Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 240

I woke up and did the usual routine, then went to visit Hatta. He had a meeting, but the guards just let me in.

- Morning- I said while entering.

I actually didn't expect the person he would be meeting so early in the morning. The old man I asked him to employ. They both were standing over the desk and pointing at papers.

- Oh, Peter! Morning - said Hatta.

- Good morning - said grandpa, smiling at me.

Even his eyes were smiling.

- Give us a moment, Peter. Mister Brutus and I have to go quickly through some numbers. Please go and have sat somewhere.

- Sure.

I went to take a spot on the couch, as they continued. It took them several minutes, and then the old man left with a few of those papers in hand.

- Good to see you, Peter - said Hatta, coming closer.

He sat behind the other side of the table.

- It's good to see you too. How is everything going?

- Well. Although Blue is asking more and more about the canyon. Eventually, I will have to let him go there...

- Actually, that's partially the reason I came to visit...

- Blue? Did something happen?

- No. Not Blue. The canyon. I want to go there and kill the boss.

- Peter, that thing almost killed everybody in the city. You can't go there alone, besides how do you even want to win with that thing?

- I'm strong enough now. I will win. And I want to go alone just in case... I just need to go, and you won't stop me.

- I bloody know I won't stop you - He hid his face in his hands for a moment. - This is crazy... Why do you have to do this? We can wait. There is no rush.

- You can wait. I can't. I need to do this, and I can do it. Just in case, though, I want to put everything in order before I go.

He sighed.

- And when Will you go?

- I'm not sure yet. First of all, I want to talk with everybody. Will, Aisha...

- Aisha is in the city, but Will is still out there. In the canyon actually.

- I'll wait for his comeback.

He shook his head.

- I really hope you won die out there. Seriously, Peter. Don't die, ok?

- I'll do my best - I said while standing up. - I'm going to visit Aisha.

- Say hi to her from me.

- No problem - with those words I started moving towards the exit.

- I hope she will find a way to change your mind - Hatta shouted after mi.

I didn't stop. I went outside and headed straight to Velvet Lotus. The streets were almost empty at that time. At the city center, few craftsmen hang out, but further away there wasn't almost anybody.

Next to the club entrance, on a stool was sitting Zoë. She was carving something in a piece of wood. She ignored me even when I said hi, so I just went inside.

Pink-blue duo was playing cards on the bench, but there wasn't anybody behind the counter. They also ignored me, so I went further, pushing the cloth to the side, to reveal a bunch of girls, Shavonne among them, cleaning up the main hall.

She noticed me and waved. I waved back, and then headed up the stairs, to Aisha's room. I knocked on the door.

- Come in.

So I did. Tam was very happy to see me, as he jumped from the desk, and ran straight to me.  I picked him up. Aisha was already working, fighting with some papers.

- Hi. How are you doing? - I asked her.

- Hi, Peter - she said with a smile. - I'm fine. I wish I had more time to go hunting, but except for that everything is well.

I started to pet my chicken, and went inside, to sit in the chair on the opposite side of the desk.

- I actually came to ask you a favor.

- What do you need?

She seemed a bit curious about my words.

- I'm gonna go to the canyon to kill the orc boss soon, and I would like you to take care of Tam, in case... In case I won't return.

Her eyebrows just shoot up.

- Are you insane? That thing almost killed everybody in the city! How do you want to kill it? Who is going with you? Will?

- I got strong enough, and I'm going alone.

She just laughed at me.

- You really are insane.

- Maybe, but what about my question?

She just shrugged her shoulders.

- Maybe I should stop you, or at least try, but you know what? If you really believe you should do it, then do it. I will take care of your chicken, and... Please don't die, ok?

I smiled a bit.

- I'll try my best.

After those words, I put Tam on the desk.

- Be a nice chicken, and behave. Listen to Aisah, ok? I'll be back soon, so take care of everything for me, ok?

- Bawk!

I petted him some more and then left with a short goodbye. The rest of my friends was still away, so I couldn't finish my preparations before they came back. There also wasn't anything else to do, so I ended up returning to my room and taking a nap.

Surprisingly, I really needed it, as after waking up I felt very refreshed. Then I ate in the cafeteria and had a nice cold beer in the pub. Somehow the whole day passed, but Will and the rest didn't return yet.

I wasn't worried or anything, but I just felt it would be better if I had them back in the city. There would be just more to do.

I thought for a moment about visiting Rishi, but in the end, I resigned. It was better to not trouble him, and his father with my craziness. I just returned to my room to sleep some more.

This lonely day came to an end with 8 572 925 points remaining on my account, and forty-two class points.

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