American: Native Empire

Chapter 195: Electronic Industry

Chapter 195: Electronic Industry

Kim Kiwoo was enjoying his rest, but he showed an extraordinary interest in the development of the transistor.

Is this the transistor that you applied for a patent this time?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Naturally, Golden Lake applied for a patent application right away. 

There were many cases where patents were snatched away by a few days, or even a few hours, difference.

Kim Kiwoo nodded his head as he examined the transistor in detail.

History may change, but peoples thoughts are still the same.

Science and technology developed similarly, albeit with some time differences. 

And eventually, the transistor, which was called the core technology of the 20th century in the original history, was developed.

Is this the gate? It has a proper source and drain.

While he was thinking this, the head of science continued his speech.

Your Majesty. May I explain to you about this invention called a transistor?

Kim Kiwoo was well-versed in the structure of the transistor and the semiconductor. 

He also knew well about the roles of the three electrodes above. 

However, to verify it precisely, he granted his request.

Go ahead.

Yes, Your Majesty.

The head of sciences explanation continued. 

And Kim Kiwoo realized for sure.

The signal amplification method of the transistor, and the role of the gate electrode that controls the voltage and acts as a switch for the current. 

It was exactly the same as the transistor he knew.

Kim Kiwoo admitted it sincerely.

Its a really remarkable technology. This thing will surely change the world.

Do you think so highly of it, Your Majesty?

Yes. Of course. Golden Lake has done a great thing again. Tell him that I appreciate his hard work.

He will surely be honored by your words.

Kim Kiwoo liked Golden Lake very much.

In fact, there was a limit to what one person could know. 

No matter how much knowledge Kim Kiwoo had acquired before boarding the time machine, and how many important pieces of information he had written on paper, he could not possibly know the design of complex structures such as cars, tanks, or airplanes.

This was also true for rockets that went into missiles.

I cant always carry nuclear weapons on bombers and drop them directly.

Thats why missiles were needed. In that respect, thanks to the rocket technology and computer developed by Golden Lake, long-range missiles were realized.

From internal combustion engines to transistors.

Golden Lake was like a filial son who scratched his itchy spot.


Like radio, television stations were also created in abundance.

And today.

Radio and television announced one thing in focus.

-Wakan Tanka population reaches 1 billion!

Finally, the number of people living in the empire exceeded 1 billion.

This was achieved by abundant food, governments continuous population increase policy, and continuous influx of naturalized people who were called Wakan Tanka Dream.

Its amazing that there are 1 billion people living on this land. Its really amazing.

Whats so surprising? Your country is also growing enough.

Well, thats true.

Kim Hyunwoo scratched his back of his head at Charles snide remark. 

Because his words were partly true.

Kim Hyunwoos country, Joseon, had established itself as a definite economic power by now. 

A huge chunk of land including Siberia with abundant resources, and rapid development centered on Manchuria.

The growth rate was not inferior to Wakan Tanka Empire at all. 

Moreover, unlike other kings, Joseons king was recognized as having bloodline of spirits.

Thanks to that, the empires peoples favorability towards Joseon was quite high.

Look at our country. Sigh Its because all politicians are like that. We need someone like your king to take power.

Were no different. I really agree with you.

Some of his classmates started to complain. 

Kim Hyunwoo smiled bitterly as he watched them.

The ability of the ruler is important in any country. 

Especially in times like these. Our country is truly blessed. We have a wise king and ministers in power.

That thought became stronger as he looked at how the world was turning.

In some countries, corrupt politicians were spreading tyranny, and the nation was going downhill.

Of course, there were also countries that had fallen into backwardness because their national character was not conducive to national development.

He spent the whole day listening to classes with his classmates, and talking about various things. Before he knew it, night had come.

Have a good night, and see you tomorrow.

Okay. You too.

Kim Hyun-woo sent his classmates away and entered the dormitory for foreigners. 

That was where he lived.

Actually, Kim Hyun-woo was very wealthy and could afford to live on his own while studying abroad. 

