An Owl's Rise

Chapter 173 173 Meeting The Leader Of The Roost (2)

Evelyn stared in a daze as the giant owl before her suddenly transformed into the form of an average height human woman.

Of course, like all the other humanoid owls she had seen, Minerva, the leader of the Roost, did not look fully human. Having feathered wings sprouting out of her back, more pointed ears, and the classic yellow eyes of an owl.

Along with these characteristics she now had long flowing golden hair the ended in dark red tips, and what Evelyn would describe as a killer body that remined her of photos she had seen of models back on earth.

Still, the most surprising thing was watching her form change from that of an owl to become more humanoid. This was the first time Evelyn had seen this and she now wondered if all the humanoid owls could similarly switch from one form to another.

But as much as she wanted to ask this question, under the immense pressure she was feeling being in the process of the most powerful owl in the roost, she held her tongue.

"Melisandre I truly am happy that you disciple was able to survive her evolution, despite the damage to her beast core. I would have hated to lose the most promising owl we have likely ever had amongst us. Giving you six of my tears was certainly worth it." Minerva said with a smile on her face.

In response Melisandre lowers her head and thanks the leader of the Roost for her assistance, and then pushed Evelyn forward.

For her part, Evelyn was momentarily confused. Wondering what these six tears were, until she remembered the six glowing drops that Melisandre had sued to keep her alive.

There is no doubt in her mind that without them she would have died before reaching the end of her evolution. But she had never expected that they were actually the tears of the Roost's leader.

Though before she could finish processing what was going on, the Roost's leader said, "Now would you mind showing me the heavenly flame that you have assimilated with? Melisandre has already told me about it in order to get my help."

With a blank expression Evelyn looked up at the leader of the Roost while trying to process all the information she had just received.

However, while Evelyn was slow to respond due to her mind being in somewhat of a flurry, Minerva took it as a sign of hesitance.

"I understand you are guarded, but there is no need. If I wanted to take the flame from you, I would done so already, and certainly would not have offered my help. Here, allow me to show you something of equal value as a sign of good faith."

Minerva then held out her hand and Evelyn watched in astonishment as a golen flaem bust out in the shape of a sphere.

It was incredibly beautiful, and Evelyn stared at it almost like in a trance. But something she had not been expecting soon snapped her out of it.

After so long the Aethersphere once again reacted to something and began pulling Evelyn forward. Pointing at the flame that was coming out of the Minerva's hand.

And to follow suit, the crimson flame within her began to stoke all on its own, and she felt as if some sort of resonance was happing.

In that moment Evelyn realized something.

'She also has a heavenly flame!'

Watching the golden flame flickering before her, Evelyn was certain that this was also one of the heavenly flames.

Her brother had written that there were supposed to be sixteen in total around the entire world, and now the Roost had two of them in its possession.

Seeing this, Evelyn's mind began to calm down and she held out her left wing and summoned her own heavenly flame.

The crimson fire formed into a sphere as well, and the two heavenly flames danced as if rejoicing in their reunion.

"Yes, there is no doubt that is one of the heavenly flames. And the crimson one at that. Last I heard it should have been in the possession of Revon family in the Ultak Empire. But somehow you have come into possession of it. Might you tell me how?"

Curiosity was clearly written all over Minerva's face. She truly wanted to know how Evelyn came into possession of her heavenly flame.

Except to tell her the truth would reveal that Evelyn was from another world and that her brother left it to her.

It was clear from this question Melisandre had not told her everything, and Evelyn certainly did not want to either

Nevertheless, she did not think that the leader of the Roost was going to take no for an answer.

That was when she had a sudden idea.

Maybe she could not tell the whole truth, but she could tell a half truth.

'She will likely see through me, but hopefully the bit of truth I tell her will be enough.'

With her plan settled Evelyn began retelling the fake reasoning that Mason had left in the first hidden room in case anyone else found the place.

"I see. So, one of their family members stole the flame and left it behind when he felt his life on the ropes. And he asked whoever came across it to get revenge. Certainly not unheard for those believing they are about to die to do, but I find it strange he did not leave any magic to bind you to follow through." Minerva said with an arched eyebrow.

Gulping, Evelyn was certain that she had been seen through, but luckily Minerva accepted what truth she had divulged and decided not to press the issue.

"This certainly is something. I have not heard anything about it so they must be keeping it quite well under wraps to have not let loose any information in so many centuries. I wonder how I might be able to use this information?"

In practically an instance Minerva seems to forget that anyone else is with her and begins toiling away at how to take advantage of the intel Evelyn had just given to her.

"Um, is that all you want to talk about?" Evelyn eventually says.

Minerva then whips her head back towards Evelyn with an embarrassed expression on her face. Realizing she had gotten lost in thought.

Swiftly though she replaces her expression with one that masks all emotions and coughs twice for good measure.

"Um, no, there were a few more things that I wished to talk to you about. Melisandre also mentioned you had a divine artifact embedded in you that gives you an amazing magic. Would you mind showing me that as well?"

Nodding her head, Evelyn knows this is less of a request and more of an order seeing as how it comes from the leader of the entire Roost.

Suddenly the room is under less pressure than it had been before, and both Minerva and Melisandre look surprised when they feel their bodies get much lighter.

This was the first time for either of them to feel this way. As in Melisandre's case, she had only ever been hit with Evelyn's increased gravity.

"My what a wonderful power. I have never experienced anything quite like it. Is there anything else it can do?" Minerva said with a bright smile on her face. Clearly showing her fascination.

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