Osaku conducted its trade with other nations on a private, civilian level. Through these merchants, in other words. Any merchant authorized to trade were free to do so in any way they wished.

That being said, after a little while, samurais from Edou soon arrived in the village as well. They werent here to trade though. Stories about our village having many talented fighters had apparently spread among the samurais, so those who wished not only to test their skills but also to improve it through this journey had come to the village.

That reminds me, how has Akane-san been doing lately? When Masamine-san visited the other day, she said she was still wasnt able to face him just yet

Akane-san was training in our village without going back home, all so that she could one day accomplish the feat of crossing the monster-infested mountain range all by herself. Given her samurai pride, she likely was training herself hard.

With that motivation and the effect of the villages training grounds, it shouldnt be long before she was ready to undertake that challenge again.

Huh? Shes not here?

When I took a quick look at the training grounds, I couldnt find Akane-san anywhere.

I decided to ask the villagers who regularly trained here.

Is Akane-san taking a break?

By Akane, you mean that girl from the east, right? Now that I think about it, I havent seen her around here lately. She used to come here so often though.

Oh, is that so?

Maybe she delved into the dungeon so that she could get more combat experience instead?

I thought so and visited the adventurers guild who oversaw the adventurers coming and going to the dungeon.

Akane? Sorry, but we dont have any records of such a person passing by here recently.

Eh? Really? Then, that means she didnt go into the dungeon, huh?

Yes, most definitely. We check everyone at the entrance to the dungeon, even if theyre not adventurers, after all.

Even those not registered as adventurers could enter the dungeon, but their entry to the dungeon must be recorded first at the entrance.

Hmm, then where could she have gone to train? Or has she decided she was ready to undertake the challenge again? or has she gone through with disemboweling herself?

Such a thing was unfortunately not impossible.

It was a very real possibility that she, a girl who was all too eager to disembowel herself, had killed herself in the room that we had lent her.

I should use the map feature to check her whereabouts.

As long as she was registered as a villager, I could use the map feature to check where she was. I was hesitant on doing this because it felt like an invasion of privacy, but I saw no other choice.

Lets seesearch for Akane-sanah, there she is. This isnt the residential area though. Its the district for bars and restaurants?

A black dot representing Akane-san was in the area where many restaurants have opened.

Could it be that shes just having a meal? But isnt it still too early in the morning to have lunch?

Whatever the case might be, I decided to pay a visit.

She should be around here, but

At that moment, I noticed an especially large woman in front of a certain shop.

That shop was a hamburger shop. A hamburger was a kind of food that didnt exist in the kingdom before, but after our village made it, it exploded in popularity and there were now so many copycat restaurants across the land.

One could eat inside that particular shop or get takeout. The woman I saw apparently decided to get takeout. In her hands wasnt one or two burgers thoughshe had 5 whole hamburgers.

Moreover, looking closely, there was already sauce around her mouth.

So, those 5 are her extra helpings? And all that in the morning

That probably explained why she looked easily over 100 kilograms.

The katana on waist almost got hidden by her bellywait, a katana!?


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