Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 206

I kept waking up early every day and hunting the bears in the usual manner for the next thirty days. I would also, after a food break, run to the wolves' territory, and help Blue with the boss to get a class point every other day. It was tiring, but I needed this to stop thinking, and also progress as fast as I possibly could.

Ki'rei left me at some point to return after a couple of days. I tried to talk to her about where she went, but she refused, which led me to believe she actually returned to her masters. This idea made me start thinking about finding a way to track her, or even better, spy on her.

Xuvi for sure had a lot of data I wanted to possess about their former masters, and also knowledge about The Great One. Such informations had immense value in our situation. We needed to have the best possible idea about what we are dealing with. I also started considering telling somebody about them. Aisha got scratched out of that list almost immediately. I ended up with two names, Will's, obviously, and, surprisingly, Blue's.

They both knew how to keep a secret. They were useful, strong, and relatively smart, especially the Japanese. Only my fear about the outcome of The Great One, or Ki'rei kept me hesitant about it.

I ended up gathering 9292 crystals, and 15 more class points. It was not enough to evolve fighter class, but actually was getting me closer to maybe considering going straight for the Shadow knight. I needed at least one more month, but working so hard in seclusion was taking its toll on me. If not Ki'rei and Blue I would probably return sooner.

Unfortunately, both of them were not the greatest partners to have conversations with. I was really missing Will and his jokes. I kept bringing back memories about the canyon hunt when we were there together with everybody.

I was missing even people like Ryuu Otis and Hideaki Miyajima, that I barely talked with.

Fortunately, the food supplies got short enough that I had to return. I needed this little kick, to justify the return to myself. With this, I started heading back, which took me another two days. Ki'rei accompanied me, probably mainly because she wanted to spy on other people in the city. There was also the order from her masters to help me with getting stronger, and, probably, to observe me.

On the first day of travel, I had the opportunity to help Blue with the boss, but I decided not to. It wasn't like they needed me to kill the thing anyway. Plus I didn't want to assist him if I didn't have to.

When I finally reached the city, it was rather late. Ki'rey ditched me at the gate, to transform into something, and do her thing.

I caught many eyes with my shadow soldiers pulling carts filled with crystals. I waited with them patiently in line to use the device, and when finally my tame came, I carefully split them, leaving 1548, and putting the 8 000 on the glyph. This gave me 20 million points. Enough to get two fighter skills to fifth level. I ended up upgrading 'Technique' and 'Increased stamina'. Then I also got some food and a new set of clothes.

I moved the certs to the side and split the leftover crystals in two while munching on stuff I bought. One half got packed in the backpacks, and the rest I left on the cart. Then I moved the carts to the usual spot. The one full of precious gems got parked in front of Wuxia headquarters. I also asked one of the guards stationing there, to inform Hatta or Amit about my little gift.

Then I finally headed to Jayadeva's workshop. Both of them were working when I got inside. The engineer, with help of several others, tried to mount a gigantic crossbow on some kind of stand. Rishi was busy enchanting a weapon.

- Evening - I said upon entering.

I was completely ignored by everybody.

- You guys need some help? - I asked, and one of Jayadeva's helpers stopped working and looked my way.

This made the owner also switch his focus.

- Oh... Hello, Peter. Yes... We would really appreciate your help. We had a mechanism build for this, but it broke.

I put the backpack down and went to help. With my ridiculous strength, It was rather easy. They fixed the things together in few minutes.

- Thank you - Jayadeva said when everything was done. - I noticed the backpack. Did you bring crystals for my son?

- Yes, I did.

- Well - he looked to the side, Rishi was still working. - He is busy at the moment, but I can give them to him for you. He actually got some class points with a bit of Hatta's help, and the only thing he was lacking to start working on your commission was some more points to upgrade his skills, so you should have your weapon ready in a matter of a day or two. I'm not so sure how much the enchanting process will take, since he usually makes equipment for... You know... Regular people. That takes around two hours, but items of higher quality... Those take much longer.

He started to scratch the back of his head as he was speaking.

- I'll wait. If you need anything more, tell me. I'll try my best to organize what I can.

- Definitely. Thank you, Peter. You are really great support for us.

I nodded, not knowing how to properly respond to that. Receiving compliments was not my strongest point.

I left them, heading straight to the bathhouse to wash up, and finally wear something fresh. After that I swung by the cafeteria, to get something warm to eat, and finally ended in my room. After so much time of sleeping on the ground, I couldn't wait to finally lay on a proper bed.

The day came to an end with 4 054 500 points remaining on my account, and thirty-eight class points.

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