Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 237

I woke up, and I felt terrible. I had to force myself out of bed because I just didn't want to go. Soaking myself in the hot water didn't help at all. It felt so nice that I just couldn't make myself get out. I stayed until the skin on my fingers got all wrinkled up.

Then I went to the cafeteria, to have something warm. That was probably the most painful thing. The food here tasted soo damn good compared to the stuff I had to eat in the wild. I ate slowly, to cherish every single bite, but eventually, it was gone, and I had to move.

I went to grab the carts, summoned a bunch of shadows to work for me, and then had to go back to stand in line to the device. It took some time, as I failed to before everybody else, but at some point, my turn came, and I could finally buy provisions.

And then I departed. Dragging my feet behind me, as I walked to spend another month hunting. Maybe if my contact with Ki'rei wouldn't be so shitty, it would feel a bit better. I had a bit of hope for a change since she got that damn knife she wanted so terribly. There was a chance that now she would be more talkative.

As I was getting closer to the gate Tam-Ki'rei ran out from between the buildings and jumped on one of the carts.

- Hi - I sed to her.

- Bawk!

- Are you happy about the gift?

- Bawk! Bawk!

- I hope that's a yes because you are not getting another one.

- Bawk!

I kept walking, until we passed through the gate, and made it deep enough into the woods so there was no chance anybody can spot us from the walls or towers. Then I stopped.

- So, are you happy, or not? - I asked again.

Black rooster first looked around, but then suddenly transformed into her original form, and jumped off the cart, to run straight to me, and hug me.

- I like it! - She said.

There was so much confidence in her voice, that I couldn't help but smile. Now, this whole endeavor of spending a month into the wild didn't look so terrible.

- I asked my friend to make it in a way that would resemble the one you showed me.

- It's pretty.

- I'm glad that you like it. Hop on a cart, and transform, before somebody sees you. There are probably hunters around.

- Ok - she said and did what I asked her for.

She was so damn cute while sprinting all the way, and jumping over the side of the cart. She vanished among the goods, and a chicken poked his head out. I started walking, smiling to myself. Shadows followed.

We made it past the wolf den. Blue and his men were already in the cave, but I notice few carts parked outside, guarded by four people. Further, I had to cut down few wolves, the usual amount on my way through the territory. I left the crystals to not stir up any conflict.

We arrived at our usual camping spot sometime after the darkness of the night covered the woods. I lighted up the path for the last bit of the way with my fire magic. Then we finally camped. I was hungry since we didn't really stop to eat because I left so late. Ki'rei immediately transformed into her original form.

I got out a torch, lighted it up, and made one of the shadows hold it for us. Then I gave Ki'rei some food and sat down under a tree to fill my stomach. She ate quickly, then took out the knife I gave her, pulled it out of the sheet. It took me by surprise, so I stopped eating, but she didn't attack me, or anything, instead started slashing the air.

She was cutting, jimping, rolling on the ground, and stabbing. I noticed a smile on her face. She was so lively and happy, that I almost started crying. I had to avert my gaze and focus on the food. Never in my entire life, I had previously made anybody this genuinely happy.

The emotions surprised me at the beginning, but quickly I managed to get a hold on own body, and could look at her again, and this time just enjoys the performance.

- How many did you kill? - I asked her.

- Ten. The last one is very tough - she said, still engaged in her imaginative battle.

She was like a puppy or a kitten playing with a toy. It was just her, but she was so engaged like for her it was really happening.

- If he is tough focus on defense, and look for openings. Try to wound him first to slow him down, and then deliver a fatal blow.

Her movement changed a bit. She got calmer, and I noticed few moves that indicated she was parrying incoming attacks. She intercepted a few more, before suddenly jumping, and cutting the air.

- Got him! - she shouted.

- Good job - I couldn't hold my smile.

- Ki'rei... How about we spar tomorrow when I'm done with hunting?

- Yes! - she looked straight at me, and her eyes got all sparkly.

- Ok. Now go sleep. You will need a lot of energy tomorrow.

She put the knife in the sheet, and immediately skedaddled under a cart.

- I'm going to set alarms around the camp - I said to her, and then did the usual.

When I returned she was peaking from under the same cart she hid before. As I came closer she turned into Tam, and I crawled to her. She found herself a spot to sleep under my shoulder.

With all the hate I had towards this hunting spot, now it didn't look so bad. Maybe I could even enjoy my time here - I thought to myself, and finally closed my eyes.

The day came to an end with 3 390 350 points remaining on my account, and forty-two class points.

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