American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

196. Red Skull.

196. Red Skull.

White House—Former Site.

This was once the residence of the President, the place where USA government handled the affairs of its people, and a symbol of the country. However, after Hydra broke through its defenses and forcibly occupied it, the White House became the residence of the Red Skull. Perhaps it allowed the Red Skull to relive the good old days because after moving into the White House, he almost never left. He didn't even bother to repair the surrounding environment. The area around the White House still looked like it did after the battle.

The Red Skull wasn't afraid of exposing his location. After the supervillains wiped out the heroes, there was no longer any force in the world that could rival the Red Skull and his Hydra. Perhaps Doctor Doom could be considered a threat, but the Red Skull didn't care. Ever since he destroyed those magical artifacts and found a way to sever the connection between many magical dimensions and reality, Doom was hardly a threat.

Doctor Doom's power came from his combination of technology and magic. Being proficient in both skill trees made him extremely powerful; otherwise, he wouldn't have been considered one of the greatest enemies of the heroes back in the day. But after the old days, without the connection to the magical dimensions, it was like cutting off one of Doom's arms. With only incomplete remaining magical energy and his Doombots, Doom could be considered a powerful lord, but he no longer posed a significant threat to the Red Skull.

Today, Hydra's members are spread across the globe, with countless spies and agents embedded in every major faction. Just as the Red Skull had said: "Cut off one head, and two more shall take its place. Hydra will never be eradicated."

In the conference room, the Red Skull silently sat at the head of the table. Next to him, Chief of Staff Tobias was holding a file folder, reporting on major incidents in the regions under their control.

"...So, Bullseye is missing?" The Red Skull, fingers interlocked, interrupted Tobias's report in a calm tone.

"With all due respect, Your Excellency, you know Bullseye's capabilities. Compared to someone like the Winter Soldier, Bullseye is far more skilled in assassination. Moreover, they've all undergone modifications with the Deathlock process..."

Tobias spoke cautiously, fearing to anger the Red Skull. From what he knew of the Red Skull, the calmer he appeared, the more dangerous his thoughts were likely to be.

"So, you're suggesting that my second-best ace eliminated my top ace, and that's supposed to be 'reasonable'?" The Red Skull turned his head slightly, looking at Tobias.

Feeling the weight of the Red Skull's gaze, Tobias felt an increased pressure.

"...Your Excellency, what I mean is that Bullseye has been loyal to you for many years. There must be a reason for his actions. Perhaps we could investigate this matter further."

"But he's missing, isn't he?" The Red Skull replied calmly. "I gave him a chance. I gave him many chances. I sent many people to their deaths, hoping he would realize what he was doing."

"I understand your mercy, but I have some specific thoughts on this matter," Tobias said quietly.

"Let's hear them."

Tobias stood up and took out the last few sheets of paper and photographs from the bottom of the file folder, respectfully placing them in front of the Red Skull. Then he spoke.

"We all know that after that incident, many old friends disappeared. It seems they felt that without the heroes, life was meaningless. I believe Bullseye is one of them."

The Red Skull casually glanced over the documents on the table, most of which were reports from local law enforcement. There were also records from Hydra spies on various cases. Suddenly, the Red Skull's attention was drawn to a figure in one of the photos.

It was a photo taken from the surveillance of the "Murder Carnival." The image clearly showed a sturdy old man holding a bow and arrow, his body covered in bloodstains, as if he had just been through a fierce battle.

Picking up the photo, the Red Skull's expression became uncertain.

"This man is..."

"Clint Barton, registered code name: Hawkeye. He also operated under the alias Ronin. Before we found him, he had already committed several murders. From what we understand, his victims were all members of the Thunderbolts," Tobias explained in a serious tone.

"I remember him, and this raises more questions..." The Red Skull placed the photo back on the table and lightly tapped the hidden electronic keyboard embedded in the surface.

Knowing what the Red Skull was about to do, Tobias bowed slightly and slowly stepped back.


The next moment, a blue holographic projection appeared.

"Tell me, why is there an Avenger causing trouble on my territory... and why did you, at the time, claim that he was already dead?"

"I believe the word I used was 'eliminated.'"

The holographic screen lit up, and the image of a burly man wearing a purple-striped mask appeared in front of the Red Skull. This was none other than Baron Zemo, one of Hydra's high-ranking officers and a general under the Red Skull.

"We're in a critical phase of Hydra's development. I have several projects waiting to move forward. I can't spare the manpower to deal with this old Avenger."

The Red Skull's tone was light, but Baron Zemo didn't believe that the Red Skull was truly short-handed. Clearly, the Red Skull was subtly suggesting that Zemo should handle this problem himself.

If it were something else, Zemo might not have even bothered with the Red Skull. After all, with the distance between them, the Red Skull couldn't directly influence him. But this was different. Hawkeye was someone Zemo had deliberately allowed to survive.

Zemo's original plan was to humiliate this long-time nemesis who had caused him so much trouble. Now that Hawkeye had stepped into the fray, choosing death, Zemo naturally decided to handle the situation personally.

"Don't worry, Führer..."

Baron Zemo spoke up.

"He's just an old man with a bow and arrow. How much trouble could he possibly cause?"

After ending the holographic call, the Red Skull's face twisted into a mocking sneer.

"Indeed, an old man with a bow and arrow isn't the issue..."

Muttering to himself, the Red Skull pulled Tobias's files back in front of him. As he reviewed the information, along with the attached videos and pictures, his expression grew serious.

"...But if there's a 'hero organization' from another universe causing trouble on my turf, then that's a problem serious enough to warrant attention."


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
197. Heroes from Another Universe.
198. Visitors from Another World.
199. Images of the Justice League.
200. Red Skull's Plan.
201. Bullseye and the Blood Baron.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.