American: Native Empire

Chapter 142: The Birth of an Internal Combustion Engine (2).

Chapter 142: The Birth of an Internal Combustion Engine (2).

Chapter 142. The Birth of an Internal Combustion Engine (2).

Who are you?

I, well

In front of the mechanical engineering building. 

Golden Lake was stopped by a security guard at the entrance.

The security guard looked him up and down. 

He didnt look like he belonged to the college.

He had hardly cared about his appearance since he lost his parents and lived as a construction worker, so he looked shabby. 

As a result, Golden Lake was at a loss for words.

When he told the security guard his occupation and identity, the guards eyes showed more contempt.

But he couldnt just go back. 

Golden Lake plucked up his courage.

Can I see the scholars inside for a moment?

What for?

I want to discuss something about machines.


At that, the security guard looked at Golden Lakes face as if he was looking at a weird person.

And then,


A sneer escaped from the guards mouth.

Im sorry, but I cant let anyone in. Please go back.

Just for a moment. Please ask them. Please

Well, I cant do that. If you keep causing trouble here, Ill call the police. So please leave.

He kept refusing the guards stern rejection, but Golden Lake clung to him with a desperate heart.

Sigh Fine, Ill ask, but dont get your hopes up.

Thank you, thank you very much!

But the words that came out of the guards mouth when he returned were not what Golden Lake wanted to hear.

Im afraid you cant see them. The scholars are not so idle that they can meet anyone.

Just for a moment

I told you no. If you come again, Ill really call the police.

Ah Okay.

Golden Lake didnt expect that he would have to go back without even meeting any scholars, so his disappointment was even greater. 

He drooped his shoulders and turned around.

But he didnt walk a few steps before he came back to his place. 

And he took out the diagram of the internal combustion engine that he had carefully kept in his arms.

Then please show them this at least.

Geez Fine. Give it to me.

He felt like he would keep bothering him if he didnt grant this request, so the guard took the diagram.

And then he went back to the thick blanket.

What is it again?

The construction worker who came earlier asked me to deliver this

Sigh Annoying. Fine, just leave it on my desk and go.


The senior engineer of mechanical engineering, 

Thick Blanket, scratched his head. 

He was already frustrated because his research on the engine was not going well, and now some strange person came to bother him.

After the guard left the room, he immersed himself in his research again.

How much time had passed?

Huh. I need a break.

His body felt stiff from concentrating for too long. 

Thick Blanket stretched out big.


Then he saw the paper bundle that the guard had left on his desk. 

Thick Blanket read the words written on the cover.

And then he laughed out loud.

An gasoline engine using internal combustion? Puhahaha!

His research topic was also similar to this. 

He was researching a new engine that had become an issue.

But a construction worker talks about a new engine?

If this was North Continent, it might be possible. 

The education level of mainlanders was so high that there might be a one in a million chance. 

But this was South Continent.

No matter how fast it developed and how many schools sprouted up, the education level was incomparable to mainlanders.

He must be delusional because a new engine has become an issue and wants to challenge it.

He shook his head and threw Golden Lakes diagram into the trash can without even looking at it.


Did he really say that?

Oh, do you think Im lying?

If you saw it with your own eyes, you wouldnt say that

Anyway, he said it was impossible, so dont come again. If you do, Ill really call the police.

Golden Lake looked up at the blue sky.

My diagram has no possibility of realization? Thats impossible.

He thought that the new engine in his diagram was very innovative. 

If he could complete it, it could overcome many drawbacks of steam engines.


He bit his lip as he walked home. 

Then blood flowed from his lips.

He didnt even look at it. Because Im a construction worker. Or maybe he wants to steal my idea!

He felt disgusted in any case.

Ill show them. Ill definitely succeed.

Thanks to this incident, Golden Lakes will became stronger. 

He took out another identical diagram that he had prepared in advance and set out to act again.

The research on the engine was not only done at the college. 

Of course, the college had the best environment, but there were also various research institutes where he could implement his idea.

Golden Lake headed to a privately run research institute.

This is

There were some people who had immigrated to North Continent from Andes and achieved great success. 

Among them, Solid Pillar was one of the rare cases.

By now, his company dominated the food industry of the mainland. 

And he used some of the funds he earned to create a research institute in his hometown.

Of course, the main research field was food, but that didnt mean they didnt do other research.

Whew. Calm down.

Golden Lake approached the entrance of the research institute with a lot of nervousness. 

And he faced the security guard who guarded the institute.

