American: Native Empire

Chapter 188: Retribution (2).

Chapter 188: Retribution (2).

After the meeting with the crown prince.

The Blue Earth began to accelerate its preparations for war.

We have to crush them overwhelmingly. So that they never dare to think otherwise.

They say that if you keep showing kindness, they will take it for granted. 

The Blue Earth saw signs of that happening.

It was not just this recent incident. 

Of course, the empire had gained a lot, but it had given much more. 

There was a reason why the World Union members could achieve rapid growth.

But they always took this support for granted, even though it was not at all. They would criticize the empire that helped them whenever the scale of support was slightly reduced, due to the corruption and lies of the national leaders. 

The Blue Earth had witnessed this several times.

The Blue Earth knew Kim Ki-woos will to develop the whole world as well as the empire, so it let it go. 

But it thought that it was necessary to create some tension once in a while. 

To make them realize that the empire could also deal firmly when it needed to.

Therefore, this war was more important to show the difference in power than to win, like a person stepping on ants.

When the war is over, the world will be stained with shock and horror.

With this thought, it prepared for war, and this question came to mind.

Do we really need to deploy this much force? Considering the level of their army, it seems too excessive.

Right. Does the defense minister intend to wipe out all those small islanders?

Whats wrong with that? Thats what they deserve for harming the great emperor.

No way! Thats not right! What did the civilians do to deserve that?

Unfortunately, the military was already dominated by hardliners. 

They fervently supported the Blue Earths response and dreamed of a huge blood revenge.

This is not right The military is going crazy.

If a mass slaughter occurs, there will be a huge criticism against the empire afterwards. It will ruin all the positive image we have built so far. As long as history continues, it will be remembered as the atrocity of the Wakan Tanka Empire.

There were many people who worried about the aftermath of the war. 

But from the citizens to the military, everyone was blinded by revenge after seeing Kim Ki-woo shot and fallen.

Thats how much touching Kim Ki-woo was like touching a taboo.


At the hastily convened World Union meeting, war approval was granted.

The empire has declared war on us!


On the other hand, Britains atmosphere was as gloomy as it could be. 

They tried every possible way to avoid war, but it was not enough.

Is there really no way?

The empires ambassador has already withdrawn and unilaterally cut off all communication channels. War avoidance is virtually impossible.

I see

That sounded like a death sentence to Elizabeth I. 

George Taylor, that madman, did not shoot the emperor of the empire for Britains sake. 

But why did all the British people have to bear the damage?

She hated herself in the past who appointed George Taylor as an ambassador.

But it was too late to turn back. 

Regret did not change the future.

No matter how powerful the enemy is, we cant give up. For the lives of our people living on this land, we will fight.

What do you mean

Prepare to face the empire in battle.

Elizabeth finally decided on war.

Britain was an island nation. 

But all contacts with neighboring countries had been cut off, so it was isolated on the island.

There was no way out. 

There were only two choices: die quietly or die fighting.

Then they had to try something. 

Maybe they could defend themselves by luck. 

Of course, there were few people who really believed that such a miracle would happen.

So Britain also began to prepare for the upcoming war.


We will also fight with the empire. The emperor of the empire is a prophet of humanity. We cannot tolerate such a great being being harmed.

Thats right. Please allow us to join the war.

Before and after the declaration of war, many countries expressed their desire to join the war. 

They used Kim Ki-woo as an excuse and some actually had such feelings, but their intentions were slightly different.

It was obvious that the empire would win anyway, so they wanted to score some points with the Wakan Tanka Empire and get more benefits or support.

But the empire rejected all these proposals.

We are willing to allow observation and filming of the war. But participation is not possible.

They refused so firmly that they had no choice but to back off. 

The member countries were satisfied with just getting permission to observe.

There were so many observers from various countries that their scale was also very large. 

And among them were observers from Joseon.

Are these weapons all deployed in this war?

Thats what I heard. I wonder how amazing these weapons are Im curious already.

Kang Gyo-woon, an observer from Joseon, nodded his head without realizing it as he listened to his colleagues conversations. 

There were so many weapons he had never seen or heard of.

But one thing was clear, they looked incredibly powerful.

There was hardly any fear of war in the military. They dont even think they will lose.

As he was thinking that.

Please board the ship, all observers. We will be sailing soon.

It was time to sail.

Come on, lets get on.

Kang Gyo-woon boarded the designated ship with his colleagues.

And soon after, a massive fleet sailed toward the sea.

