American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

169. Unexpected Intel on the Bat.

169. Unexpected Intel on the Bat.

With a sigh, the Blood Baron's face twisted into a mocking expression. 

"The reason is simple: suspicion." 

"Suspicion?" Pietro frowned immediately. 

"Yes, the alliance among the villains was never as solid as you might think." 

The Blood Baron sneered before continuing. 

"Do you know why Red Skull, despite his desire to conquer the world, is now holed up here as a so-called 'leader'? Don't be fooled by his seemingly vast influence; in truth, the other villains just humor him. When it comes to real matters, no one pays him any mind." 

"That's true. On our way from HammerFall, what we saw and heard was already beyond Red Skull's control," Pietro nodded thoughtfully. 

"That's because of the battle back then. Although the heroes were wiped out, the villains also suffered greatly. Those lunatics tried to harness the powers of other dimensions like Dormammu's. But inviting gods is easy; sending them away is hard. The villains had no choice but to fight another battle with those dimensional lords." 

Hearing this, Pietro fell silent. By now, he understood that the villains had been reckless in their desperation to defeat the heroes. 

"The battle in Atlantis was the worst. I heard the entire Canary Islands were swallowed by a vortex, plunging the world into chaos. Things spiraled out of control. If not for Red Skull, Doctor Doom, and Magneto stepping in to maintain order, a larger civil war would have been inevitable." 

The Blood Baron laughed bitterly, then pointed to the ground beneath them. 

"Do you know what I had to sacrifice to keep myself and my clan alive? There were too many villains who participated in that war. It was impossible to reward each one, so to ease the pressure, Red Skull planned to assassinate anyone who might threaten his position. The villains who survived are not to be trifled with." 

"I think I understand," Alex nodded. "So, after the battle where the heroes fell, the villains also entered a period of infighting, which led the world into this chaotic and dark era. Is that correct?" 

"That's right. The first ten years saw the most significant population decline. By the time the rulers realized what was happening, it was too late. They had to tread carefully, ensuring they had enough resources for themselves," the Blood Baron answered. 

"There's one more thing." 

Alex reached into the inner pocket of his trench coat, pulling out a bat-shaped shuriken. He placed it before the Blood Baron and calmly asked, "You've lived on this wasteland for decades. Your knowledge and intel must surpass ours. Have you ever come across anyone connected to this?" 

"What's this?" The Blood Baron was momentarily taken aback by the shuriken, then took it to examine closely. 

"This item is top-notch in craftsmanship and materials. Judging by its design, it's not something of this era. It could be a military weapon from the old days, but the style is a bit…" 

"I'm not asking about that. I want to know if you've heard of anyone using this weapon in the wasteland," Alex interrupted impatiently. 

Seeing Alex's displeasure, the Blood Baron immediately stopped admiring the shuriken. He thought for a moment before hesitantly saying, "I think I've heard some rumors, but I can't guarantee they're related to this thing." 

"Let's hear it," Alex folded his arms. 

The Blood Baron carefully recalled the intel in his mind, his features scrunched in concentration. 

"That must have been about three years ago. I heard rumors of a vampire operating in the Lizard Kingdom, with a bat insignia on their chest, slaughtering lizardmen…" 

"Are you sure!?"

Upon hearing this, Kara and Pietro instantly became excited, even causing Alex to raise an eyebrow. 

The Blood Baron was startled by their reaction, taking a few steps back before calming down enough to continue. 

"Yes, I'm sure. The intel came from an old client of mine. We were close; he wouldn't dare lie to me. He speculated that it might have been a starving vampire attacking the lizardmen, or perhaps a daywalker like Blade was punishing evildoers." 

"Then it's certain. A 'Batman' does exist in this world," Alex murmured, his emotions mixed. 

"By the way, what's the deal with these lizardmen?" Pietro couldn't help but ask, recalling Alex mentioning that there was a Batwoman in the Batman lore. 

"That's the work of Lizard Doctor Connors. He believed that the human body was too frail and that the large, robust frames of lizardmen, along with their extraordinary healing abilities, represented true 'evolution.' So, he tried to turn all humans into lizardmen." 

The Blood Baron spread his hands. "Then Red Skull banished him to the coastal borders. The area is vast, sparsely populated, and resource-poor, making it an ideal place for these 'evolved' abominations to survive." 

"So, was the person with the bat insignia male or female?" Pietro asked again, remembering Alex had said that Batwoman also existed. 

"Male, I'm sure of it," the Blood Baron replied firmly, then curiously eyed the trio. "Do you know him? Is he a friend of yours?" 

But his question went unanswered. Alex, Kara, and Pietro exchanged glances, each contemplating the intel provided by the Blood Baron. 

"The only thing we can confirm now is that a Batman existed here three years ago. Whether he's still alive or where he is now, we can't say," Pietro frowned. 

"And we're not sure if there are others," Kara added. "Barry Allen might be in this world too, or other members of the Justice League he mentioned." 

"It's possible, but not likely. If many outsiders had arrived in this world, some news would have leaked. Unless they've been extremely discreet. But that 'Batman' was last seen three years ago. We need to prepare for the worst…" 


Suddenly, Kara interrupted Pietro, her ears twitching as she sharply focused on the Blood Baron. 

"Did you secretly call for backup?" 

"How could I? You killed all my followers!" 

The Blood Baron jumped up in panic. 

Seeing his genuine reaction, Kara muttered, "Then someone's been following us? Could it be an assassin sent by Red Skull?" 

"Impossible. I may not be able to fight you, but my counter-surveillance skills are top-notch. I've survived under Red Skull's nose for so many years because of this," the Blood Baron quickly retorted. 

"Then this is strange…" 

Kara frowned deeply. 

"If they're not after you, then who are they targeting?" 

Everyone slowly shifted their gaze, looking in the direction Kara was staring.


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
170. Ashley Arrives.
171. The Symbiote, Venom.
172. "Pietro?"
173. Submission.
174. Have You Heard of Eric?

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