Ancestor Above

Chapter 453

453 Chapter 445-the political affairs of Wei and Wu

After Wei Yun displayed his true strength, Chu country suffered a great calamity.

Grand advisor Fei Bo escaped with serious injuries, and more than 200 cultivators of Chu State died.

Although this number didn’t seem to be much, it was a heavy blow to Chu country.

There was no other reason. Most of the 200 people who died were high-level cultivators!

After all, those who had been gathered by Fei Bo to attack the Yan and Qi Alliance were the elites of Chu State, all of whom were cultivators above the gold core realm. However, now that the attack had injured and forced them to retreat, it was not so easy for these people to escape.

They were either dead or captured.

The loss of so many high-level cultivators was a serious blow to a great Immortal Empire.

After that, the Yan Qi Alliance Army walked out of the defense line and started to push West.

Previously, the lands that were conquered by the people of Chu in the name of the Emperor of great Wu had been uprooted by the Allied forces of Yan and Qi.

During this process, the people of Chu didn’t care about it at all.

However, this did not mean that everything would be smooth sailing.

The fighting power of the Imperial Army at this time was somewhat beyond everyone’s expectations.

Protecting the country, this sentence could really arouse people’s will to fight to the death.

Of course, even so, they were still not enough to deal with the actions of the Yan Qi Alliance.

However, at least, their desperate battle had slowed down the attack speed of the Yan and Qi Allied forces. At the same time, it had allowed more Chu people to escape. This allowed them to regain their morale and at least maintain their organization.

Since that was the case, the Yan Qi Alliance Army slowed down their pace and did not continue to press on.

After some time, the negotiations led by the Yan Kingdom began.

To put it bluntly, there was no benefit to both sides if they continued to fight.

It was already destined that Chu would never win. After a defeat, Fei Bo city was injured, and a large number of high-level cultivators were killed, Chu had lost the ability to organize another attack.

On the other hand, the Yan Kingdom had eaten too much after swallowing the Wu and Wei kingdoms and surrendering. It was impossible for them to invade the Chu State in one go. On one hand, they were not powerful enough. On the other hand, even if they could break the defense of Chu State, it would be too difficult for them to rule the Chu State.

Not to mention Chu country, even the Wu and Wei celestial countries were a big problem that was difficult to deal with. If it was not handled well, it would cause indigestion.

However, Lu Qing no longer cared about this matter. It was too tiring for him to do this. It would be fine to let his two Emperor sons handle it.

Especially Lu chaoxi.

Chaohe had only been the Emperor for a short time, but chaoxi had been an Emperor for several decades. From the beginning when he was at a loss, to now, he had grown up and gained experience. He should be able to handle this kind of political work.

Furthermore, he had a large group of officials from the Imperial court to help him.

In comparison, Lu Qing only needed to obtain a result.

Wu country and Qi country, can they be of use to me? Was it possible to cultivate cultivators safely, especially reliable high-level cultivators who could deal with the time fragments?

As long as he achieved this goal, Lu Qing did not mind the specific process.


When Lu Qing went back to cultivate and was ready to squeeze into the door of the divine sea realm as soon as possible, his two sons were scratching their heads in frustration.

Of course, this was for the sake of the situation in the Wu and Wei States.

The military results were always just the beginning. Without a doubt, the Yan Qi Alliance and the Lu royal family were the victors of this war. However, there were also many problems left behind by victory.

What would the CAO royal family do in Chu?

He definitely couldn’t let them become emperors. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to fulfill the instructions left behind by his father.

According to his father, it didn’t matter if the name ‘Wei Kingdom’ was kept or not, but the Emperor or the ruler with some other name must be from the Lu family.

In the end, Lu chaoxi decided to keep the Wei Kingdom’s title. The title of the Emperor of Wei was removed, and it was incorporated into the rule of Great Yan. He would still acknowledge the CAO family’s rule, but he would definitely not be able to become the current Emperor. He would be conferred the title of Prince Wei.

After such a series of operations, the Wei Kingdom still existed, but it had become a part of the Yan Kingdom and was under the control of the Emperor of Great Yan.

