Ancestor Above

Chapter 463

463 The truth of the maze

“Take this thing out, you must take it out to run!”

“As long as you bring him out, someone will come back to meet Yingluo.”

As he spoke, his hands were digging for something, but he stopped breathing halfway.

Previously, the reason why this injured person was able to hang on to his will without dissipating was purely because of his obsession. Now, a reliable person had arrived. Although he didn’t know him, he was at least a human from the same race. He could finally hand over his responsibility.

As a result, once this obsession dissipated, the person could not hold on and died.

Lu Qing could only sigh. He had no other choice.

If even the creation book couldn’t save his life, then he really had no other choice.

Of course, there was something to be happy about. At the very least, Lu Qing felt that he should have obtained the most important mission item among the time fragments.

That was the so-called information.

Without a doubt, the ultimate goal of this time fragment, which was called ‘information delivery’, was to bring out this so-called’ information’.

Now, he had obtained the information-it was a Jade slip.

Lu Qing checked the Jade slip and sent his divine senses into it. However, he immediately withdrew his divine senses.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to look at the contents in detail, but he realized that the contents of the Jade slip were sealed.

The seal itself wasn’t difficult to break, but its unique characteristic was that as long as the ‘password’ wasn’t revealed, then no matter if one tried to break the seal or read the contents of the Jade slip, it would directly cause the information within to be destroyed.

Lu Qing would definitely not be able to accept such a situation. If the information in the Jade slip was destroyed, it would mean that his main mission of entering the time fragment had failed.

Lu Qing put the Jade slip away and stood up. He lifted his gaze and saw that the thick fog was still everywhere.

So here comes the question-How do I leave this fog?

He was completely unfamiliar with this place. He didn’t know the background of the war, nor the location.

Oh, he actually knew the location. It was in the South of the Feiyun state. However, this place from the ancient times tens of thousands of years ago was too different from the future. It was basically the same as not being in the same place.

Lu Qing did not know where to go in order to leave this completely unfamiliar environment.

However, it was not that there was no way out-just randomly find a direction and walk in a straight line.

Although he felt that this method was actually very unreliable, he did not believe that it would be so simple. However, since there was no other way, he had to give it a try.

The result was similar to his guess.

After walking for a while, he would often encounter familiar scenes.

At first, he thought he was going in circles. This was very normal, and there were many ways to achieve it, but later, he found that the situation might be worse than ‘spinning in place’.

Those familiar scenes that he had experienced seemed to appear randomly and were not continuous.

It felt as if he would be teleported to a certain place in the fog in a random, undetectable way every time he walked a certain distance.

This situation might be even more difficult to resolve than Lu Qing had imagined.

For one, Lu Qing could not sense how he had been transported. If it wasn’t for the fact that he randomly encountered strange or familiar scenes, and that these scenes were not related to each other, he wouldn’t even have noticed this.

He didn’t know how he was teleported, where he would be teleported to, or how he was going to break it.

Lu Qing had thought of many methods, but none of them had any special effects.

don’t let it go. It’s the first time Qingqing entered a 7-star Fragment. Is it gone just like that? ”

Lu Qing could not help but feel depressed.

If it was because he couldn’t win, then so be it. He had thought about it before. After all, he had just entered the spirit sea stage. It was normal for him to not be able to defeat those old spirit sea cultivators or powerful evil spirits in the seven-star Fragment.

But what the hell was this situation?

He hadn’t even met a decent opponent, and he was gone just like that?

Lu Qing felt more and more depressed. At the same time, he also felt more and more frustrated.

However, he could not give up.

In this maze of fog, it was obviously impossible to crack it with brute force alone. He could only try to find clues in the environment to see if he could find a way to crack it.

He really did gain something.

One time, Lu Qing stepped into a place that he had never been to before. He saw a ‘small mountain’ of corpses of demons. There were about twenty or thirty demons that had died here, and they were all stacked together. Not far away, he noticed the effect of a small formation.

He studied the small formation and found a simple message inside.

“If you’re a human, then leave behind a bit of spirit power, true essence, or dharmic powers. We’ll come and pick you up.”

It was obvious that this formation was left behind by humans. The sinister Devils did not have such techniques. At least, Lu Qing had never seen it before.

Since it was a human, it should be an ally.

Moreover, what interested Lu Qing the most was how the person who had left the message would ‘receive’ him.

Based on what Lu Qing had sensed during this period of time, the special characteristics of this place were almost impossible to deal with for cultivators below the dongxu stage. If they couldn’t solve the ‘maze’, how would they find him?

Or, the other party had a way to solve the maze and could move freely in this foggy environment. Either the person who left the message had at least the power of the insightful emptiness realm or had a way to move freely.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Lu Qing realized that he didn’t seem to have any other good choices.

He had already been wandering aimlessly in this maze for more than a day. He had killed quite a few demons, and he hadn’t encountered any particularly dangerous situations. However, he still didn’t have a clue on how to solve the maze.

He really didn’t want to give up on the one in front of him.

He had given up. It seemed like there was no other way to leave.

Of course, there was also the possibility that this was a trap. But in general, in this environment full of evil spirits, the opportunity to encounter a trace left by a human should always be greater than the risk.


After thinking for a while, he made a decision.

He injected his own power into the array.

However, Lu Qing still had to be careful. He did not reveal his true strength. The power he had infused into the formation was diluted and simplified by himself.

What he injected was not dharmic power, but true essence, and it was only true essence of the Golden core level.

Lu Qing remained where he was after he was done inserting his energy. He did not move.

After waiting for about half an hour, an active aura appeared at the edge of his sweet spot.

