Ancestor Above

Chapter 474

474 Ming Chao’s breakthrough

After the White water dragon surrendered, the trip to the underwater world continued South.

In the East Sea, there were not many marine race Dharma laksanas.

The territory of the wave was about the Northwest of the East Sea region, which was the eastern sea area of the Yan Kingdom. The forces that had finished fighting continued to head southeast and deeper, which was where yang gan was.

As for the White water Dragon’s territory, it was roughly on the southeast side of the Qi state.

In the eastern part of Wu country, which was South of the White water Dragon’s Sea area, there was a great white shark.

The Yan Kingdom had actually dealt with this great white shark before.

Back then, when they were launching a large-scale attack on the Wu country, the elite team led by LAN nuo Xing had launched a surprise attack. They had used the sea to cross the Wu country’s defensive line. In the process of crossing the ocean, they had once been targeted by a great white shark at the Dharma plane.

This great white shark lived to the south of the Sea where the White flood Dragon was.

From the land to the East and from the South to the North, there were only four Dharma plane sea tribe demons in this vast sea.

The great white shark was quite cooperative. In the past, when the elite team of cultivators of the Yan Kingdom crossed the ocean and attacked the eastern border of the Wu Kingdom, it did not cause any trouble. He ignored them and let the human cultivators pass. This in itself could be considered a form of cooperation.

Under such circumstances, the Lu clan was also willing to give him some preferential treatment. They would not directly call for a fight or kill him. They would not go so far as to die if he did not submit.

The Lu family allowed this white shark Dharma power to maintain a certain degree of independence and autonomy, and the two sides could carry out economic and trade exchanges. He was not a member of the Yan Kingdom or the Lu family, but at times, the Lu family could contact him to negotiate and hire him.

Of course, the most important thing was that he could not stand against the Lu Corporation.


The East Ocean was only this big.

In fact, the area of this land was almost equivalent to the entire territory of the four great celestial nations in the East. It was already very good that it could accommodate four Dharma powers of the sea tribe.

If they continued to head east from their territory, they would leave the East Ocean and enter the West Ocean.

It was a little strange, but the east side of the East Ocean was indeed the West Ocean. These two seas were essentially the same sea, and there was no particularly obvious distinction between them.

The main reason why the ‘East’ and ‘West’ were unclear was that the standard for dividing the sea area was based on the continent. To the East of the continent was the East Sea, and to the West was naturally the West Sea. As for whether these two oceans were the same, no one cared about the fact that one could reach the West Sea from the East Sea.

The Lu clan did not try to continue developing their power in the East, which was the West Sea.

The risk would be higher.

The risk didn’t come from the sea Race itself. The area of the West Sea should be smaller than the East Sea. Even if there were four Dharma sea tribes there, so what?

This risk originated from the Qin country.

Since the West Ocean was to the East of the East Ocean, the most powerful country on the west side of the continent would be the state of Qin.

Moreover, the great Qin and the Yan Kingdom were both new and rising nations, so they were a little different.

The foundation of the great Qin was much stronger than that of the newly risen Yan.

What was the development situation of the Western sea for such a powerful country with a deep foundation? For the time being, the Yan Kingdom had not received any detailed information. However, these things could be learned through the four Dharma laksanas of the East Sea-now there were three.

Although the area of the ocean was very large, there was still a certain gap between the civilization level of the sea tribe and the human celestial kingdoms on land. Therefore, the overlords of the sea tribe were not very willing to go to other places. In any case, regardless of whether it was the East or the West Sea, the scenery of this underwater world was roughly the same. There was nothing to run about. All of them were very homely.

However, after all, the two sides had not been completely isolated for such a long time, so there would still be some communication of information.

From these few words, it could be roughly known that great Qin’s development of the underwater world was not certain, but at least it was earlier than the Yan Kingdom.

And it was far earlier.

Under such circumstances, if they continued to head east, it would be easy to provoke the Qin State.

To put it bluntly, Great Yan was still not ready for the final battle with Qin State.

This wasn’t to say that they couldn’t win the final battle right now, but that the four celestial empires themselves had greater war potential than great Qin. As time passed, as long as great Qin did not cross the bottom line, the difference in battle power between the two sides would continue to grow. At that time, they might not even need to rely on Lu Qing, who was the strongest among them. They would be able to raze the state of Qin to the ground with their own abilities.

Of course, the premise was that the Yan Kingdom still needed time, more time to develop.


This trip to the bottom of the sea had actually taken a lot of time.

It was indeed impossible to complete a tour of such a huge Sea area in a short period of time.

Of course, relatively speaking, the harvest was also very satisfactory.

In the eastern sea of Great Yan, everything was peaceful. Great Yan had two ocean princes, who were both true experts of the Dharma plane. Even though it was not convenient for them to go to the land, they could still be of use.

For example, they could follow the great rivers and enter the mainland, going upstream. The two of them might not be as powerful as they were on the shore, but if they were to fight along the river, they might be even more powerful than ordinary Dharma plane cultivators.

At the same time, after the sea area that the dynasty could rule had expanded by three times, there would be more resources from the seabed that could be produced and traded with the land, stimulating greater productivity.

Of course, he also had some regrets.

For example, other than expanding the Empire’s territory, they also had another goal for this underwater trip. They wanted to collect level six demonic cores in preparation for Lu chaoxi and Lu mingchao’s breakthrough.

However, they had only managed to collect one during this trip.

The ocean snake Yang Gu didn’t know what was good for it, and after it died, its demonic core naturally became the material needed for a breakthrough. The White flood Dragon and white shark were more tactful. Since they had already admitted defeat, it was not good to kill them. After all, they were more valuable to keep alive than dead.