This was a must. It was the fruit of military victory. If he didn’t have such results, why did he waste so much effort and do so many things?

Of course, in order to make his rule more smooth, those Supporting Strategies were also necessary.

For example, he allowed the CAO family to keep the title of ‘Prince Wei’ to appease loyal officials like Xia Cang; The name of ‘Wei’ was also to appease these people’s hearts, at least the country was not destroyed; At the same time, keeping the Wei imperial court and keeping a large number of officials was also to appease the people.

In essence, all these appeasements were to make a political promise to these Wei people:

As long as you don’t mess around and support Great Yan’s rule, the current interests of all the people of Wei will not be damaged too much.

But at the same time, the hidden meaning was very simple: If you’re still going against me like this, then you can just wait for death.

As for the Imperial court of the Wei Kingdom, since they had already promised not to harm their interests, the entire imperial court should be preserved.

If the Wei state’s government system could be maintained, it would obviously be very helpful for the Lu corporation’s future rule over the Wei State. They were the local administrators of the Wei Kingdom to begin with. They were united in all matters, big and small. It did not matter whether they were disloyal to the Lu clan or not. As long as they could guarantee that they would maintain the internal peace of the Wei Kingdom on the premise that they recognized Lu chaoxi as the Emperor, it would be enough.

In the future, as time slowly passed, he could slowly change the Wei country’s political system. To let the officials in key positions follow the Lu Corporation with heartfelt admiration; If it didn’t work, then they would simply be replaced.

All in all, this should be something that could be gently modified.

Of course, this so-called gentleness was only relative.

There would always be an intense one.

After all, this wasn’t the homeland of the Yan Kingdom, nor was it an old friend. Back when the Wei Kingdom had ceded Yingzhou and Hezhou to the Yan Kingdom, there had been some internal conflicts, contradictions, and uprisings.

Not to mention now.

In the Wei Kingdom’s public opinion, there were many theories that the Wei Kingdom had surrendered too easily, that they could still fight, and that they should not have surrendered so easily.

These statements were very popular.


Such a public opinion environment represented, in a sense, the direction of the People’s hearts. In the future, there would definitely be a riot.

However, in the cultivation world, it was too difficult to start an uprising. As long as there were no more powerful external forces, it would not be a big problem for Yan Dynasty to become stronger in the future.

However, when facing the Wu country, the problems of governance would be more prominent.

Wu State was in a mess.

The main battles against the Wu country must have ended. The National Defense Force of Wu State had almost collapsed. The invading Chu army was also dealt with. The Wei Army led by Zheng Yu had also been transferred back to the Wei Kingdom. They were prepared to disband the entire Army. Some of them would be dismissed, while the others would be screened and placed into the regular army of the Yan Kingdom.

However, this was only the end of the main battle. It didn’t mean that the Wu country had welcomed peace.

On the contrary, the Wu state’s Army, which had collapsed, was not completely annihilated. They still had some strength left. Although most of them had fled, there were still some who were scattered around the Wu country. In particular, they could also get the support of the locals of Wu country. They had sufficient supplies and manpower.

Many local governments of Wu State were also resisting, or at least they didn’t want to cooperate.

Now, it was clear that the entire Wu country was in a state of occupation. However, the flames of rebellion in various places had never stopped. The Alliance Army of Yan and Qi seemed to be exhausted. Although they could be controlled in general, it was difficult to establish an effective ruling Foundation.

There were also problems within the Yan Qi Alliance Army.

After the Great Purge, the entire Qi Army had become very obedient, unlike in the past when they would not move at all. However, many people’s morale had also fallen under such a purge, especially after their friends and family had died. In addition, there were years of war. After victory, they had to be stationed in the territory of Wu country for a long time to fight a public security war. The entire Army’s aversion to war was relatively serious.


In fact, there were even some thoughts and public opinions within the Qi state.

They believed that they had already achieved success in the war. No matter how this success came about, there was no mistake in winning. And they had also paid a considerable price in this war. Especially after the Great Purge, where so many people had died.

