Ancestor Above

Chapter 403

403 Three-headed evil spirit

The eastern sun City was finished.

The people of Wei, in particular, had a deeper understanding of this.

After the disaster ten years ago, the entire Wei country had a new understanding of the demonic uprising. If Zheng Yu and Xia Cang had joined forces and returned when the demonic uprising had just started, they would have directly suppressed this matter in dizhou. Then, the great Wei would not have had so many people die.

This time, the Qi Kingdom had received news that a demonic rebellion had broken out. Although it had not happened in the Wei Kingdom, great Wei’s reaction had been very fast.

Xia Cang came directly.

Of course, the people of Qi Kingdom strongly opposed this.

This was easy to understand. In their eyes, this was an excuse that the Wei Kingdom had used the devil uprising as an excuse. After all, according to the contract between them and great Yan, Xia Cang and Zheng Yu were not allowed to directly participate in the affairs of Qi state, for fear that Wei State would directly occupy great Qi state.

However, the demonic uprising was a huge event, and it gave them an excuse to participate.

Xia Cang’s excuse of coming to resolve the demonic uprising was, of course, somewhat true. However, some of them wanted to take the opportunity to do something to Qi state. It was hard to say.

Moreover, this timing was too sensitive. In the Yan Kingdom in the North, there was news of internal strife. Lu Qing was probably preparing for his Dharma power breakthrough. After Weiyun was defeated by Lu Qing, it was unknown if he was Dead or Alive. At the very least, he was imprisoned.

This was a great opportunity!

He didn’t dare to go north to find trouble with the Yan Kingdom. They were not confident that they would be able to take down the Yan city before Lu Qing achieved a breakthrough. Furthermore, they were afraid that Lu Qing might pull another trick. Once Lu Qing had successfully broken through, they would be courting death if they advanced North.

Now, it was a good opportunity to make a move on Qi state.

From a diplomatic standpoint, the great Qi Kingdom was naturally strongly opposed to this. They said that they could resolve this demonic uprising, and they could extinguish the seeds of this demonic uprising.

In fact, they did exactly that to dispel the Wei Kingdom’s excuse.

However, they did not succeed.

The demonic uprising that had erupted in Dongyang County of the East continent had indeed been contained by the quick response of the Qi Kingdom. It had not spread to the outside world. However, the cultivators of the Qi state could not enter Dongyang County at all.

This place was enveloped by a very evil power, as if it was the effect of a formation, but there were no traces of a formation.

The cultivators of Qi state didn’t dare to enter rashly. Although there were more than five Qi Yuanying stage cultivators who had arrived at the edge of Dongyang County city, they had also evaluated that by concentrating their forces at one point, they could open a short passage and enter it.

However, there was one more thing to consider. This Dongyang City of the East continent was the cui family’s residence. Although cui Qing had died, the cui family was still not weak. Including cui zaiwen, the Overlord of Da Qi who had just returned to his hometown not long ago, the cui family had at least three cultivators above Yuanying in Dongyang City.

The three of them, including the family members of the cui family, were all gone.

There were only two possibilities-what happened in Dongyang City could not be solved by three nascent soul realm cultivators, including cui zaiwen, who was at the peak of the nascent soul realm. Otherwise, this matter was simply caused by cui zaiwen and the others.

In this way, the five nascent soul realm cultivators of Qi state who were surrounding Dongyang City did not dare to enter rashly. As long as one of these two situations really happened, then this matter was not something they could solve.

At this point, they also realized that what had happened in Dongyang City was beyond the scope of the Qi Kingdom’s ability to deal with.

It just so happened that the state of Qi couldn’t stop Xia Cang anymore, so Lao Ai could only pinch his nose and accept this matter.

What else could he do?

Xia Cang didn’t bring a large group of people with him. After all, no matter what, this wasn’t an invasion. He led an elite troop of about 100 people and entered the Qi state.

Here, he and his subordinates were of course not welcomed. There was hostility and malice directed at them everywhere.

However, he didn’t care. The current Qi state had no way to make him stay.

When they arrived outside Dongyang City, Xia Cang immediately felt that something was wrong.

