Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 170

The claws of white werewolf plowed the air, ash he landed heavily, just in front of Williams. He dodged them and swung his left arm, aiming at Blues' back, and simultaneously tried to bite, but his former leader kicked him with a knee and pushed back.

Stephen leaned forward, lowering his center of gravity, to not lose balance, then leaped back, swinging wildly as he landed.

They both were definitely not as strong, in terms of raw power, as the boss werewolf, but they had the same speed.

Blue didn't dodge, and William's claws ripped his chest open, painting the cobblestone in red. He instead bit at Stephen's neck, sinking the fangs deep into his rival flesh. Black beast pushed white away, as he tore part of his neck out.

All of those wounds healed up at tremendous speed. Rebel didn't even look wounded at all, as the red blood was blending with black fur. Blue on the other hand looked terrible, but it was just an illusion. They were both perfectly fine, even after receiving those horrible wounds.

- Wow - said Bairs.

- Yes, incredible - Nil agreed. - They are really strong.

- Fuck them both - I said. - I hope they kill one another, and this mess will finally end.

- Wow Peter, I didn't know Nadia wasn't enough for you. You up for a threesome with those beasts? Kinda hardcore if you ask me - said Will with that annoying grin.

Others just busted to laugh, which looked strange as just in front of us two wild animals clashed with each other. They started rumbling, biting, kicking, and using those sharp claws. People had to move, to make more space. After a moment they split apart, panting heavily. Both bleeding, leaving more red marks.

It was just a moment because their regeneration was simply insane. Soon they clashed again. Blue pierced Williams's stomach, and he in retaliation sunk his teeth in the shoulder of the white werewolf, then tried to tear his whole arm off but was unable to. Still, he left a nasty wound.

This process of wounding and healing repeated few more times. It seemed like none of them could win, but I had my share of battles with the boss werewolf, and I knew they are slowly getting more tired, as they keep losing blood.

This could last a while longer, but there will be a winner at the end - I thought to myself. And just as I did, Blue landed few powerful blows at Williams's head, treated him, and started clawing his stomach. It seemed like the end, but again, it wasn't.

A third werewolf came flying, from the group of traitors. He landed on white's back, and pushed him off, sending him rolling on the ground.

That was a cue that unleashed chaos. All of them that could, started transforming and just jumping to each other's throats. It was a mess. Beasts were rolling around, reaping each other bodies apart. Animalistic cries of pain and agony filled everybody's ears.

I actually thought for a moment they will gonna resolve everything among themselves, but I was very, very wrong. Just a bit more time and their beastly nature overtook, and they stopped distinguish friends from foes in their bloodthirsty rage. Few leaped into the crowd.

p People panicked. Some started running, others fought those who attacked them. Suddenly everybody was involved. Some used torches as weapons, setting a few beasts on fire. They, trying to extinguish themselves rolling on the ground between the crowd, knocking down others, and spreading the flames even more.

I saw a few torches flying into the air by beasts swinging their arms. Some landed on the cobblestone, but few didn't. Suddenly a few buildings caught fire.

- Stop them! Stop them all! - yelled Hatta. - Just try not to kill!

- Shit - said Will, and looked at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders. We tried so hard to avoid the war, yet it came anyway. I was actually partially glad about it.

I used the shadow walk to step in the middle of them and just started swinging my fists. I knocked down a few, then grabbed one by the fur in his back, as he was gutting out a fellow werewolf, and just threw him into the air.

Now I became the biggest threat around. They obviously tried to get me, but that was not easy, since I was at least four times as fast as them, and could basically teleport around. For a good measure, I used all of my ki, to strengthen my body, to just not get randomly wounded.

For me, it was a face-slapping fest. For others not so much. Screams filled the vicinity, as people were just plainly being reaped to pieces. I had to do more than I was doing. It was time to put shadow fusion into use.

After I activated the skill, I just started knocking out every single beast in my reach. Some tried to escape, but I could easily just slap them midair, sending them back down to earth. I grabbed one by the leg, and just smacked others with his body. He tried to fight but passed out after I swung him few times, hitting the cobblestone.

It was kinda fun, I'm not gonna lie.

They realized that I'm the biggest threat, and they have no chances, so they went on with full retreat. Only one stayed. White werewolf. Blue. Covered in blood, panting heavily, grunting, but unmoving.

We stared down at each other. In the background, I saw people trying their best to save others. There were many wounded, and bleeding out as the two of us just stood there with burning buildings around.

Then suddenly Blue transformed back.

- ARGH! - he groaned out of pain, as his body was turning back to the human form.

He ended up on his knees, completely naked. Then puked.

Hatta came running out of nowhere. He grabbed Blue by the hair.

- You finally did it, didn't you?! - he yelled.

- Wait! Don't! - shouted Hailwic.

She was not so far away from us, covered in blood. Holding her great ax. Behind here was Aisha, wounded, covering a wound on her stomach with her own hand.

- As crazy as it sounds, it's not his fault! - she continued. - We should get the other guy who ran away!

- Are you insane?! - Hatta replied.

- She is right. I didn't do anything - groaned Blue.

Hatta punched him in the face, and then let go of his hair. Stepped back a bit, and turned to me.

- We need to get them... Everybody, listen to me! We need to get those beasts! Search for them! If possible, do not kill, and bring here, if not possible, get rid of them! I'll take care of this mess...

I sighed.

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