Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 352

The day started just like any other would, but I knew that this one will be different. I was not wrong, although the reason behind the difference was, well, different. I thought that hunting again with Will is gonna be the main factor, but I was wrong, and I noticed it as soon as I arrived at the city center.

There was only Boris and Will standing there from the group of my friends. The whole place was busy, as people were preparing for their own departures. The duo was standing on the side, to not take the space from those who needed it.

- Hi. Where are the others?

- Well... Will talked with me yesterday about your little deal, and we decided it's a good opportunity to take a break. So it's just the two of you today. Have fun - he said, and just left.

- So just the two of us? Like in good old days - I said to Will.

- Yep - he agreed.

With that our hunt started. It went rather well and I had fun for the two days, but on the morning of the third Daniel appeared, just as we were to depart.

- Can we talk for a moment? - He asked me.

- Sure.

- Come with me.

- Why? Stuff you can tell me, you also can tell Will.

- It's not about will, but the people around.

His facial expression was serious, and I knew immediately that he is not playing some kind of stupid game. I nodded and we both followed him to a nearby alley.

- A bunch of people died not too long ago, and nobody knows where. A new group of people appeared this very morning. There also have been a few complaints of some groups clearing the easier dungeons at night, just after respawn. I'm thinking it's both connected - he explained, after checking up if nobody is looking our way.

- Did you tell Hatta? - I asked.

- No, but he knows.

- If somebody died in the dungeon, there are for sure some traces. Bodies, or at least bones - said Will.

- Not in the easy ones around. Marcella asked Mihael to check, and he didn't find a thing.

- So it's not the easy ones - Will replied.

- You are in charge of the harder ones. You and Blue. Did you see anything? - Daniel asked.

- No. And you aren't exactly right with us being in charge of all the harder ones. We've been ignoring both the graveyard and the lizardfolk settlement for the past two days since others took a break from hunting - I explained.

- Can you check those places for me? I'm afraid I don't have the means to do it myself.

- Yes, we can - said Will.

- Thanks. Let me know if you find something - said Daniel, and left.

We were left alone in the alley.

- What do you think? - Will asked me. - Do we know somebody who could do this?

- If we did, we don't anymore. I doubt somebody else than our crew could survive one of those bosses.

- Let's go and check this right away.

I touched his shoulder and shadow walked us to the lizardfolk settlement. It was not cleared, so we had to fight our way to the boss, but that wasn't a big problem.

Just as we arrived at the plaza with the altar in the middle, we could immediately see few obliterated people. Bodies twisted in agony, with terrific wounds. Eleven people in total.

- So here they are - said Will. - We should check if we know them.

- Yeah - was my answer, as I started walking towards the boss, and creating firebirds on my way.

The fight was short as I blew away the shards she was using to protect herself, and jammed my blade in her heart. Then we both started looking around.

- Do you recognize anybody? - I asked Will.

- I've seen the faces, but I don't know the names. How about you?

- Two. Bård - I pointed at a male with his face split in half, and few holes in the torso. - And this one is... Was, Ylva.

Her body was twisted unnaturally. Like her own muscles betrayed her in an attempt to kill the owner.

- As crazy as it sounds, I think we should get that guy, Daniel, here - said Will. - He should take a look at this.

- Ok, I'll bring him - I dropped the anchor, and shadow walked back to the city.

It took some time to find him. I had to visit Marcella in the hospital building, which was located behind the complex belonging to Wuxia. The building was big and simple. Lacked in furniture, and clearly was a work in progress, but few "doctor's" offices were ready, and that's where I caught her, taking care of some newcomer who almost lost an eye.

She led me to the pub, where I found Daniel taking some notes, and looking through papers, while clearly eavesdropping on people who also were there.

- We found something. Come.

He nodded and quickly packed his things into a leather bag, which he then threw over his shoulder.

I shadow walked back with him and joined Will. He quickly took a look t the bodies, kneeling down around a few to check closer.

- Interesting - he mumbled to himself, as the two of us watched, keeping a distance of a few steps.

- What's interesting? - asked Will.

- I know all of those people and some of them wouldn't hunt together. This guy - he pointed at one of the bodies, then at another one - banged this one's girlfriend. Not to mention they were both leaders of their separate groups.

- So how the hell are they here together? - I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.

- I have no idea, yet. Is there another hunting ground close by?

- Why?

- Because there are few people from their groups, but not all of them, and more people are dead than this eleven. This means they probably went somewhere else.

- It doesn't make sense. If they escaped from here, they would run back to the city - said Will.

- Maybe they didn't start here - Daniel shrugged his shoulders. - To be honest, I have no idea what's going on, but something is, and we should gather all the clues we can.

- Ok, I'll take you there, just stay at the backline, cause you might die.

- I'm well aware - he said, smiling.

I shadow walked us to the graveyard.

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