Ten years ago, he had fought against a sinister devil, and it was a great sinister devil at the Dharma plane.

However, the power here was dense. It was somewhat similar to the abyss, but it was not completely the same.

What the cultivators of Qi state could analyze, Xia Cang could also analyze.

Furthermore, Xia Cang felt that Dongyang City was extremely dangerous even for Dharma adepts.

Cui zaiwen had tried to break through to the materialization realm but failed. He had left Jidu in anger and returned to Dongyang City. He had also found out through his own intelligence system.

Could it be that something had happened to this fellow when he had forcefully broken through to the materialization realm?

If there was a problem during the breakthrough, he should have died.

Thinking back to what had happened to Chen Man, he still didn’t know why Chen Man had become a demon. But perhaps, cui zaiwen was in a similar situation? When he was forcefully breaking through to the materialization realm, he fell into bedevilment, resulting in this big problem?

However, that was not right. If Lao Ai really had another Dharma plane cultivator, then the Qi Kingdom should not have the ability to control the demonic uprising in Dongyang City. When cui zaiwen, who had been possessed by the devil, rushed out, he could kill all the cultivators of Qi state outside and use them as blood sacrifices. The entire Devil’s chaos would immediately spread out quickly.

There was too little information.

Xia Cang stayed outside Dongyang City for two or three days. After making preparations, he chose a day and entered the city without telling the Qi people.

He was always conceited.

Even if there were two or three Dharma plane demons in Dongyang City, he was confident that he could escape unscathed even if he couldn’t deal with them.

As for not telling the Qi people, the main reason was that he didn’t trust the Qi people.

However, even if he didn’t say anything, two hours after he quietly broke through a hole and entered Eastern Sun City, everyone outside the city knew he had entered.

The indomitable body of the Dharma aspect that he had displayed in the center of the city could not be hidden.

In front of him was a giant ghost with three heads!

That fellow had a terrifying appearance. The one on the left had the appearance of a wild man with disheveled hair and a face full of muscles and beards. He would occasionally open his big mouth to reveal terrifying fangs, and saliva would drip down from the corners of his mouth. The head on the right was a bird’s head, while the one in the middle was the most terrifying. It was a ghost’s head with a green face and two horns.

Xia Cang really felt that he had jinxed it.

Before he came in, he was still thinking that even if there were three people or monsters at the materialization realm, it would be fine. He could escape unscathed if he couldn’t defeat them.

In fact, he did not believe that there would be three of them. Back then, Chen Man had only managed to summon two Dharma-level demons despite the huge commotion he had caused.

In the end, when he entered Dongyang City, he realized that everyone in the city seemed to be alive, but they were like walking corpses. Regardless of whether they were mortals or cultivators, they all obediently sat in their homes, but they did not move.

It might be fine for cultivators, but for mortals, they would probably starve to death after such a long time.


Indeed, the mortals in Eastern Sun City were all skin and bones from hunger. By normal standards, they would have starved to death long ago. However, they seemed to be alive. They just sat there in a daze, occasionally turning their protruding eyes and sticking out their tongues.

Xia Cang had never seen such a strange atmosphere in his hundreds of years of life.

This wasn’t deviatory psychosis, as devilized people shouldn’t look like this.

This was more like a mayfly being possessed.

Xia Cang explored the city for a while. Soon, he saw the only person walking on the street.

Cui zaiwen.

Xia Cang knew cui zaiwen. The two of them had even had a face-to-face exchange in the early years.

In his impression, cui zaiwen was a determined and resilient person. His evaluation of cui zaiwen was quite high. Back then, his comment that ‘the cui family has a worthy successor’ had even spread.

However, the cui zaiwen he saw in Dongyang City was completely different from what he remembered.

At present, cui zaiwen’s spirit and body were withered, just like those people in the city who were suspected to be possessed. The only difference was that there were white flames in his eyes, and he was walking toward Xia Cang with staggering steps.

He should have been discovered.


When the two of them appeared in each other’s line of sight, they stopped.