Kang Gyo-woon leaned his hand on the railing and talked to his colleagues while looking at the fleet.

I heard it, but the empire has a lot of giant warships. Im envious.

We are also trying to build giant warships, but I dont know when they will be completed

Its just enviable.

Kang Gyo-woon opened his mouth to his colleagues who were listening quietly.

But I heard that the empire is not trying to make any more giant warships. They are powerful, but not cost-effective.

Thats true.

Im more curious about the ability of that ship.

Which ship? The aircraft carrier?

Yes. They say it carries a lot of carrier-based aircraft. It can launch fighters on the sea, I wonder how powerful it is

Everyone agreed.

I heard rumors that its power is tremendous.

Well, thats why they stopped producing giant warships and poured money into aircraft carriers.

I heard that not only the construction cost, but also the maintenance cost is beyond imagination.

They wouldnt waste money in the empire, so Im looking forward to it even more.

In fact, not only Joseon, but all observers showed the most interest in the power of the aircraft carrier.

Hmm. Aircraft carrier It must be powerful, but I think there is something else that will decide this war.

Do you mean tanks?

Haha. It wasnt just my thought. Yes. Tanks will be the weapon that will break through Britains defense line.

True, how can we stop those stupidly sturdy tanks They seem to be unaffected by any explosion.

They had only seen the tanks moving when they were loaded on the ship, but the observers were sure.

It would not be easy to stop those tanks.

Tanks The empire created a tactic called defense line, and now they have come up with a perfect way to break it. With the combination of planes and tanks, defense line battles will likely disappear into history.

Kang Gyo-woon once again marveled at the meticulousness of the empire. 

They were already the strongest country, but they always tried to maintain their position by developing weapons without any negligence. 

They showed no signs of complacency.

They continued to talk about the empires weapons.

From the latest semi-automatic rifles to powerful bombs.

In the process, Kang Gyo-woon realized naturally.

This war was a war that the empire could not lose.


The distance between the empire and Britain was relatively close.

So it didnt take long for the imperial fleet to reach near Britain.

They had already devised a strategy before the declaration of war, so the imperial fleet moved as promised.

There is no need to attack only one place.

If their power was equal, they might have decided to fight together. 

But that was not the case, so the Blue Earth decided to launch landing operations from all sides.

It thought that this was the only way to end the war quickly and overwhelmingly.

Eventually, the imperial fleet scattered. 

And the first place where war broke out was none other than St Georges Channel.

The British army also detected this appearance of the imperial fleet. 

And they saw it as their last chance.

We cant beat that monstrous fleet that sticks together even if we die and come back to life. The only chance is now when they are torn apart in small groups.

So they came up with an extreme tactic in Britain.

They gathered their own fleet in one place and tried to defeat each small imperial fleet one by one. 

It was a strategy that risked other fleets reaching Britains mainland.

The British fleet ambushed in St Georges Channel and attacked the imperial fleet.


But the imperial fleet that was attacked did not shake much. 

They had expected this to happen to some extent, and intelligence was constantly being delivered through shadows.

Do they think they can hurt us with just that much, even though we are torn apart?

Its a foolish struggle.

Then we have to show them that they are wrong. Launch carrier-based aircraft.

Yes, captain.

After the order of the aircraft carrier captain fell.

Shoo! Shoo!

The carrier-based aircraft began to take off from the aircraft carrier.



That sight was too unfamiliar for the British fleet.

Until now, naval battles were decided by cannon duels. 

But suddenly fighters flew out of ships.

They were not prepared for such a battle at all. 

And as always, war was unfavorable for those who were less prepared.

Soon after, carrier-based aircraft began bombing British ships.

Bang! Bang!

Crazy How do we deal with that!

Ahh! Help me!

The British fleet had almost no means to attack carrier-based aircraft. 

As a result, they unilaterally accepted bomb baptism.

The result was miserable. 

They struggled as much as they could, but the British fleet melted away like ice cream under the sun by the numerous carrier-based aircraft.

And so, within an hour of the start of the war.

There was not a single British ship left in the sea. 

The British fleet that had gathered together was all buried in the sea.

The observers who watched this scene could not say anything.

I knew it would be overwhelming, but I didnt expect it to be this much

The power of the aircraft carrier that he actually saw exceeded Kang Gyo-woons expectations.

And he realized.

Naval battles in the future will be decided by the presence or absence of aircraft carriers. That means The current imperial fleet is invincible.

Thats how Britains naval power was neatly wiped out at the same time as the war began.

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