American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

179. The Kraken of the North Sea.

179. The Kraken of the North Sea.


Wild Child clutched his eyes, howling in pain as blood continuously flowed through his fingers, impossible to stop.

Unlike mutants like Wolverine or Sabretooth with exceptionally strong healing factors, Wild Child also had a significant healing ability, but it wasn't nearly as effective—possibly even inferior to that of Beast. Especially when it came to critical organs like the eyes, recovery was almost impossible. Even if the wound healed, his eyesight wouldn't return, and he'd be left blind.

"Do you know what's the most interesting thing? I used to say this exact line to Captain America," Blood Baron laughed maniacally.

Blood Baron suddenly realized that people like them—villains—also got distracted in battle. However, heroes never exploited this to attack them, which might be why heroes fail—they have boundaries unlike villains. Meanwhile, Ashley swung around Green Goblin, heading straight for Lorelei.

Since the moment Lorelei began casting her spell, Ashley's spider-sense had been blaring with alarms, a sense of unprecedented danger causing her hair to stand on end, making her feel as if she were staring down a nuclear explosion.

Seeing that Alex and the others were ignoring this, Ashley grew increasingly anxious. Though she wasn't afraid of death, that didn't mean she wanted to die, so she decided to stop Lorelei herself.

"Hey, where do you think you're going, little girl? Our game isn't over yet!" The Green Goblin, of course, wouldn't let Ashley disrupt Lorelei's spell.

The main reason was that he didn't want his prey to be taken by someone else. The sharp wing blades of the Green Goblin's glider sliced through Ashley's web, making her flip mid-air before landing on the ground. Before she could regain her balance, countless bullets rained down on her.

"Osborn, you bastard! Do you want to die with us!?"

Ashley dodged the barrage of bullets while loudly cursing the Green Goblin for his sneak attack. High above, Osborn paid no mind to Ashley's venomous words. He laughed wildly, mocking the arrogance of Ashley and the others below.

"Hahahaha, it's too late, little girl! You're all going to die, none of you will escape! You'll all die here!"

It was as if Osborn's madness was confirmed.

Looking up from the ground, they could see that behind Osborn in the sky, the wind was tearing through the clouds, and the entire Osborn City was overshadowed by dark clouds. Green energy was rising continuously, as if a large-scale ritual was underway. Amid the swirling clouds, a terrifying shadow gradually emerged.

"There's something in the clouds!"

Ashley crouched behind cover, staring at the ominous presence in the sky, her voice trembling.

Honestly, she had never seen anything so terrifying in her life. Although she had heard stories of her father's experiences in apocalyptic wars, she had always dismissed him. After all, Hawkeye was just a normal person, and she couldn't believe that ordinary people could participate in real wars.

But now, Ashley was utterly speechless. She had thought she would become much stronger after bonding with Venom, but upon seeing the horror hidden within the clouds, she wanted to slap herself awake.

Ashley's scream quickly caught everyone's attention. Pietro kicked off Shocker's right leg and then used his vibranium arm to perform a Batman-style backbreaker on him. After ensuring Shocker was out of the fight, Pietro finally looked up at the sky.

"I think I've seen this before…"

The shadow in the clouds was too massive. Its overwhelming size cast a heavy burden on everyone. Then, with the surge of green magical energy, enormous tentacles began to extend from the dark clouds, revealing gigantic claws hidden within.

"I remember now! Another witch summoned something similar before!" Pietro exclaimed in shock. "Do all witches like these tentacle monsters?"

"Stop talking and prepare for battle," Kara said, shoving Absorbing Man back with a punch before rushing to Pietro's side, her eyes fixed on the presence in the sky.

The tentacles emerging from the clouds resembled those of an octopus or squid, but the size difference was staggering. Kara had no doubt that if this creature fully entered the physical world, it would level the entire Osborn City.

Unlike the others, Kara's X-ray vision allowed her to see more clearly. She could vaguely make out a colossal figure in the sky, thrashing about as it attempted to breach the chaotic magical gateway and invade reality.

Had she been at full strength, Kara wouldn't have hesitated. A simple command from Alex, and she would've flown up to rip that thing apart. But now, her powers were lacking. She couldn't even fly, and she struggled to control her basic biological field, which made her feel uneasy.

"My fear of giant creatures is kicking in…"

Pietro's voice trembled as he shouted toward Alex.

"Raven, do something!"

"Don't worry."

Alex finally responded.

Had anyone seen Alex's expression at that moment, they would've noticed the excitement in his eyes. He stared intently at the massive shadow looming in the sky—like a gourmet eyeing a delicious meal!

Lorelei's forbidden incantation had reached its climax. Her body began to levitate as she opened her eyes, eager to see the terrified expressions on everyone's faces. But when she saw the black wizard's actions, she was dumbfounded.

The expected fear was nowhere to be found. Instead, the black wizard opened his arms toward the ominous entity in the sky, as if preparing to embrace it warmly.

'Is he scared out of his mind?'

Lorelei was baffled.

A deafening rumble echoed in everyone's ears, causing them to clutch their heads in pain.

"It's over… that thing…" Ashley collapsed onto the ground, trembling uncontrollably.

The creature within the clouds finally began to reveal its massive form. It roared fiercely, as if announcing its imminent arrival in this world, bringing destruction and rebirth. The colossal tentacles, each thousands of meters long, touched the ground, shattering a tall wall with ease. Man-made structures crumbled like toys, unable to withstand the beast's might.

Deep within the clouds, a gigantic eye opened, its terrifying presence enveloping all of Osborn City.

An unbearable sensation of being watched from another dimension made everyone feel as though their bodies were nothing but parchment, laid bare for the unknown horror to scrutinize. Suddenly, when the gaze fell upon a certain individual, it froze.

At that moment, it was as if the entire world had stopped. Even the monstrous tentacles were eerily still! On the ground, Alex silently removed his bird-beak mask.

His eyes, glowing with intense black light, locked onto the immense shadow in the sky. His lips curled into a slight smile, revealing sharp fangs.

"You've come. Now don't even think about leaving."


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
180. Serving the Dish.
181. Lorelei's End.
182. Attracting the Attention of the Villains.
183. Bullseye's Log - Part Two.
184. Professionalism.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.