Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 373

There were around five SUVs parked out there. All black with tinted windows. The guy was stumbling on his feet while walking, and both girls had to support him heavily.

I heard them whispering among themselves.

- We are gonna die here - said, Patricia. - He is gonna kill us. W know his secret. Oh God, I don't wanna die...

- Shut up bitch! We need to just keep quiet, and don't provoke him - replied Rachel. - He still didn't kill anybody, so if we play it nice, we should be safe.

- He is a monster. A demon... We are dead, Rachel.

The conversation started to be kinda annoying, so I used 'Telekinesis' on one of the cars on the side. Picked it up, and threw it while flipping on its back. The screech of metal sliding on the concrete silenced them both. They stopped walking, but couldn't make themselves turn and look at me. The guy's reaction was even worse. He almost collapsed in their hands.

- Come on, walk - I said, as I was passing by them.

Our captive clearly saw that as an opportunity to escape. I don't know how this idea was born in his head, but it certainly was. He pushed the girls and started running. I noticed the ruckus and witnessed Particia landing on her ass, and Rachel stumbling awkwardly as the guy was bolting away.

I just summoned as shadow champion who popped up in the air and then tucked the thug. They landed heavily on the ground, but for my summon it was nothing. He picked himself up, grabbed the leg of the wannabe fugitive, and dragged him down behind us, as I helped the blond to stand up using 'Telekinesis'.

Then I circled around the girls, to come between them and put my arms around their shoulders. Then I started walking forcing them to do the same.

- I'm not gonna kill you. I'm not gonna hurt you, but I swear I'll take my anger on that fucker behind us if you don't stop talking shit about me - I said to Patricia.

She nodded quickly.

- So, do any of you know how to drive? Because I doubt that asshole will be able to, and we still need to fix the problem you pulled us all into - I said turning this time to face Rachel.

- I can drive... - she said with fear in her voice. - But... Can you explain to us who you are? We both are scared out of our minds... Please.

- It's a long story. How about we go back to this conversation after we are done? It's a long and crazy story...

- Ok - she agreed.

I used 'Telekinesis' one again, to bring up the dragged thug from behind us. I turned him upside down and left him hanging in front of us in the air.

- Hey, pal. Did you guys manage to catch this lovely young lady's boyfriend yet?

- Y-yes - he shook his head.

- Great. Is he alive?

Rachel gasped as I spoke those words.

- Y-yes h-he is alive - confirmed the thug.

- Great. Now you will lead us to him, and then to people responsible for this whole mess.

- I-i can't.

- Want to go on another trip to The Void? This time though, I won't pick you up after you are half-eaten.

- O-ok I'll sh-show you w-where it i-is.

- Good boy.

I patted him on the cheek. Then we finally arrived at the car. I opened the doors using 'Telekinesis' and put him gently in the front seat, next to the driver. Rachel sat next to him, and me with Patricia at the back.

It had to be his car, because he was clearly the leader, and would drive the first vehicle, so I wasn't doubting that he had the keys, and he really did.

For the girl, it was nervewracking to start the car and drive, but she somehow made it and followed the instructions of our captive.

The blonde next to me did her best to avoid the eye contact, and I, to ease the mood a bit, pulled out some beef jerky from the vault and started eating like nothing was happening. I could see Rachel observing me in the mirror as she drove. Even Patricia peaked at me from time to time.

As we drove to more lively areas I leaned forward to talk to the thug.

- If you think that you might attempt to escape again with more people around, let me assure you that you can't. So how about you save yourself, and me, the trouble and just do what I asked you to, ok?

He nodded nervously, and I used 'Telekinesis' to lock his door, which made him jump on his seat.

- And those are just the boring tricks I can do. Trust me, you don't want to see the fun ones - I continued smiling, and leaned back.

The blonde was watching my entire monologue, and our eyes met as I finished.

- Beef jerky? - I proposed, extending a hand towards her with few stripes, as she quickly averted her gaze.

- N-no, thank you...

The thug tried something a few times, but I made sure that him lifting even a finger would met with my telekinetic response. He could feel my powers influencing his body at any given moment.

It took ur around an hour to arrive at the place. It was a nightclub, now closed because of the time.

I helped him to get out of the car and followed myself, with girls hesitant about what to do. The guys slowly stumbled towards the door, probably desperately thinking of what to do. Rachel decided to follow despite angry whispers from Patricia. The blonde also went after us, because she was too afraid to stay in the car.

There was no bouncer in front of the door, so we just entered without any problems. We ended up in a short dark corridor, illuminated only by neon lights twisted in a single world, the club name - Bahama. There was also a counter placed in an alcove on our left.

I noticed that the thug wanted to scream something so I made sure no sound could go through his windpipe by squeezing it tightly.

As he fell to his knees I grabbed his shoulder and threw him into The Void, just to pull out a second after. That was enough for half of his clothes to get consumed, just like part of his skin on one arm.

I blocked his mouth while doing so, so he wouldn't scream, then dumped a single heal to stop the bleeding.

- Didn't I warn you this will happen?

He was crying and nodded weakly.

- Now lead me to your boss, because next time I'm not pulling you out of that place - I said while getting my face closer, and turning on 'Eyes of the Void'.

He pissed himself, but I didn't care. I put him on his feet, and pushed him forward, using the activated skill to scan the area in front of us. There was a bunch of people inside. Some armed, others enjoying the company of few girls, evidently half-naked.

"This is going to be fun", I thought to myself as a big smile crawled on my face.. Then I followed my hostage inside, as he opened the door on the other side of the short corridor.

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