Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 344

I shadow walked people to the lizardfolk settlement group by group. Starting with my friends since I had to drop everybody straight into action because of the location of the anchor. I picked the strongest bunch, to make way for others, and eventually moved everybody alongside the equipment we left above.

Will and the rest cleared the perimeter, and from that point, we started progressing steadily. I went out of my way, to get ahead of everybody and kill the mind controllers before they could create chaos among our ranks.

We cleared up everything all the way to the boss. I killed the Hemomancer, because it was too dangerous to let anybody from the newcomers approach her because they would simply be killed.

After that, we had a long break in the city. People shared the score among themselves, and then bought some upgrades, and had something to eat in the cafeteria, just to resume the hunt in the graveyard.

Eventually, we gathered in front of the Necromancer's door.

- I'm gonna get him out of mana, so somebody else can get a kill - I said to Will as we approached the door.

- You sure it will work? - he asked with a bit of concern showing on his face.

- Yeah, it will. Just hold the dor for me, ok?

He smiled, then winked at me, and at the end whispered to my ear:

- Hodor.

- You and your TV references - I sighed, and went inside.

The boss was there, sitting on the throne, and moved as I got closer. He rose his hand just as he did many times, and the spell hit me taking my vision for a second, but it was nowhere near strong enough to take me down. I used 'Cleansing' and rushed towards him, just as the skeletons started crawling from the underground as they have been summoned.

I immediately focused on destroying those, because that was the key to my tactic. Make him so busy with creating new creatures, and clearing them up as fast as possible, so there will be no chances for a different kinds of attacks.

I created few flame birds to take care of the other parts of the chambers. The explosions were not too big, because I was concerned with oxygen, but enough to tear apart the bones.

It was overall boring and very one-sided. I had many opportunities to just attack the boss, but I didn't, eventually wearing him down.

- Andy! - I yelled on top of my lungs, as I was ripping the rod out of the Necromancer's hands.

He came running out of the crowd of surprised people, alongside my friends. With a staff in his hands. I thought he would be scared, or confused, but I was wrong. The guy was focused, keen, and determined. He whacked the boss with his weapon on the head, but that was too little to kill.

I jumped backward, to make them more space, just as the boss went for Andy's throat, but he ducked, put the stick behind the boss leg, and rammed him with the shoulder, tripping. Then started swinging aiming again at the skull. Skeletal hands were not enough to protect the head of the boss, which eventually got cracked, and in a burst of smoke, there was only a single crystal left.

I started clapping, which was immediately picked up by the others. Cheers and whistles came out of the crowd.

- Congrats man - I came closer to pat him on the shoulders.

He nodded shortly, a bit confused. The battle focus was gone.

I used 'Telekinesis' to pick up the crystal, and shoved it into his hands. He almost dropped his weapon.

- Keep it, you've earned it.

- T-thanks...

People started coming inside the chamber to have a look around, and congratulate the first-class point receiver from among them. He got picked up and tossed few times in the air by an especially eager bunch.

After that short celebration, we gathered, and I started transporting everybody back to the city, so they would again share the crystals, and do some shopping.

We ended up standing on the side and watching.

- I'm exhausted - said Will. - This was way more tiring than just hunting by myself.

- Yeah - Boris agreed. - How about we grab ourselves a drink and relax a bit? We will have to repeat this tomorrow too.

- Let's go! - shouted Ki'rai, excited by the vision of a party.

She without waiting for us bolted towards Velvet Lotus. Boris sighed.

- She has too much energy...

Then Daniel approached us.

- Hi... Uhm... We talked among ourselves and would like to buy you guys a drink or a few as thanks for today.

- Free drinks? I'm in - said Nil.

- Sure thing - said Boris. - Let's go to Velvet Lotus since our little friend is already on the way.

- Velvet Lotus then - said Daniel and returned to the group.

Sun after all of us was following Ki'rai's footsteps. We had a little party, funded but the newcomers. Andy was guilted into buying a whole round for everybody in the club as a celebration of his first-ever class point. Then everybody kept asking what class will he chose, and after a solid while he confessed that he is going to pick 'Water elementalist'.

Some overeager guys tried to convince him for something else, but then our grandma stepped in, and yelled at them, to leave the guy alone. I noticed she wasn't as hunched over as before and didn't even need the cane. She still had it though, to whack somebody over the head if they were too annoying.

Overall, it was a fun night filled with dancing, joking, and talking. I also had an opportunity to notice few things about a bunch of the newcomers. For example, Andy was a rather quiet guy, who preferred to drink in peace, on the side. Nadzieja, the granny, was very happy to share her stories from the past and giving advice to whoever asked for it, or not...

The most interesting was the Daniel guy, who at first talked a lot with people, but then kinda stepped back, to observe from the distance.

- I want him and Blue in one room - said Boris to me, after discreetly gesturing towards him.

- Why?

- Just a thought.

- They will either start making out or kill one another - Will joined.

- What? - I asked.

- I've seen the type - he explained. - He is smart and is for some reason trying to figure out people around him. He is either like Blue, or completely different. Either way, we should keep an eye on him.

I nodded slowly, unsure what to think.

The day came to an end with 206 755 629 points remaining on my account, and 180 class points.

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