Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 314

I froze. Not because I was afraid or anything like that. I was more curious about what he is going to tell me.

- If I press this button C-27 will die. - He showed me the remote. - We injected her with nanobots that will activate and kill her in few seconds after using this.

- And I thought you will have something better.

- Don't move!

- I already cleared her system with your sneaky nanobots. You might press that button of yours as much as you want. Nothing will happen. So... Do you have something better, or should I proceed?

- Let's make another deal - proposed Moozo. - We can send you back to your planet. Did you forget? Without us, you won't be able to use our technology.

- Us? Technically I need just one of you.

- Choose me - Lott immediately picked up on my words. - Unlike those two I'm very interested in human culture. I was the one who prepared the room for you.

- No. It was me - Moozo disagreed. - He is a liar. Don't listen to him.

He even stopped pointing his gun at me and rose his hands in a gesture of surrender. Then did a single step towards me. Shu'ah shoot him in the head. It broke like a watermelon throwing gore all around.

- Traitor!

Lott turned around, pointing his gun at the former colleague.

- You are a traitor! Your ambition led us to our demise!

- Just kill them both, please - the voice of The Great One appeared in my head. - They will say anything to survive but betray you at the first opportunity.

- Fine - I replied in my mind.

Then I shadow walked to Shu'ah, and cut him in half, at an angle. From the shoulder to the hip. The torso fell to the ground. He gasped for air, as his left hand twitched like possessed.

- I knew you were a smart one, Peter - said Lott. - What do you wish me to do now? Should a prepare the gate?

I turned to him, slowly.

- Yes. There is something I need you to do for me.

I shadow walked past him and swung my blade again.

- I need you to die.

- Please... - the voice of The Great One appeared in my mind again. - That was too much cringe, Peter. I like a lot about the culture of your race, but not that... Not that... Anyway. There is much more Xuvi to kill.

- Can't we stop now?

- And let them regroup in another hole? No. If you won't get rid of them, they will keep coming. They are like cockroaches from your home planet. I'll take the embryos and help them start from scratch. Maybe this time they won't become such rotten creatures.

- And what if I don't want to?

- Let me quote Shu'ah. Don't force my hand, Peter. Besides, you owe me one. I helped you, now you need to help yourself and me. If you let even a single one of them they won't forget, and one day appears to get revenge. If not on you, then on somebody you care for. Trust me on this. I have hundreds of years of history with them.

- Tell me where to go...

And he did. It took hours to clean the whole base. Some of Xuvi tried to fight, some begged me to spare them. I didn't. I slaughtered them all, and at the very end gathered all the tubes in the middle of the base.

By that time I was exhausted, covered in blood, and full of self-hate. The faces of terrified Xuvi were flashing in front of my eyes every time I closed them. I could hear the voices begging...

- You can return now. I'll take it from here.

- Why? You don't want me to see you. Or are you perhaps shy?

- No. I want you to get some rest. I can sense how awful you feel. I wish there was a different way to resolve this, but there wasn't.

- Yea sure. Even I can think of at least a dozen other ways, so cut the crap.

- Go home PEter. Rest, and come to Loistavadvaar when you are ready.

I snorted, and shadow walked to the alley, back in the city. Suddenly my legs became way weaker, and I just collapsed on my knees, then puked. There was blood on my hands, so I couldn't even wipe my face.

It took me a moment to stand up, and I marched straight to the device to buy new clothes. It was late afternoon. Probably hunters were almost back, but there weren't that many people at the city center at the moment. Those who were watched me walking. Naked, because my clothes got destroyed during the massacre, and painted red with the blood of my victims.

I could hear the whispers and gasps when people watched my every step. I put my hand on the ball, and bought what I needed, then went straight to the bathhouse to wash up. I kept thinking about what to tall to Ki'rai. I couldn't find the right answer, even after several long minutes of scrubbing.

Refreshed I went to eat, but it was hard to swallow anything because of how I felt. I just became everything that I feared. A true monster. And all those people, eating beside me in the cafeteria, had no idea. Some probably even admired me, a cold-blooded murderer.

Maybe The Great One was right, or maybe not. I knew that Xuvi were dangerous, but who I was to execute them all, even those begging to be spared? I swore to myself at that moment. That asshole will pay.

For The Invasion. For playing with us like with pieces on a game board. For making me do all those terrible things. There will come a judgment day for them.

Then I went to my room and tried to fall asleep, but couldn't. When Ki'rai returned I pretended to be passed out, so I wouldn't have to talk with her. That was just avoiding the issue, and I knew very well that I will have to tell her sooner or later.

The day came to an end with 2 867 510 points remaining on my account, and one class point.

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