In short, after paying a considerable price, the people of Qi would think that the war was won, and it was time to reap the harvest. The price of maintaining the rule of Wu country was too high. It was not necessary to do so. It was better to plunder and take back the wealth of Wu country. That would be enough.

After the rise of this mindset, even after the Great Purge, the Lu royal family’s control over the Qi Kingdom and the Army had greatly increased, and it was difficult to suppress it.

This was normal.

If they used bloody suppression and other means to maintain their rule and establish a terrifying regime, it would not be a big problem. The Lu Corporation also had the strength to do so. When the time came, they would have to do it even if they did not want to. They would just be forced to do it.

However, it was obvious that the Lu Corporation would not do that. Maintaining their rule was not the goal of the Lu clan, nor was it Lu Qing’s goal. Ruling a celestial nation was to better unify the power of the world. If not, what was the point of wasting so much effort?

And a rule of terror would not allow the country to develop or fully mobilize the power of the entire country.

Since terrorizing was not allowed, why couldn’t they just raise their opinions and express their opinions normally?

That would definitely work.

Therefore, the whole thing had become very troublesome.

In the end, after the Emperor and his brother discussed and communicated with Lu Qing, the patriarch, they came up with a corresponding strategy to deal with the situation.

The Qi state would withdraw a part of its Army and return to the country. The other troops would be withdrawn in the next few years. At the same time, the Qi state would send new troops to replace them.

In the future, Wu country would be ruled by Yan country. The Yan Army would also send a portion over to join in the suppression. However, most of the Yan Kingdom’s power was in the Wei Kingdom. Even though the Wei Kingdom seemed to be rather well-behaved now, this was because of Lu Qing’s deterrence and the fact that the Yan Kingdom’s Army had already been deployed in the Wei Kingdom.

However, to Great Yan, the pressure was not light. The Jin and Liang countries in the West had to be guarded against. The pressure from the border defense forced the Yan country to invest a large amount of strength to protect the Wei country and its territory.

It was indeed difficult for the Yan Kingdom to mobilize a team to suppress the Wei Kingdom for a long time after a great deal of energy was drawn away.

However, the Qi state didn’t have this problem. To the North was their ally, Yan Kingdom. To the West was Wei Kingdom, which had just been taken over by Yan Kingdom. To the South was Wu Kingdom, which had just been taken over. In this way, as long as Wu State and Wei State were not in chaos, Qi state would be extremely safe.

Since that was the case, they certainly had the power to mobilize to Wu country to carry out the task of suppression.

The problem was, on one hand, the Qi Kingdom was needed to carry out the task of suppression, and on the other hand, the Wu Kingdom was ruled by the Yan Kingdom. So, what were the benefits of the Qi Kingdom?

The benefits were in the direct transfer of benefits.

The Yan Kingdom had taken the initiative to distribute a large amount of spoils from the battlefields of their kingdom, Wei Kingdom, and Wu Kingdom to the Qi Kingdom. This portion of the profits would be distributed by the Imperial court of Qi state to the cultivators and aristocratic families who participated in the war. Many cultivators would receive their war benefits. Even those who died would be compensated to their family, friends, and fellow disciples.

Speaking of which, if the Qi Kingdom completely plundered the Wu Kingdom, the profit would definitely be more than this. Because of this, the people of Qi country were somewhat dissatisfied with this.

But it didn’t matter. As long as he could stuff his mouth a little, that was enough.

As for the Wu country, their country name was still temporarily preserved. However, the nature of this reservation was completely different from that of the Wei Kingdom. Within the Wu country, they would temporarily implement military control. The Yan Qi Alliance Army, mainly the Qi Army, would use jiandu as the core to sweep the surrounding area.

The Yan Kingdom also contributed to the restoration of the Wu Kingdom’s rule. Although they couldn’t spare a lot of manpower for the military, they could do a lot for the establishment of a new government.

Every time the Qi Army finished cleaning up a place, some people from Yan Kingdom, Wei Kingdom, and Wu Kingdom who were promoted from their own country would act as the management bureaucrats to deal with the local affairs.

Pacify the local forces, cultivators, and people, and restore order.

Taking things step by step was always a solution.

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