However, this also resulted in them only having one six-star demonic core.

However, there were two people who wanted to break through.

The back of his hand and the palm of his hand were both made of meat. Lu Qing was in a dilemma.

As for the relationship between the brother and sister, they were very humble.

It wasn’t a show of respect, but a real compromise.

Lu Qing, who had a headache, eventually chose to avoid this question.

He decided to let the two children make the decision on their own. They could choose for themselves who would use this six-star demonic core to break through.


With the demonic pill, the probability of breaking through was 100%, and there was almost no possibility of failure.

However, not using the other one didn’t mean that there was no chance of a breakthrough. After all, with Lu Qing’s continuous investment of resources and support, their chances of breaking through had already reached 80%. The reason why he wanted to get that six-star demonic core was just to increase his chances of breaking through.

It was important, but not necessary.

Since that was the case, Lu Qing felt that he should not make this choice himself. He should let the brother and sister discuss it and come to a conclusion.

However, something that Lu Qing had vaguely thought of but had avoided eventually happened.

Since the discussion was fruitless and she could not back down, Lu mingchao was very firm and decisive. She immediately found a quiet place and quietly held the ceremony for her Dharma power breakthrough.

The materials were all readily prepared. With her authority, it would not be a problem to mobilize them.

When the breakthrough ceremony began, Lu chaoxi could only sigh. He had no other choice.

Once the breakthrough began, there was naturally no turning back. She couldn’t possibly rush in and interrupt the pretty girl’s breakthrough process when she was about to break through, forcing the six-star demonic core to her younger sister.

What could he do? He could only inform his father about this.

In fact, he did not need to inform Lu mingchao. Lu Qing had already sensed it when Lu mingchao started to break through.


He should have been able to think of this. A niece was like a father. It was normal for Lu mingchao to make such a choice. This was her personality.

“AI, ran ran, you’ve finally made a decision.”

Lu Qing had no other choice.

Of course, he still had to help those who needed to be helped.

He had already prepared the exchange items that could help him break through, be it the normal ones or the rare ones. He had exchanged them all and placed them on Lu mingchao.

With just these items and the materials he had prepared, Ming Chao’s chances of breaking through had soared to 70%.

Lu Qing was about to perform next.

Ming Chao had chosen Yuyan mountain as the place for his breakthrough.

It must be mentioned that Yuyan mountain had become the spiritual vein with the highest concentration of spiritual Qi in the entire Yan Kingdom.

After Lu Qing had an abundance of resources such as the exchange tab and karma, he would not relax on the construction of his own lair.

Although the area of the spirit vein on Yuyan mountain had not changed much, it was still not as big as the spirit vein in Yan city. However, in terms of light concentration, although it had not reached seven-star, it was not far away. In terms of the density of the spirit vein’s core, it was even more intense than the core area of the capital of Yan, Xu, Jian, and Ji, the four great celestial empires.

Under such circumstances, the Yuyan mountain itself was, of course, a better place to make a breakthrough than any other place.

Fortunately, Ming Chao wasn’t really angry. If she were to make a breakthrough, she would definitely make all the necessary preparations before making it. Of course, she wanted to break through to the Dharma stage for real and not seek her own death.

Since he was going to make a breakthrough on Yuyan mountain, Lu Qing would be able to provide some help.

His consciousness returned to his body and he woke up.

On Yuyan mountain, he could move freely.

Lu Qing strolled to the area where mingchao was breaking through. He took a deep breath and his Supreme dharmic powers started to surge outward silently. He had completely sealed his aura.

Then, he walked into Ming Chao’s room. During this process, he did not trigger any restrictions or formations. Ming Chao did not even sense him.

Lu Qing did not intend to alarm mingchao or inform her. There was no need to do so. Lu Qing had experienced the process of breaking through to the materialization realm before. However, his experience was rather special. He could not apply it to everyone. If he had been disturbed at that time, it would not have been a big deal. However, this did not mean that it was not dangerous to break through to the Dharma stage.

If mingchao’s breakthrough was met with unexpected danger because of his interruption and she was frightened, it would be too late for regrets.

Lu Qing quietly arrived beside mingchao and converted all of his Grand Supreme dharmic powers into attributes.

Lu Qing would definitely know the ancient Void Spirit manual that Ming Chao cultivated. His Taishang Scripture was originally formed from the fusion of many top-notch immemorial cultivation techniques. It was not difficult to reverse the attribute of the Taishang mana into a single attribute.

Lu Qing’s goal was to create an even better environment for the Ming Dynasty to break through.

Ming Chao cultivated the Taishang Void Spirit manual. After Lu Qing reached the level of the spirit sea, he converted his Taishang dharmic powers into this single attribute. Coupled with the fact that he was very close to Ming Chao, he was able to reveal some of the power in his inner world.

Before reaching the dongxu stage, there was no way to completely reveal one’s inner world and affect the environment of the outside world. Fortunately, Lu Qing’s cultivation level had increased very quickly in the past ten years with the help of the seven-star ‘gift of time’ and the ‘origin seed’. His own cultivation was at the middle stage of the divine sea realm, which was similar to what he had expected.

At this level, Lu Qing could reveal a little of his inner world and cover a very small area. This was still possible.

This actually didn’t have much practical significance, but it was quite reliable to help mingchao achieve a breakthrough.

Ming Chao seemed to be in a world of pure ethereal nature.

With Lu Qing’s help, her chances of breaking through increased rapidly from the original 70%.

During this process, mingchao was fully focused on the breakthrough. She could sense that her cultivation process had become very smooth, and she could vaguely guess that this was probably her father’s help.

But she didn’t open her eyes, nor did she divert her attention to release her perception. Instead, she was more focused on the breakthrough.

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