Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 322

For the first time in quite a while, I slept in my own bed, which felt a little bit strange. With Ki'rai staying at Aisha's place I felt very weird, alone. I had to contemplate on those thoughts before I finally got up, and went to take a bath.

Soaking myself in cold water helped me clear my head, and then I went to eat. To my surprise, I found Will there, already over a steaming bowl filled with some stew.

- Didn't expect to see you here - I said as I was sitting on the opposite side of the table, in front of him.

- Why?

- I don't know... I thought you are making your own food. Did I ever see you here before? I can't recall.

- You had to see me here. I come from time to time when I'm in the city, but since I'm here rarely it is what it is. I really need a means of transportation.

- Well... We could organize this somewhat. If I have an anchor close to the bear cave I could get you guys there, go on with my business, then come back later to kill the boss and pick you up.

- That's... - he smiled. - That sounds very damn good.

- Yeah, but I need to drop the anchor there first.

- How about we go on a little trip then?

- Today?

- Yeah. If it's only us, we can get there in one day, and return easily. If we rush it, probably even faster.

- I'm not sure if it's a good idea, to go today. I'm worried about Ki'rai.

- She will be fine. Those assholes were using her anyway - he whispered across the table.

- But she is alone now. Without anybody of the same species around. As much as we make her feel good around us, it will never be the same.

He sighed.

- So what do you want to do? Worry yourself to death? Live her with Aisha for some time. She will help her, and when she is finally ready, she will talk to you. In the meantime, we might do something.

- You won't shut up before I come with you, don't you?

- Yep.

- Fine. Just let me finish my food.

He stopped bothering me, until I finished the bowl, and returned it. Then he immediately wanted to head out. I surrendered, went to grab my weapon, and we headed off, walking at first, to let the food settle down.

- Hey, Peter... -  he started after we covered around a quarter of a mile. - I really didn't want to bring this up, especially right now, but I just have to...

- Just squeeze it out, Will. You already ruined my day anyway.

He smiled a bit.

- Ok, ok... How is your preparation to go visit that city The Great One wanted you to visit?

- Oh... That thing... Slowly moving forward. You hear the story about the ghost, didn't you? That fucking thing was strong. I need to be prepared.

- I know. Need any help?

- If you have thousand class points to spare, and several billion normal points, I'll gladly take it.

He chuckled.

- Ok. Never mind.

- I know you really want to go back, but visiting that city... I need to find it first. I'm already covering three hunting grounds. I think I'll be able to cover four, but it will still take time.

- O know it's a hard thing to do...

- Yet you are still bringing it up.

- Just to remind you.

- I'm very well aware of how important a portal back to earth would be for everybody here. There is no need to remind me.

- Ok, ok - he rose his hands in a gesture of surrender. - But if you will need something, just let me know.

- I need you to change the topic. Right now.

- To what?

- How about that bet with Sanders? Huh?

- Oh. I actually won - he moved his eyebrows up and down with a sly smirk on his face.

- That was unexpected...

- Oh, come on! Give me a break! I'm a fain gentleman. Women love me.

- Yeah... Sure. Anyway... Was it one night stand, or something with a hope for a longer relationship?

- I passed on looking for something more, at least for now.

This started a long discussion about his love life, which ended after we made it to the city gate. From there we started running. At first casually, but it quickly became a competition of speed. To my surprise Will actually could keep up with me. Both at speed, and killing the wolves on our way.

Well... At least to the point when I activated 'Shadow fusion' and left him behind. I stopped a couple of miles further, to jump back to the city, and get myself some food. I waited for him munching on dried fruits and sitting under a tree to hide from the sun in the shadows.

When Will finally arrived, he was panting heavily.

- Damn, you are fast... That was cheating by the way.

I smiled.

- Nobody ever said anything about using skills.

- It was self implied. By the way... You became more emo even than before, you know that?

- The skill is stronger now.

- Is it safe? I'm not gonna lie, it looks very damn strange.

- It's fine. Let's go. We shouldn't waste any more time - I said and started to get up.

- But I just arrived...

I just left him and started walking. He sighed heavily and followed me.

Just a bit further we encountered the first bear. Beast got killed very quickly, and we moved on. Finally arriving at the cave around an hour later. Without anything slowing us down we both were very damn fast.

We cleared the perimeter, and I dropped the anchor.

- It's kinda a waste just going back when we made it all the way here - Will pointed out. -Not to mention you can get us means to transport the crystals.

- You want to clear the cave?

- Yeah, why not? You can have a stab at the boss. I could even help.

- Ok, let's do it.

And we went inside, with a fire burning in my hand to bring us enough light.

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