American Comics: Multiverse of Madness

200. Red Skull’s Plan. (A New Milestone Reached)

200. Red Skull’s Plan. (A New Milestone Reached)

The man's body suddenly twitched, like a reflexive muscle spasm. The immense strength caused the chains binding his body to collide, producing a faint clinking sound. In such a quiet environment, however, the sound seemed exceptionally noticeable.

In truth, the man had almost forgotten how long he had been imprisoned. Initially, he could rely on his stable biological clock and count the days based on his heartbeat. But after Red Skull administered anesthesia for a while, he completely lost track of time. Even so, the man could still roughly estimate that he had been held there for at least a year.

It had been a long time since the man had any contact with the outside world. In fact, after Red Skull threw him into this place, aside from the initial interrogations, the villains seemed to have forgotten his existence, leaving only cold robots behind. The man's last memory of the outside world remained in the scenes of his battle against those mutated lizardmen.

He still remembered slaughtering the lizardmen, although those memories were somewhat hazy. The lizardmen had incredibly strong regenerative abilities, and their combat power was vastly different from that of ordinary people. Their brutal attacks could put any fully armed squad in a difficult situation. These were not monsters that ordinary people could face, but fortunately, the man was no ordinary person.

His combat skills, inherited from urban legends and Gotham tales, had not rusted. Facing these monsters that preyed on the poor, all he could do was fight, relentlessly fight until the lizardmen lay dead in the mud, never to rise again.

Unfortunately, his heroic deeds did not earn the respect of the people. Or rather, the terror that the lizardmen instilled in the civilians had long numbed into a nightmare deep within their hearts.

For the meager rewards promised by Connors, those civilians did not hesitate to betray the hero who had been helping them. They poisoned the man's food and even released the gas that Connors had provided. Though the man reacted quickly, escaping the moment he realized what had happened, he found himself outmatched when Connors led a group of lizardmen to surround him.

After detonating countless explosives to escape, the man, dragging his battered body, fled into the wilderness.

He had long since realized that this world was abnormal. Even a man who had experienced countless life-and-death situations and witnessed the darkest sides of humanity could easily see that this world had become a hopeless, twisted civilization. He didn't know where he was supposed to go, or even what he should do next.

At first, he thought he had traveled through time and arrived at a different timeline in his own universe. But as he delved deeper, he discovered that this world was entirely different from the beautiful world he remembered. None of the people he knew existed here.

Instead, there were familiar yet strange superheroes, but those so-called "heroes" had already perished. They had been defeated, dying on the day criminals took control of the world.

The man had never imagined a world so full of despair. Or rather, he couldn't imagine what this world would become without heroes. And now, he had to face the "consequences" for the "good deeds" he had done.

As misfortune never comes singly, the severely injured man suddenly realized that something was stalking him.

The man knew what it was— the creature he first encountered in this world, a freak akin to the nauseating rats in Gotham's sewers. The man was furious with himself for not having properly killed it before. Now, that creature had come for him.

The man didn't know how long he had fought the rat-like creature while dragging his heavily injured body. He remembered losing, lying powerlessly on the hard desert ground. The experiences of the past few days felt like a lifetime ago. Perhaps this world was nothing but a nightmare, a desperate nightmare created by the Nightmare Stone. He still yearned to return to his original world.

But things did not develop as he had hoped. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself imprisoned by Connors, the King of the Lizardmen. The savage wilderness creatures surrounded him, their eyes filled with bloodlust, as if they would tear him apart at any moment. Later, he was taken before Red Skull, becoming the prisoner of this world's crime lord.

The man never gave up his determination to resist, but the villains didn't give him a chance. Or rather, they were well-versed in dealing with superheroes. He once thought he might die here, perhaps spending the rest of his life locked up.

But never in his wildest dreams did he expect that Red Skull would bring news of the Justice League. Although he couldn't clearly see the faces of those three people, the man was certain they were the Justice League he knew!

Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman.

The man's entire body trembled uncontrollably. He felt an immense power surge within him, constantly trying to break free from the chains and escape this dark and sunless prison.

"Did you know, when I saw that bat symbol, I immediately thought of you."

Red Skull sneered as he spoke. He then took out a crimson helmet from an embedded cabinet on the wall.

"Wearing a bat symbol on the chest isn't a new trend. I don't think there could be such a coincidence in this world. Vampires? Haha, those ants were so terrified they mistook the red on your mask for blood."

The man's eyes filled with blood as cold killing intent radiated from him. He stared at Red Skull, his gaze unwavering.

"I like the look in your eyes. How about it? Say something useful, and I might give you a quick death, or find a way to reunite you with your hero friends sooner."

Red Skull spoke slowly and methodically. After a moment, seeing no reaction from the man, Red Skull shook his head slightly, his eyes full of disappointment.

"Not talking? No problem.

Actually, when I saw this video, you became useless to me. You aren't the only one who came to this universe. The remaining value in you has vanished. I could chop you up and feed you to the dogs, turning you into fertilizer for my garden.

But... I'm more merciful than that.

I won't do that. On the contrary, you are now the final piece of my plan. And this is the only thing you can do for me."

As he spoke, Red Skull pressed himself against the railing, his face full of a sinister smile as he continued.

"Tomorrow, I will order a nationwide announcement, publicly proclaiming your trial, with the execution date set for ten days from now. At that time, I hope this bait will help me catch some big fish."


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: /Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
201. Bullseye and the Blood Baron.
202. Bullseye's Judgment.
203. Hawkeye and Venom.
204. Splitting Up.
205. The New Sacred Timeline.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.