Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 369

I didn't walk for long when I noticed a man stumbling out of an alley. He was walking backward, with his hand slightly risen, like he was showing that he surrenders. Then he tripped over his own feet.

A group of four men followed him from the direction he stumbled out. They were clearly talking, but I was too far to hear a thing with the constant noise of the city.

This looked like something that would help me take my mind off my family, so I just started walking towards them.

- Please, I beg you! I already gave you everything I could - said man, lying on his back, still trying to crawl.

They surrounded him.

- I didn't ask for everything you could give me. I asked for everything you have.

- Look. I can give it to you. I have workers that need to get paid.

- I don't give a shit.

- Gentlemen, what is going on here? - I asked, as I was close enough.

This immediately grabbed their attention. All four guys were white, in normal clothes. I noticed a few tattoos on gingers, hands, and necks. The man on the ground was also white and looked just like a regular guy.

- It's nothing. Just a conversation - said one of them, that just spoke before.

He started moving towards me.

- You gave a man on the ground begging you, and the whole thing is nothing?

He chuckled.

- You clearly know what the hell is going on here, and since you are not running I get that you want to play a hero.

- Something along those lines.

He swung his fist at me, as I entered his range, but to me, it was slow and pathetic. I just moved out of the way. Then he tried his left, but the punch was even worse than the right. With few steps, I just passed by him.

Now the other guys knew that I was a problem, so they went to help. One pulled out a knife. The boxer tried to tackle me from behind, but I ducked, and then stretched out, to throw him at his friends.

Two of them tried to catch the guy but got knocked on their asses by the weight. Knifer on the other hand was still able to attack, he swung at me, but I was too fast for him, and folded him like a piece of origami.

It was fast, surreal. The weapon landed on the ground alongside him, and he didn't even know what happened.

Then I finally got to the guy on the ground, as the three picked themselves up. They didn't try to fight anymore and just ran away.

I extended a hand, to help the man stand up.

- Thanks - he said, after grabbing my arm.

He was bald and had some one-day-long beard. It was easy to pick him up.

- No problem.

- I'm Boby.

- Peter.

We extended a handshake.

- Can I buy you a beer, Peter? As a thank you for saving me.

- Sure. It's been a while since I last drank a beer.

He pointed me in the alley he just escaped from with a gesture. And there it was, a backside of a place called 'Better Days'. It was kinda ironic, for me since I felt terrible just a moment ago.

It was pretty empty inside. Maybe five people were drinking in half-darkness. Simple, short counter with a bunch of bottles on display behind. Few tall stools next to the bar, and a couple of tables all around. Boby pointed me to one and went to get us two tall glasses.

The first thing that hit me was music. It was quite some time since I heard some recorded stuff. It was some slow country, a genre that I wasn't really into but now it sounded incredible. The smell wasn't the most pleasant, but I was used to worse.

- Here you go - said Boby while putting down my beer in front of me.

- Thanks - I immediately took a sip.

- So, Peter... What brought you to that alley? I'm not gonna lie, you saved my ass. Those guys would beat me up badly...

- It's complicated.

- I get it - he took a sip. - We just met, and you don't want to share personal stuff with a stranger.

- I was... I was running away.

- A guy like you? - he said, smiling after taking a sip of his own beer. -  I saw you taking down those thugs, and I know tough people. I'm a boxing fan. You are one tough guy. Ex-military?

- Something along those lines... I was about to see my parents after a long time, but earlier today I watched my friend getting slapped in the face by his wife, as he tried ta talk to her. I couldn't even knock on the door...

- Uh damn... Sorry, friend. I wis I could help you with that, but I can't. My family is a mess too.

- So, Boby... Let me ask you a question now. What were those guys about?

- Eh... Just a bunch of thugs wanting money, but it's a deeper problem.

- Het me. Today I don't have anything better to do. Might as well listen to your problems.

He chuckled for a  moment.

- Ok, Peter. You see... I have a little gambling problem. I'm not stupid so I usually keep it under control, but from time to time I don't, and two months ago I didn't. I lost one of my storage houses. I have a couple of them, and that one wasn't that big of a deal, the problem is to whom I lost it.

I kept silent because I had no idea who he is talking about, and was just sipping on my beer.

- The guy was some high shot in a Russian gang. Now they are harassing me because they want more of my storage houses. It's a primary location for smuggling...

- So they are pushing you?

- Yes. It's the third time. At first, just some asshole stole my wallet. Then they took my car, and suddenly I got an invitation for another poker night. I ignored it, but then I noticed a bunch of guys following me from time to time. I'm not dumb. I put this together very fast.

- Why didn't you go to the police?

- I did. They didn't do shit. Officer told me to my face that I'm overreacting.

- So what are you gonna do?

- Oh, I have a plan. Don't worry about me. What about you, and your parents?

- I don't know... I need some time to think about it.

- You have somewhere to stay?

I didn't answer immediately but took a moment.

- No... Not really.

Boby smiled at me.

- I used to live in one of my storage houses for half a year. The stuff is still there, but pretty dusty. It's not much, but you can have it until you settle your mind.

- Look... I'm grateful for the proposition, but I can't pay you back for that...

- It's fine. You can help my guys with work for a couple of hours a day if you feel bad about it. A couple of hours more, and I will even pay you.

- That's... That's very generous of you.

- You saved my ass, Peter. Not to mention I will feel safe with a tough guy like you around.

I smiled a bit.

- Let's finish the beer and I'll show you the place.

I nodded to that, and soon after I was being driven in his replacement car to a small storage house in New York's harbor. It was a building outside of a bigger cluster of large warehouses. Old one. Rough on the outside, with graffiti, sprayed all over. The metal door was closed by chain and padlock.

He opened it and invited me inside then turned on the lights. On the left side there was a couch, and a table, with a small kitchen a bit furder. Nothing fancy, all old and covered in dust. The left side was just a pile of different stuff put on top of each other, with a single punching bag dangling more or less in the middle.

Light bulbs illuminating the space were dangling straight from the wires.

- There is a bathroom behind that door - he pointed with his finger. - So. Do you take it or not?

- I'll... I'll take it.

- Good. I'll come back in the morning, and introduce you to the crew and the work. It's more on the tougher side, but I'm sure you won't have problems... See you tomorrow, Peter.

- Good night, Boby...

That's how I found myself in a storage house belonging to a complete stranger. I quickly started to wonder why The Great One didn't pull me back. Why didn't he even try to talk to me?

I knew that I won't be able to sleep, so I started looking around and then cleaning up the place.. I found some utensils, and went to work, to kill the time until morning.

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