Xia Cang was still thinking if he could communicate with cui zaiwen, who seemed to be possessed. Regardless of whether this was cui zaiwen himself or the existence controlling his body, it was always best to be able to speak to him.

However, before he could think of what to say, cui zaiwen had already roared and suddenly moved. He ran wildly towards him, baring his fangs and brandishing his claws like a zombie of the lowest level.

With just a thought, Xia Cang released a force and sent cui zaiwen flying.

Cui zaiwen’s body, unable to withstand Xia Cang’s power, broke into pieces in mid-air and fell to the ground.

Even so, Xia Cang did not relax. Instead, he became even more vigilant. It was too abnormal!

There was only one person who could move in the entire city, and this was the result?

That was obviously impossible.

Moreover, he was a Dharma laksana, so the true essence he could release with his will was a fatal force for most people. However, no matter what, cui zaiwen was also a peak Yuanying stage cultivator. Even if it was just a corpse here, its strength should still be there. It was impossible for it to be torn into pieces so easily.

This was too ridiculous.

With such an abnormal thing happening before his eyes, Xia Cang would definitely not dare to be careless.

And the development of the matter was indeed as he had thought. Very quickly, there were changes.

The pieces of cui zaiwen’s body that were scattered on the ground were quickly pieced together under the control of some evil power. Moreover, three evil hollow souls of different shapes appeared behind him.

Xia Cang immediately felt that something was amiss. The ‘great Wei Warblade’ appeared in his hand. He rushed forward and suddenly slashed, wanting to strike first to gain the upper hand.

However, the resistance he faced this time was unprecedentedly intense.

A gust of wind swept over, bringing with it an extremely sharp feeling, causing Xia Cang to feel pain.

This was definitely an attack at the materialization realm. Otherwise, how could it have hurt him?

The many magic tools he had on him, especially the armor he was wearing, came into effect immediately, blocking the damage.

But at this moment, a flash of light suddenly appeared in the wind. A bolt of lightning, mixed with the strong wind, struck Xia Cang.

The intense power was concentrated on his body and exploded, completely stopping his attack.

Xia Cang, who had been blasted away by the explosive power of the lightning and the violent wind, had yet to adjust his condition in midair when he suddenly felt his head being smashed by a sledgehammer.

It wasn’t really a hammer that had hit him, but an attack that specifically targeted the spirit.

The continuous attacks reminded Xia Cang of someone-Lu Qing.

After that, many spells were cast by cui zaiwen, or rather, the three evil souls behind cui zaiwen, forcing Xia Cang, who was a Dharma power, to face many dangerous situations.

In a short battle, the entire Urban area was blown to pieces.

In this predicament, Xia Cang was unable to resist at all under normal circumstances.

He could only unleash his own dharma body. Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to even escape from such a continuous attack.

As he unleashed his Dharma,’cui zaiwen’ also made his move.

He also unleashed his Dharma.

This Dharma idol was just like what was described earlier. It had a rotten body with three different heads.

The general’s Dharma power and the three Dharma powers fought fiercely, and Xia Cang was completely suppressed.

He felt as if he was facing three Dharma-level opponents. His opponent’s three heads were continuously casting three different elemental spell techniques, and he was exhausted from fighting back.

Retreat in one piece?


Xia Cang could only hold the Wei Kingdom’s war blade and retreat as he fought.

In his heart, he quickly assessed his own condition.

He could still hold on for the time being, but if the battle continued to drag on, he would eventually be unable to hold on. Just like how Chen Man and Wei Yun were defeated by Lu Qing in the past, he would also lose.

Under such circumstances, he fought and retreated. In the process, he tried his best to find an opportunity to counterattack.

There was no way out if they were to respond passively. The only way to solve the problem was to counterattack and find a way to defeat the opponent.

This thought was the same as what Weiyun had thought when he was fighting against Lu Qing.

However, everything came to an abrupt end when he left Eastern Sun City.

He took a step back and left the vicinity of Dongyang City. Suddenly, Xia Cang felt his vision blur.

There was nothing left.

The three-headed apparition that had beaten him so hard that he couldn’t even fight back just now had disappeared like a bubble.



He would endure it!

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