There were quite a few businessmen who had succeeded in participating in the development of Manchuria, and Kim Hyun-woos father was one of them.

But Kim Hyun-woo did not live extravagantly.

I cant use the money they support me with like that.

The tuition fee of the empire was expensive. 

The empire charged very low tuition fees for its citizens, but not for foreigners.

Of course, they did offer scholarships to very special geniuses, but that was very rare. 

Kim Hyun-woo was not one of them either.

He was not without complaints about this, but every time he did, the empires position was this:

-Become a naturalized citizen of the empire if you are dissatisfied.

They didnt say it so aggressively, but thats what it meant when they explained it.

Kim Hyun-woo spent most of his money on buying the latest products. 

As a result, he had almost all the latest products in his dormitory.

From air conditioners to refrigerators, washing machines, radios, and televisions.

This was because he had a strong early adopter tendency. 

He had a strong desire to buy and use new products faster than others.

He always looked through the list of new products while watching newspapers, radios, and televisions.

The conference hosted by Golden Lake himself attracted him greatly. 

Thats why he turned on the television as soon as he arrived at the dormitory.

And when the scheduled time came, Golden Lakes conference began live.

What will they announce?

He was Korean, but most of the people he admired were almost imperialists. 

The best of them was Kim Ki-woo.

And then it was Golden Lake. 

He looked up all the news about Golden Lake. 

He even skipped school to watch the rocket launch experiment to space on television last time.

Soon after, Golden Lakes voice came out of the speaker.

-Today we are going to announce this thing, the transistor.


It was an unfamiliar name.

This was natural. 

This conference was the first time to reveal the transistor.

Kim Hyun-woo became more absorbed in the conference.

The conference explained the characteristics of the transistor quite in detail. 

It was quite difficult, but Kim Hyun-woo had a lot of interest in this field and could understand some of it.

It sounds amazing just by listening.

His surprise reached its peak when he saw the transistor radio that followed shortly after.


Kim Hyun-woo got up from his seat without knowing it.

They can make such a small radio? No way

He glanced at the radio in his house.

Its big.

It was a radio made with vacuum tubes, so it was naturally big. 

On the other hand, the portable transistor radio that Golden Lake held on television was clearly small.

Of course, since it wasnt a good era for television sound quality yet, he couldnt hear the sound quality of that radio accurately, but it was amazing enough to make it so small.

I want it

He wanted to run out of the dormitory right away and go to where the conference was held.

Can I go?

But he shook his head soon after. 

It was too late and it was obvious that they wouldnt meet him even if he went there.

But after seeing such an amazing thing, he couldnt just sit still.

The next day.

Kim Hyun-woo skipped school without permission and headed straight to the airport.

His status as a student made it quite difficult for him to go through some procedures, but he managed to board a plane to the capital that day.

His destination was the headquarters of Daechi Sangdan in the capital.

But his purpose was frustrated from the beginning.

Unfortunately, there is no decision yet on the release of the transistor radio.

What do you mean

It means you cant get it.

But there was a portable radio at yesterdays conference.

Thats just a prototype, not for sale.

Is there no way? I beg you.

Please go back.

The person from Sangdan drew a firm line, but the more he did, the more Kim Hyun-woo felt a strange determination in his chest.

He stayed outside the headquarters for several days without going back to the dormitory.

Please stop and go back.

The guard of the headquarters complained, but Kim Hyun-woo stubbornly held his ground.

Whats so special about a portable radio Tsk! If you keep doing this, well report you to the security agency. We told you clearly.

Kim Hyun-woo himself didnt know why he wanted a portable radio so much, but he wanted it madly.

His efforts paid off.

Why is he doing that since a few days ago?

Well He says he wants to buy the portable radio that came out at the conference.

Portable radio? Thats just a prototype, isnt it?

We explained that, but he wont budge.


He was none other than the chief technical officer of Daechi Sangdan, Thick Box.

Thick Box was very interested in seeing such a passionate student about the transistor radio.

Bring him to my room.

Are you serious?

I want to meet him and see what kind of person he is.

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