It was the aura of two human cultivators.

The two of them did not attack Lu Qing.

When they were a little closer to each other, Lu Qing realized that it was a man and a woman. From their auras, both of them were at the Dharma plane. The man should be a wood spiritual root cultivator, and the woman should be an ice spiritual root cultivator.

Their appearance was quite similar to the abilities they had mastered. The man was tall and strong, but he looked very gentle, like a reliable big brother. The female cultivator had a cold expression. She was pretty, like an Ice Mountain beauty.

“Fellow Daoist, you’ve worked hard,” The moment the man arrived, he smiled and asked, ” are you hurt? Do you need me to treat you?”


thank you for your encouragement, senior, ” Lu Qing said. He had not forgotten that he was currently disguised as a cultivator in the Golden core stage. There was nothing wrong with calling those in the Dharma stage ” senior ” when he met them. I am more fortunate. I did not encounter any strong enemies along the way and did not get injured.

“That’s good, Yingluo.”

my name is li Daoxian, and this is my Junior Sister, Wang Wen. How should I address you? ”

“Lu chaoxi.” Son, Lend Me Your Name.

“Fellow Daoist Lu, you’re so embarrassing. We’ve really run into a big problem in this battle. The situation here is much worse than we imagined. No one knows that what was originally a medium-sized temporary abyssal chasm turned out to be a large permanent chasm that killed too many of our comrades because of the wrong information. And no one knows how the battle between Mother Earth and that evil demon general is going.”

The man continued to speak, and Lu Qing had no intention of interrupting him.

Lu Qing was able to glean a lot of information from these words.

However, it was a pity that the wood-attribute male cultivator seemed to be a bit of a Chatterbox. He wanted to continue but was interrupted by the female cultivator next to him. senior brother, we have important matters to attend to. We can’t stay here for long.

“Junior martial sister is right, I’ve easily aroused fellow Daoist Yingluo’s interest. Please follow me.”

Lu Qing felt a little regretful that he had not been able to hear more. However, this didn’t stop him from asking, ”

“May I know where senior is taking me?”

“Although it’s not clear who the winner is yet, especially since the battle between the immortal and the evil demon is not over yet, I believe that fellow Daoist should be able to feel that evil demons are common in this maze, but fellow Daoist is not. We came with too few people, and we were ambushed. I’m afraid that there aren’t many people left alive in this fog maze. And even if there are survivors, I’m afraid that most of them are not organized, like wandering soldiers.”

“However, it’s not like there’s no way to leave.”

Lu Qing was overjoyed when he heard this. He also showed an interested expression on his face and asked, ” “From what you’ve said, senior Li, you already know how to escape?”

“Yes, how else would I have found you? However, it’s complicated to escape, and it’s not something that can be achieved by one person. We’ve gathered quite a few people through the formation here, and we’re all people who want to live. In this life-and-death crisis, we cultivators should work together.”

“Alright, then I’ll go with you.”


Lu Qing followed the two of them.

On the way, Lu Qing found that they did have a way to break the maze-like characteristics of the fog.

They would stop after a while. The male Dharma adept, who called himself li Daoxian, mumbled something. Then, the power of a spell merged into the mist, forming an invisible circle that wrapped the three of them inside. Then, if they continued forward, they would not be teleported again.

Lu Qing took the opportunity to ask how this had happened.

Li Daoxian did not hide anything. He told Lu Qing the reason for this.

It turned out that Lu Qing’s previous guess was not wrong. This place was indeed a battlefield.

However, it was not the core of the battlefield.

This matter had been mentioned about half a month ago.

They had received intelligence earlier that an abyssal passage had been activated. It should be a temporary one, but it was a medium-grade passage.

This kind of thing definitely couldn’t be left alone. Otherwise, a medium-level abyssal passage, even if it was only temporary, would have a lot of monsters emerging over time.

An Army of cultivators had been organized, and their mission was to destroy the passageway that had been formed here.

However, when they arrived, they discovered that the situation was far from that simple. This passageway was basically a large, permanent passageway.

An abyssal passage of such a level meant that the most powerful fighting force in the abyss, an abyssal general capable of fighting an immortal head-on, could walk out of it. At the same time, the number and quality of the evil spirits were much stronger than Yuanyuan had expected.

The cultivator Army had suffered heavy losses, and the complete annihilation of the Army was almost an inevitable outcome.

And at the crucial moment, reinforcements arrived. The leader was a famous immortal, li cailian, who had the title of ‘Mother Earth’.

Mother Earth, who was at the true immortal level, began to fight with the evil demon King.

The battle was not over yet, and the thick fog before them was the scene of the battle.

The battle between the evil demon general and the true immortal Mother Earth had created such a thick fog. In essence, this was a collision between the inner worlds of two top powerhouses, combining the power that had leaked out.

All the demons and human cultivators were trapped inside.

And there was only one way to get out of here: Kill an opponent of the same level and temporarily merge the aura of the opponent with yourself.

This maze of fog was essentially formed from the collision of the power of an immortal and an evil demon Lord. It had the dual attributes of a human cultivator and an evil demon.

Mother Earth didn’t want any evil spirit to leave, and the evil spirit monarch didn’t want any human cultivators to leave. Under the joint effect of these two rules, no one could leave.

If one wanted to leave this place, one would have to reach the insightful emptiness realm and reveal their inner world to temporarily eliminate the effects. Or, he could turn himself into a human cultivator and a demon. This way, he could be recognized by the two forces that intertwined into the fog at the same time and not be affected.

I see. Lu Qing came to a realization.

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