Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 333

The spiders started raining down on me and climbing on my clothes. I immediately used my fire magic to create the burning butterflies to get rid of those, accidentally setting the clothes on fire.

My magic made this rather dark place, very bright.

Cursing, I didn't stop running, then jumped and clashed with the boss, landing a hit from above, which was blocked by his legs. He screamed at me again, splitting the jaws into three parts, and spit on me. The acidic saliva ate what was left of my hoodie almost immediately.

- Fucking... -escaped my mouth as I landed in front of the creature.

The spit was burning my skin slightly, but I just ignored that, as I had my hands full with the spider legs trying to impale me. I had to parry several simultaneous attacks from different angles, but I had enough speed and proficiency.

I ended up shadow walking from that place quickly, as there were no chances for launching a counterattack.

I immediately threw a fireball. The explosion was big, but the creature came rushing out of the flames straight at me, completely uninjured. The little minions though were evaporated.

I shadow walked again, this time trying raw mana, and there was an effect, but minimal The boss stopped, sliding a bot in the ground, and turned to face me, screaming again.

- Shut up! - I yelled back, throwing several balls of fire at the face of the creature, all embedded with chained explosions.

The effect shook the ground, incinerating parts of the web, just as the rest of those small, annoying spiders.

Although I was fully in control of the fight, I needed a way to deal some damage. By that moment I was also completely deaf from all the loud noises, which was very annoying since the insides of my ears became very itchy as the regeneration kicked in.

This made me grit my teeth in anger because I couldn't do anything with that at the moment. Healing it was useless since my eardrums would burst again very soon anyway.

Without any genius-level ideas popping in my head, I just launched another attack, starting with just a sprint, but then shadow walking. I increased the tempo stabbing and cutting from different angles and places.

The boss paired most of those, but as my speed started to increase, I landed a few here and there. But that was just the beginning of a real storm of swings that was coming. My anger combined with monstrous strength allowed me to accelerate, and accelerate again.

The creature tried, but that was too much, and a lot of hits started slipping through the lags and landing, leaving shallow cuts, that accumulated in hundreds, allowing, even more, to pass through eventually.

I finished shadow walking above the mutant spider, and landing a heavy blow that made a cloud of dust rise around me. With that, the fight ended, and I started to slowly climb up to Ki'rai.

It was rather difficult, as I again, was naked, and didn't have any pockets to put the boss crystal in, plus also had to carry my weapon.

I made it after a while, dumping a heal into my ears, so they would stop itching so damn badly.

- How did it go? I'm guessing not too good - she said, pointing at my lack of clothes with her finger.

- Stop looking.

She turned around.

- How did the boos look like?

- Ugly - I answered, picking the backpacks from my shadows.

Then we returned, and I, once again, had to march through the city center but naked. I started to think that if this will continue people will start calling me an exhibitionist.

This time I earned 4 176 000 points. Some of them immediately were invested in a set of new clothes. After, I upgraded some skills. 'Mana weaver' 'Raw mana manipulation' to fifth level, and also 'Psion' class skills, 'Focus',  'Power of mind', and 'Telekinesis' almost finishing the class. Only 'Mind influence' was left.

Although the skill wasn't really working for me, since the mere thought of bending others to do my bidding felt just wrong as far as I was concerned, I needed it to unlock the second tier. This was crucial to sealing my mind from The Great One.

Whatever that being was, they for sure were lurking around, so I needed to close the door to my brain to open up a possibility to plot against them.

Finished, with still plenty of points, I finally went with Ki'rai to the lizardfolk settlement, to quickly kill the boss, and take my friends to the graveyard. They watched as I swiftly dealt with the Hemomancer.

I even earned myself some applause. For Ki'rai this was the first time seeing me in an exchange with the boss since with just me around, she had to keep a safe distance. With a bunch of seasoned hunters, there was no reason to worry, even if the lizard woman would decide to suddenly change the targets of her attacks.

There was still a good chunk of a day left, but I really had enough of fighting with the unknown, not to mention stronger, opponents, so I finished with just tagging along with Will's group and helping them here and there.

At the end, I dealt with the Necromancer, and we together returned to the city, to sell the score, and grab a beer. I had to give them detailed descriptions of what I was dealing with throughout the day.

I learned that Nil had arachnophobia, and even mentioning spiders made his face twist in disgust. Boris got very interested in Leshy, since that creature was from Slavic mythology, and he knew a fair bit about that thing.

We ended pretty early, and everybody went their separate ways, to rest before tomorrow's hunt. For me, it was gonna be an even harder endeavor, as I needed to also spend some time on finding at least one more territory. I decided to take a stab at the giants.

The long day came to an end with 126 645 909 points remaining on my account, and seventy-six class points.

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