An Owl's Rise

Chapter 112 112 Access To Knowledge

As a flood of information was transmitted directly into her mind, Evelyn felt a pain that was nearly unbearable.

But eventually it began to settle down and she took a deep relived breath when the sharp pain only became a lingering dull one.

And as she began being able to think again, she started going over the information that had been sent directly into her mind.

'To think that there was so much information stored in this thing. I have to wonder what its original purpose was.' Evelyn thought as she sorted through all the information she had received.

When the Aethersphere had sensed the gale pearl that was an item necessary for Evelyn's evolution, it activated one of its functions that allowed it to pick out known items that would lead to its host's best evolution.

However, as it was still damaged it could not perform this process properly and began draining the area of magical energy to compensate.

Then instead of just giving Evelyn the knowledge of what would be necessary for her personally it implanted the knowledge of tens of thousands of items of the rank she needed into her mind as the divine item malfunctioned.

Now her mind was filled with so much information that it was difficult to sort through it all.

'At least afterwards it highlighted the items I need right now.' Evelyn thought as she pulled up the pertinent information.

Going over it, she found that for her strongest evolution as the Aethersphere had determined she would need not only a gale pearl, but something called a hellfire rose, and a high-quality float stone around a foot in diameter.

Each of these times were attuned to one of the affinities she had and form the knowledge the Aethersphere had forced into her were all necessary for her to move up tot eh next rank.

Though along with this she also had what she considered a bunch of useless information about random things, with just a bit of it being useful.

Now she had the knowledge of numerous magical plants, beast parts, and other miscellaneous items that would be useful in alchemy.

Still, it only told her what sort of brew these items were used in and not exactly how to make them so all in all the information was pretty worthless since Melisandre could just teach her anyway.

'But I still have to wonder what this thing actually is supposed to be. It not only has given me the power to manipulate gravity but also has knowledge stored within it.'

Unfortunately, no amount of pondering got her any closer to the answer and the Aethersphere itself was not going to present any clues. Especially in its damaged state.

Once she had finished sorting out her thoughts Evelyn looked around the room and sighed deeply.

Her storage amulets had busted open because of their close proximity to the Aethersphere that was in her chest and their contents were no flooded over the floor.

Along with that all of her magical crystals had been broken down and absorbed by the divine item and used as fuel for it to rapidly repair itself.

'Now I will need to get some other storage magic tools and magic crystals.'

Going around her room Evelyn picked everything up and began placing it on the shelving in her room.

Luckily there was an abundance of space ass eh was able to make full use of the verticality of the room thanks to her ability to fly.

It took her hours to get everything organized and now she just had two last items she was deciding what to do with.

'Should I even hold onto these anymore?' Evelyn thought as she stared at Mason's diary and the langue guide he left her.

Both of them were definitive proof she was from another world and the diary detailed how Mason had stolen the heavenly flame from his family.

In all honesty these two books were incredibly dangerous to Evelyn as they revealed some of her greatest secrets.

Yet she did not want to destroy them if she could help it as they were the last mementoes of her brother.

In the end she could not bring herself to get rid of them and hid them among the other things on the shelf until she could acquire more storage items to place them in.

After that she was faced with the unfortunate situation of trying to somehow explain all of this to Melisandre.

Certainly, she could just stay quite but just because she knew what items she needed to further her advancement it did not help since she had no idea how to obtain them.

Maybe she could get lucky and simply find them at the market hall but if that did not work, she would be out of luck on her own.

'She has respected my privacy up to this point. Hopefully she will just accept what I say without asking any questions.'

Working up her nerves Evelyn sought out Melisandre and found her in the middle of creating some sort of concoction in her lab.

Luckily it was in a stable period where she did not need her full attention and she happily invited Evelyn inside.

"So, what brings you here today, Evelyn?" Melisandre asked while stirring a large cauldron.

"Well, some things happened, and my storage amulets broke. On the other hand, I found out that the gale pearl is indeed necessary for me to evolve tot eh awakened rank."

Nodding her head, Melisandre absentmindedly said, "That is nice", before she actually processed what Evelyn had said.

"Wait, what? Your storage amulets broke? How did that happen." Melisandre said with a baffled expression.

She had even been so caught off guard that she stopped stirring for a moment before frantically moving to start going again.

"I do not know what to tell you, they just broke. I guess they were pretty old and just gave out." Evelyn said offering up the best fake explanation she could come up with.

Of course, Melisandre could tell she was lying immediately but just shook her head and took it in stride.

"Very well, storage magical tools can be replaced. It will likely cost you several hundred thousand credits to get comparable tools, but I am sure you can do it."

Hearing this Evelyn winced as she never realized how valuable the amulets Mason had left her were and how much it was going to cost her to replace them.

"On the other hand, it is great news to hear that the gale pearl is compatible with you. But I suppose that you will likely need something else as a catalyst. In that case we will just have to try out a number of other items until we get another hit just like what I am currently doing."

"Actually, I already know the other items I need to reach the awakened rank. Something called a hellfire rose, and a float stone of a high quality and around a foot in diameter." Evelyn said confidently.

Stopping abruptly Melisandre now completely disregarded her brewing and approached Evelyn with sharp eyes.

"How did you figure that out? Just finding one item you need should not have triggered some sort of epiphany."

It was clear that Melisandre really wanted answers to this question, but Evelyn just turned her head and did not meet her gaze.

"Evelyn, I need you to tell me where you got this information. Neither of those items are easily obtainable for certain reasons, and I have to be sure that your source is credible before we start making plans to obtain them." Melisandre said with a deathly serious expression.

Seeing this Evelyn could tell Melisandre was not going to take a vague answer this time and decided to tell her some of the truth.

"I found out from the item that the humans embedded into me. When I touched the gale pearl it gave me the knowledge of the other items I need to evolve to the awakened rank. I do not know exactly how it works but it seems to be able to help me get stronger." Evelyn admitted.

Frowning, Melisandre was now wondering just what had been put inside Evelyn that it could allow her such important information.

"Evelyn, I believe we should remove that item from you. There is no telling what those humans did to it, and it could possibly kill you in the future. I have never even heard of a float stone being a necessary item to evolve for any beast. It is possible that thing is sending you false information. It is too dangerous to keep inside you." Melisandre said with worry written all over her face.

"I am sorry Melisandre, but I do not believe it can be removed now. It is connected to my heart and beast core. Anyway, it has always given me strength and helped me out despite that pain it sometimes puts me through. I think that it is meant to help me grow stronger."

Listening to Evelyn's explanation Melisandre became even more warry, but she could tell that Evelyn was telling the truth out the item killing her if removed.

"Very well I will accept your explanation for today. But I hope one day you trust me enough to tell me everything."

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