Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 328

Knocking on my door woke me up, and I immediately knew who was there.

- Go away!

- May I come in, Peter? - asked through the door.

- No! Go away.

So, obviously, he opened the door and entered my room.

- I'm still sleeping...

He ignored, am and went to open the shutters, to let some light inside, then sat on the chair, by the table. I, on the other hand, turned from one side to another.

- We need to talk.

- I already talked with Hatta, yesterday.

- Oh... Then never mind. Sleep well - and he left.

- Fuck you! - I yelled behind him, as he was closing the door.

- Asshole... - I continued mumbling to myself.

There was no way I could fall asleep now when he woke me up. Annoyed, I left my bed and went to wash up in the bathhouse. Then to the cafeteria, where he already was waiting for me. I sat next to him.

- I just want you to know, that I'm not the one who is pushing for this. It's the rest, and especially Blue. He really wants to get out of the canyon - Will started.

- It's ok. I'll find something else for myself. I just need to do some scouting before.

- By the way, and forgive me for asking, but... How is your progress? Did you get closer to being ready?

I sighed, while a smile slowly appeared on my face.

- Yeah. I did. I was actually starting to accelerate but now I will have to pause for a few days.

- Damn...

- No. It might be a good thing. I was clearing at least one territory just for class points. To be frank, the class points are what I'm lacking the most right now.

- How many were you getting? Three?

- Yes, but I need more.

- Maybe we can make it five? There is no way Blue will be able to take down the Werebear. We might be able to take down the orc boss now, but the ones from new territories would be still out of our range. That's two to three bosses for you to clean up.

- Yeah. Considering I can cover four hunting grounds it's a possibility of six, maybe even seven class points a day.

- That's two and a half thousand points a year, Peter. That should be enough, shouldn't it?

- For the city? Maybe...

- I think that's more than enough.

- Don't push, Will.

He rose his hands in a gesture of surrender.

- No pushing, just... The amount is ridiculous.

- Maybe, but remember. I don't have it. We are just talking, and who knows what might really happen?

He had to agree with that, although he didn't say anything, just started eating. Even before we finished, we got summoned by Hatta, through a runner, one of Wuxia members. Apparently, the meeting was about to start in Velvet Lotus.

We quickly finished the breakfast and left. As I was passing through the city center on this beautiful summer day, I caught a glimpse of Maia. Maimed, with only one arm, and one aye, sitting devastated under a building, like a beggar. She was done. Clearly didn't have enough points saved to heal herself.

In our brutal world counting on help from others was a fool's wish. With weeks of hard work maybe she could save enough to bring herself back, but looking at her I doubted that. She seemed broken.

After a couple of minutes of walk, we arrived at the club, guarded just like the last time. We were allowed to enter without any troubles and found everybody else already waiting, sitting around a cluster of tables.

Ki'rai was there too, sitting next to Aisha.

- Morning - I threw to others.

Several people answered, some just nodded. Blue stood up.

- Without further delay, I need a better hunting ground for me and my group. We suffered a heavy blow, and we need to somehow rebuild our ranks. Which requires a better hunting ground - he started a long argument, which I'm gonna spare you.

There was a lot of arguing, and logistics involved, but eventually, we decided that he will get what he wants. William and the others are going to return to the canyon, and also overtake the lizardfolk settlement and the graveyard, with my help in transportation issues.

I on the other hand was allowed to take Necromancer, Hemomancer, and Werebear for myself, plus anything else that I could put my hands on. Ki'rai would remain hunting with me for the time being.

To my surprise not only Blue was pushing for the change in a territory ownership change. Nobuo and Amit were also heavily in favor of the idea.

Aisha couldn't care less, while Hatta and Will were both against, trying to get me in the best position to bring them a way to return to earth.

It took us hours. We also touched on the issue of Maia. Blue wanted her punished by law for what she did, but the rest was against this since she already got punished severely by her own mistake. We were all called weak by him after, and the discussion changed.

People started to leave, as I and Will sat by the bar, to have a drink.

- So... What's the plan now? - he asked, with a glass in his hand.

Even Vesa was interested in hearing my answer, as she remained close, peaking at me while wiping some mugs.

- The tree bosses for sure, then ogre cave and overgrown forest. Both fully if I can kill the bosses. Probably spiders, and maybe giants. That's six, maybe seven bosses, and... an awful lot of crystals.

- Sounds good.

- In theory. I need to test this in practice, which might be... hard, very hard. Anyway, let's change topics. My head hurts from at this territory talking.

And we did. Even Vesa joined. It was a good day for me, as I needed a little break from all the hunting.

The day came to an end with 141 728 129 points remaining on my account, and seventy class points.

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