American: Native Empire

Chapter 146: Airplane (2).

Chapter 146: Airplane (2).

Nice to meet you. Im Karl Mayer.

Oh, wow. Im honored to meet a celebrity here. Ive heard a lot about you.


Karl Mayer scratched the back of his head awkwardly. 

His name had been mentioned quite often in various newspapers since he became an engineer at the Imperial University and achieved some results.

His academic achievements were impressive, but he also owed a lot to his birth status. 

Many overseas residents had naturalized to the Empire after the sailing ban was lifted, but among them, Karls case was very rare.

It was hard enough to get into the Imperial University, the best university in the Empire, even if one was born in the mainland and went through all the education courses. 

The academic enthusiasm of the imperial citizens was so overheated that the competition rate for the Imperial University was insane.

In this situation, an overseas naturalized person who did not receive the regular education of the Empire entered the Imperial University, and that too in the mechanical engineering department, which was known to be the most fierce?

It was very rare for an active researcher who was not an honorary scholar with a shocking experience to join the department, and Karl was the first and last one to enter the mechanical engineering department.

I have a reputation that is too generous for what I have achieved. I still have a long way to go.

His words were somewhat sincere. 

There were many people who had achieved more than him, but he received more attention just because he was a white man who came from Europe.

But this was also partly intended by Kim Ki-woo. 

He pushed more for the outstanding people of different races to ease the subtle contempt and discrimination against other races. 

He also exposed them more often in various newspapers.

But Black Shadow shrugged his shoulders and replied.

Hey, Ive actually ridden the bicycle that you developed. How can that be a false reputation?

Oh, you have? But it still needs more improvement.

Thats why I was surprised. I thought you would continue to research bicycles.

Of course, I dont intend to stop researching. Bicycles are surely a great means of transportation. Someday, not only in the Empire, but people all over the world will naturally ride bicycles.

Karls eyes sparkled with longing for the future. 

It was a typical passionate look of an elite from the Imperial University.

He continued.

But as soon as I read your new work, Mr. Wide Road, I felt a chill running through my body. Powered airplanes have endless possibilities. If we can fly in the sky with power, it will be possible to reach the other side of the earth in a day.

Hmm, I wonder if thats possible

Black Shadows reaction was skeptical because he had been researching gliders for a long time and knew too well the limits of this era. 

He also read the novel in question thoroughly while traveling to the capital.

Haha. I know what youre worried about. I think its hard to do that right now. If you think about the weight of the airplane and the efficiency and capacity of the internal combustion engine, long-distance flight is still difficult. But it will be different in the future. When materials lighter than iron are developed, and internal combustion engines and propellants are improved, the size and flight distance of airplanes will gradually increase.

Well, that might be possible.

There were so many things that seemed natural to use now, but they couldnt even imagine them a few decades ago. 

And history tended to repeat itself.

This time, we will stake our honor as mechanical engineers of Imperial University and succeed in flying powered airplanes first. Thats why we invited you here.

Thank you for your high evaluation of me.

The Imperial University always had to be the best. 

It received overwhelming support from the government, and the dream of self-proclaimed elites was to become a scholar of Imperial University.

But Imperial University failed in this competition for developing internal combustion engines. 

It was a shame for Imperial University, especially for its mechanical engineering department.

If only we had a little more time

Karl himself did not lead it, but he also helped a lot with the research on internal combustion engines as a mechanical engineer. 

And they actually made great progress in developing internal combustion engines.

But they lost because of Andes genius who popped out of nowhere. 

They were not only late, but also lagged behind in completeness.

Whats more, it was shocking because it was Imperial University where the first engine was born with sharp teeth.

So Karl Mayers team stopped developing bicycles and started researching powered airplanes. 

To restore some of their lost reputation as mechanical engineers of Imperial University.

For this purpose, they joined Black Shadow, an expert on gliders. 

They wouldnt have bothered to invite an outsider personally if it had been normal times when they were immersed in their elite consciousness as engineers of Imperial University.

Anyway, since youre here, I guess it means youre joining our research, right?

Of course. Why else would I come all the way to the capital? But what about the residence permit issue

Haha. Dont worry about that. How can we not get a residence permit for joining the research of Imperial Universitys mechanical engineering department? Well take care of your residence permit issue, so dont worry and join the research.

Then Ill take your word for it.

Karls boast was proven soon after. No matter how hard it was to get a residence permit in the capital, the power of Imperial University was that strong.


Huh. I knew the prestige of Imperial University well, but they are really amazing.

Black Shadow was amazed countless times after joining Karl Mayers research team.

They did things that looked difficult with ease. 

They all seemed like geniuses.

Thats why he felt better. 

The fact that he was playing a pivotal role in such a tremendous scene.

This will make the airplane flip over. Youll see when you fly, but the wind is stronger than you think.

Hmm. Then how should we change it?

Cut this part and make it more streamlined

He used his extensive knowledge of gliders as a weapon and worked with the engineers to create powered airplanes.