But the situation after that was completely different from the college.

Hmm. Well, come in for now.


The security guard took Golden Lake to the reception room.

Ill bring a researcher, so please wait a moment.

Ill wait as long as you want!

It wont take long.

The security guard shrugged his shoulders and left the reception room. And as he said, he came back with a man in a short time.

Golden Lake?


Haha. No need for that, please sit down.

When Golden Lake stood up and greeted him warmly, the man smiled and waved his hand.

He sat down opposite Golden Lake and introduced himself.

Nice to meet you. Im Red Eagle.

He leads a team here, so you can ask him anything.

I see!

At that, Golden Lakes eyes sparkled.

Red Eagle looked at him with a gentle smile.

Hes very energetic.

Of course, his clothes were very shabby. 

And he had a typical physical workers look, sunburned by the sun.

But Red Eagle enjoyed this kind of encounter. 

Regardless of status or background, he tried to teach as much as possible to those who visited the institute out of curiosity or interest.

Although he was born in Andes and left his hometown long ago to immigrate to North Continent and enter college, he eventually returned to his beloved hometown.

Now he had only one wish.

That his hometown would also develop academically to a level similar to North Continent. 

Of course, it was a far-fetched story for now.

So. What are you curious about that you came all the way here?


When Red Eagle leaned forward and asked, Golden Lake finally came to his senses. 

And he took out the diagram from his pocket.

I came to show you this.


Red Eagle took the diagram and tilted his head.

He thought he was one of those young people who visited out of curiosity about the institute, but that was not the case.

An gasoline engine using internal combustion?

He read the title on the cover and turned his gaze back to Golden Lake.

What is this?

Its a new engine diagram that I made in my spare time. Please take a look.

Ho ho Are you a scholar?

No. Im working at a construction site right now. But Ive been studying hard.

Hahaha. You must be tired from working, but youre really amazing.

Red Eagle also had an experience of working during the day and studying at night when he immigrated, in order to pay off his debt and living expenses, and also for his education. 

So he knew very well how hard it was.

As a result, his eyes became softer when he looked at Golden Lake.

Well then.


Red Eagle casually turned over the cover. And he slowly read down Golden Lakes diagram.

But as time passed, the smile on his mouth quickly faded away. 

The content of the diagram was more professional than he expected.

Not only that, each part was very well organized and clear, and the concept of the new engine was very clear.


It was very radical.

My God. What did I see?

Red Eagle came to his senses only after reading all the pages until the end.

His face was filled with deep shock.

Did you think of this by yourself?

Yes. I did, but


Red Eagle swallowed his dry saliva as he looked at the new machine.

Could you please explain it to me in detail?

Of course! If you look here

Golden Lake was excited to show off his invention and explained every part of it. 

Red Eagle listened to his explanation and thought to himself.

This guy is a genius.

Red Eagle was also a brilliant mind. 

He wouldnt have been able to enter the Imperial College as a Night Hunter otherwise.

Of course, he had to pass many exams to get in, but that alone was an impressive feat considering the fierce competition.

He met many geniuses after he entered the Imperial College. 

But he had never seen anyone like Golden Lake before.

He came up with all these things just by reading books

He wouldnt have believed it if he hadnt seen it with his own eyes.

The world is so unfair.

He didnt know what other people thought of him, but he felt that he couldnt compare himself to these true geniuses.

What do you think?

Golden Lake finished his enthusiastic explanation and started to feel nervous again. 

It was his first time being evaluated by a professional researcher.

But his nervousness soon faded away when Red Eagle smiled softly and opened his mouth.

I think it has a lot of potential.


Are you working at a construction site right now?


Ill pay you much more than that. Please come to our lab and lets research the new machine that you invented.


It was the answer he wanted, but when he heard it, Golden Lakes mind went blank.

No wonder.

Thank you! Ill do my best!

Haha. You dont have to work yourself to death.

Red Eagle waved his hand at Golden Lakes overflowing enthusiasm, but his face showed his own excitement.

This continued even after Golden Lake officially joined the lab. 

He arrived earlier and left later than anyone else. 

And since it was his own idea, he took the most important role in researching the new machine.

Of course, there was a gap between theory and reality, and he faced many difficulties since it was his first time doing actual research. 

But as time passed, he began to see tangible results.

And finally, in his hands, the first internal combustion engine was born.

I must be crazy

Later, when these twists and turns became known, Thick Blanket would regret his foolish actions and bang his head on the ground.

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