American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

176. Battle of Ultimate Evil.

176. Battle of Ultimate Evil.

When words fail, fists speak louder. Both sides immediately engaged in a fierce battle.

The first to strike was the Green Goblin. His bloodlust had been simmering for years, pushed to the brink by boredom and insignificance. The sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, Ashley, reminded him of the glory days of old. The emergence of a new generation of Spider-Man made the old Goblin willing to risk everything for one more taste of madness.

"Did you know, little girl, that your grandfather died by my hand? I can still recall his dying screams as he begged me to spare his family! Hahahaha!" The Green Goblin hurled several pumpkin bombs, but for the agile Ashley, these were hardly a threat. Ashley had grown much stronger; with Venom's enhancement, her spider-sense had almost reached Peter Parker's level.

"Is that all you've got, old man? If so, I'll be sorely disappointed. Take this—" Ashley caught one of the incoming bombs with her web and flung it back.

A massive explosion tore through the sky, filling the air with bright flames and dark smoke. The Green Goblin, riding his glider, burst through the smoke trail, laughing maniacally. Ashley's counterattack only seemed to excite him further.

"Venom… long time no see. I thought you'd have died in some gutter by now, but I never expected you'd attach yourself to this little girl. What's the matter? Can't tell who your real enemy is anymore?"

Osborn and Venom were old acquaintances. After all, both were among Spider-Man's most notorious foes, and they had clashed many times before.

"Ah, Osborn, back in the day, Parker and I used to chase you all over New York. What makes you think today will be any different?" Venom sneered in reply, while Ashley continued her assault, leaping into the air to deliver a powerful strike.

"Don't be so sure. You might both meet your end today!" The Green Goblin smirked and activated the sonic cannon on his glider. A high-frequency blast echoed out, forcing Ashley to retreat.

Venom's weakness to fire and sound was no secret; heroes and villains alike knew that these symbiotes were almost helpless against such attacks. Meanwhile, Pietro swiftly closed in on his target—the Absorbing Man. The Absorbing Man had taunted him the most, but before Pietro could strike, Kara intercepted the villain, leaving Pietro to confront the Shocker.

The Shocker, despite his high-tech gauntlets capable of generating high-frequency pulses, was no match for Pietro. An elderly man well past his prime, the Shocker couldn't even track Pietro, let alone land a hit.

Kara's actions were not without reason. She had faced another version of the Absorbing Man in a different universe, and she understood his powers well. The Absorbing Man could replicate any material or energy he touched, giving him the potential for godlike strength.

In a typical fight, Pietro and the Absorbing Man might have been evenly matched, with neither able to land a decisive blow. But now, with Pietro's Vibranium arm, the stakes were higher. If the Absorbing Man managed to copy the Vibranium, he would become immensely powerful, making him much harder to defeat quickly.

Without hesitation, Kara charged at the Absorbing Man, delivering a powerful punch that sent him skidding back several steps, carving visible grooves into the ground.

"I don't think we've met before, little girl," the Absorbing Man sneered, flexing his hand to shake off the sting.

"No worries. I'll be the last thing you see in this life, and I'm sure that'll make a lasting impression," Kara replied, launching another attack without wasting words.

"You've got a strange physiology. I've never encountered anyone like you before, but you seem to know me well. Did I kill someone you care about?" The Absorbing Man swung his flail, trying to distract Kara with his taunts while aiming a brutal strike at her.

But Kara wasn't interested in conversation. Known for her decisive nature, she dodged the attack with a leap and then landed on the chain of the flail, sprinting straight toward the Absorbing Man.

The Absorbing Man's expression shifted, and his body immediately began to glow with metallic energy. The next moment, their clash erupted with the force of two enraged mammoths, each blow echoing like a thunderclap.

On another front, Wild Child found himself facing off against the bloodthirsty Blood Baron.

"Red Skull will kill you for this, vampire! This isn't a fight you should be part of!" Wild Child snarled.

"Let Red Skull go to hell! I'm done with him. Now, I just want to raise hell and make you bastards who've had decades of peace pay for it!" The Blood Baron's eyes gleamed red as his fangs bared, quickly overpowering Wild Child.

"The one who'll pay is you, traitor!" Wild Child growled as he backed away, his voice filled with fury.

"Traitor?" The Blood Baron laughed as if hearing the most ridiculous joke. "Hahaha! You call me a traitor? I've served Red Skull, I've fought for him, but look at me now—reduced to feeding on stray dogs in the gutter!"

The Blood Baron narrowed his eyes, a cold smile curling his lips. "And what right do you have to call me a traitor? You were once Wolverine's protégé! Every move you know, you learned from that old wolf. Do you really think a change of skin makes you a new person, you mangy mutt?"

"Shut up!" Wild Child roared, snapping into a berserk rage.

"I'll kill you!"

"Then come and try!" The two were evenly matched, each possessing remarkable regenerative abilities, making their fight a brutal exchange of blood and blows.

With everyone locked in combat, Alex finally made his move. His gaze fell on the Enchantress, his eyes burning with a deep hunger for the magical energy she wielded. But it seemed the Enchantress misinterpreted Alex's stare. She believed that this young dark wizard had already fallen under her spell...


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
177. The Enchantress.
178. The Sorcery Showdown.
179. The Kraken of the North Sea.
180. Serving the Dish.
181. Lorelei's End.

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