Ha ha. We were right. If it werent for you, Black Shadow, we would still be struggling with many trials and errors. But thanks to you, things have become much easier.

Hey, youre too kind. Seeing the engineers here, I think you would have accumulated the technology soon enough even without me.

Karl and Black Shadow continued their research while complimenting each others faces. 

The atmosphere was so harmonious that the speed of their research was like speeding on a wide-open road.

This led them to conduct the first flight test soon after.

Are you sure youre okay with this? No one knows what kind of accident might happen when you ride the powered airplane we made.

Then, is there any engineer here who has personally flown a glider?


Of course not. They had studied like crazy for a long time to enter the Imperial Universitys Department of Mechanical Engineering, and after becoming engineers, they devoted themselves only to research.

On the other hand, Black Shadow had succeeded in countless glider flights. 

And he was still alive and well until now. 

This was in contrast to the many fatal accidents that had occurred during glider flights.

Dont underestimate the sky. Its very difficult, dangerous, and scary for humans to fly in the air. For safety and success of the flight, I have to pilot the powered airplane myself.

Youre right. Theres no one better suited than you, Black Shadow. I understand. I hope youll be blessed by the great spirits.

In the end, it was decided that Black Shadow would be the pilot of the powered airplane.

And not long after, they finished the final check of the powered airplane.


Black Shadow, who boarded the powered airplane made mainly of wood due to weight limitations, let out a long sigh. 

He was a veteran who had experienced countless flights with gliders, but it was his first time operating a powered airplane with an internal combustion engine and a propeller propulsion system.

The first attempt always had a much higher chance of failure. 

And failure in flight could result in serious injury or even death.

Dont be nervous. Just do what youve been doing.

He tried his best to maintain his composure.

And then Karl Mayer approached him.

If anything goes wrong, please land safely as soon as possible. Dont take unnecessary risks. Safety is the top priority. You know that, right?

Dont worry and get ready to celebrate with me when its all over. Ill definitely come back successful.

Ha ha. Yes. Lets finish this quickly and have a drink.

After their conversation ended, the internal combustion engine finally started working. 

Soon after, the power of the engine rotated the propeller.

Lets go!

As he shouted inwardly, the first powered airplane moved forward slowly. 

And after gaining enough thrust,


The wheels of the airplane broke contact with the ground and rose into the air little by little.


Fly! Fly! Hahaha!

The people who were watching from behind let out a scream. 

The development of this powered airplane had been quite an issue in the empire, so many scholars from various departments had gathered to watch the flight test. 

Thanks to them, their cheers echoed loudly around.

The cheers reached Black Shadows ears as well. But he couldnt pay attention to them.

He had to control the airplane while fighting against the wind that hit his body.


He realized it. 

This airplane was still very unstable.

The body of the airplane shook endlessly. 

It seemed like it would crash to the ground if he made a slight mistake.

A faint fear rose in Black Shadows heart. 

But he focused more on his long experience.

Just a little more, just a little more

This was the first powered flight in human history. 

And he was the protagonist of it.

And actually, the experiment with propeller propulsion was successful. 

That meant this flight would surely make history and be remembered for a long time.

So he wanted to fly for a long time.

But soon he reached his limit.

No more, no more. If I delay any longer, Ill crash. Its good enough for a first flight anyway, right? Dont be reckless and crash, or itll be recorded as a failure. I cant let that happen!

Was it about a minute since he started flying? 

He didnt know exactly, but it seemed like that. 

At that time, Black Shadow decided to land.

And as soon as he did, he lowered his altitude slowly toward the runway.

Focus, focus

They had designed the wheel part as sturdy as possible, but they had to minimize the impact of landing. 

Landing was where most accidents occurred.

The wheels of the airplane got closer and closer to the runway. 

And at some point, they started to touch the ground completely.

Clang! Screech!


The impact of landing hit Black Shadows body hard. 

He clenched his teeth and started to brake.

At the same time, the speed of the powered airplane slowed down gradually. 

And as time passed, the airplane finally stopped.

I, I survived.

Only then did the tension that had been tight all along break. 

Black Shadow buried his body in the backrest without realizing it.

Hahaha! We did it! We succeeded in flying at the Imperial Universitys Department of Mechanical Engineering!

Are you feeling okay?

Yes Luckily, I dont think Im injured.

Soon after, countless people who had been waiting nearby rushed in.

You really did a great job.

Black Shadow looked at Karl Mayer. 

His face was very bright. 

Seeing him, Black Shadow asked casually.

How long did I fly?

Dont be surprised. You flew for a whopping one minute and twenty-two seconds.

I see.

It was a long or short time depending on how you looked at it. 

But one thing was clear, it was very successful for a first flight.

How was it from your perspective, Black Shadow? What parts do we need to fix before the next flight test

Karls excited voice. 

But Black Shadow raised his hand toward him.

And then he said.

Did you forget our promise already?


We can think about that tomorrow. Today, lets drink to our hearts content.

He smiled slyly at Karl.

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