Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 359

The aftermath of what happened lasted for days. Even Blue returned to the city, again, to discuss the course we would take from now on, to prevent anything like that to ever happen again.

I tried to keep my distance and focus on hunting, but Will kept me up to date. First of all, Marcala came out with an open proposition to create an intelligence agency, who would keep tabs on what is going on in the city. She and Daniel were to handle that.

The next thing was an outpost that was going to be built close to the harpys' territory, outside of the canyon, in the forest.

Blue also wanted to talk of redistributing the territories again, but nobody else agreed, so everything stayed in the same manner.

For me... It took me days to stop seeing Nadia whenever I closed my eyes. I was feeling kinda melancholic during that time, but eventually, it passed, and space for rediscovering focus was made.

I did my all, hunting and helping with the construction of a little fort, on the edge of the forest. This consumed days at first, and those quickly turned into weeks. Eventually, the project was finished, so I got some more time.

I was considering looking for a new hunting ground, but instead, I used the time to rest. Why? I had no idea of what was waiting for me out there in the wastelands. I could be awake for days out there, which meant resting now was a good idea.

Overall it took me one hundred and forty days, but throughout that time I managed to collect 980 class points, which combined with what I already had, was enough to unlock 'Shadow champion'. The last step I thought was necessary for me to attempt looking for Loistavadvaar. I also gathered 6 608 617 000 regular points.

I unlocked the following skills by getting the 'Shadow champion': 'Shadow fusion III', 'Void essence III', 'Void manipulation III', 'Void domain II', 'Eyes of the Void II', 'Hunger of The Void'.

The new skill was allowing me to use some of the properties of The Void, and by that, I meant now my shadow essence could eat on targets, or corrode them if you prefer. Kinda like acid would, but there was a slight difference. Void essence was not leaving any byproduct, it was just making things disappear.

I fully upgraded the 'Void essence III', and then pushed every other skill to the seventh level, since I couldn't afford more. All of that was 5 575 555 000, which left me with some spare points. Those got immediately invested in four thousand strength, constitution, and dexterity upgrades.

With the last bit of points, I went for a seventh upgrade of 'Shadow walk III', and two upgrades of 'Void anchor II'. This left me with only 121 910 449 points on my account.

I couldn't get lower, since I still had to buy food, and also needed some in case of an emergency.

I wanted to head out immediately, but there was something I should do before that, so I did. In the late evening of my last hunting day, I went to visit Will in his old room. The room that had so many memories.

Nowadays he was only going there to get some sleep, and not always. The academy was taking a lot of his time, not to mention hunting, but since he knew I was gonna visit, he was there.

- Peter - he said opening the door, after I knocked.

- Will.

- Come inside -  he made me some space.

I went straight to sit on the couch. Through all this time, nothing has changed inside. Stuff just got older.

- I have a beer for you.

- Our last beer.

He went to his bed and pulled out two bottles from under it. He gave me one. I opened it, and we did a little silent toast, and then started slowly sipping the alcohol.

- I know you are gonna say no, but... I just have to say it. Let me go with you - said Will.

- Ok, I'm not gonna say it, but I'm still going alone.

He sighed.

- Peter I... I know that you are doing this because I kept mentioning it, but I don't want you to get yourself killed...

- Wow. Do you really think that there is something out there that could kill me? That's some bold statement.

He chuckled.

- Ok mister confident.

- There is something you might do if you really want to help, though...

- What? Don't tell me, Ki'rai?

- Yes. If she finds out, she is gonna run after me, so make sure she won't, until it's way too late.

He nodded.

- I give you my word, but that's not gonna be easy. She will be furious, and then...

- Then she will cry.

- Yes, and she will hate me. A lot.

- It's better this way. I can't protect her out there. I don't even know where to look.

- You will find it, Peter. Don't worry.

- What makes you so sure?

- You fixed every problem until now. You will fix this one too, and then we will have a real beer in a real pub - he started laughing

And I joined him.

We talked for few more minutes until both of us finished the two bottles, and then I left. I went back to the device to do the last bit of shopping before departure.

I bought only food that would last for a long time. With the last upgrade of the device I had more options than before, so I went with the canned stuff, some military rations, dried meets, and stuff in closed bottles.

I spend a total of 60 000 points on it because I had no idea of how long it will take me to find the city.

With that out of the way, I sneaked my way past the city walls and started a long run throughout the night...

This period of time came to an end with 121 842 049 points remaining on my account, and 19 class points.

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