Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 376

With one ear I was listening to my guy, whom I sent to fetch Chris, and with the other to girls, slowly putting down the walls, and calming down in my presence. They were still very wary of what I was doing, especially when it involved using a sill to keep the order in the hall.

Finally, the guy arrived at his destination, and I could hear as he entered some kind of place. From the sounds and echoes, I would guess that it was some abandoned warehouse. He climbed stairs made out of metal and went inside a more quiet space.

- Dimitri? What the hell happened to you, and what the hell are you doing here?

- Vasyl, look... I don't have time. We've been attacked. I need to fetch the boy.

- What? What the hell are you talking about - the guy clearly stood up, since I could hear the squeaks of a chair.

- I know how it sounds, but we have been attacked by a mutant! He could teleport and had super strength, and the bullet didn't work, and...

- Wait! Calm down!

- I can't calm down! I've been infested by spiders! I have them in my stomach! They will fucking eat me from the inside! I need the boy!!

- Calm down...


He was so loud my ear hurt a little.

- Ok, I'll fetch the guys, and will bring the boy. Just calm down. Meet me outside.

There was a bit of noise indicating my guy returning to the hall, then getting outside. Eventually, he was joined by others, and multiple people entered his car. They talked a little on the way, but mostly about what happened in the club. I had some strange feeling that Vasyl wasn't believing in Dimitri's words. That's how two hours passed.

Since I knew they were coming, I stepped out of the bar.

- Get behind it - I told to the girls.

They were surprised by my sudden reaction, and quickly got nervous, but listened to my order quietly and without complaints. Everybody else noticed something is going on, and I saw the thugs fixing their position at the tables. For some reason, they still thought they can win this fight.

I put a barrier over the girls, this time though not as strong as before since I had a better grasp of what I need to protect them from the bullets.

It didn't take long for new soldiers to arrive with Chris at the frontline as a meat shield, a bunch of thugs equipped with riffles behind him, and both Dimitri and Vasyl at the back.

Rachel's boyfriend was a rather handsome black fellow with short bleached hair, and beard trimmed fancy. He clearly was scared and had no idea of what the hell was going on.

- Chris! - the girlfriend shouted from behind the counter.

- Rachel?! Thank god you are safe.

- Shut up! - growled Vasyl from the back.

I couldn't see him because of how many people were blocking the view, but I recognized the voice.

At that moment Dimitri ditched the formation and came to the front. His fellow gangster tried to stop him, but couldn't.

- You have the guy, now take the spiders out! - shouted Dimitri as soon as he stopped in front of me.

He was pale, and clearly sick with big drops of sweat over his forehead and neck.

- Ok, but first you have to do something else for me. You will call the police, tell them everything you do, and when I see them arresting you, then I will take them out.

- I don't care who you are, this is never going to happen! - shouted Vasyl.

- I don't negotiate with criminals - I said to that and used 'Telekinesis' to rip the weapons from the arms of his soldiers.

That scared the shit out of them, but I was not done yet. I had still plenty to show them, and I was going to do it. I used both 'Void domain' and 'Shadow fusion' to make my body turn, and the whole main hall burst with void essence slipping through the floor.

Women started screaming, those who were held captive tried to hide for cover, the rest didn't know what to do, so they just stood there, looking at me with fear, as I started walking closer to Vasyl.

- You can either take the deal or die, but there will be no negotiation, and trust me, it will be a slow and painful death - I said to him, at the same time using 'Eyes of the Void' to put the finishing touch on the visual effect.

- What the hell are you? - He asked immediately, looking for an escape route.

- I'm your friendly neighborhood nightmare. Now take out your god damn phone, and start calling - I showed him my right hand, then created a fire on my palm, slowly licking my fingers - or I will set you on fire, then put it down before you die, just to heal you and go over this again. Uhh... That sounds like so much fun, I think we might find somebody else to pull that phone...

- N-no! W-wait!

In a second he had a phone in his hand and was calling the police. I don't know what he thought coming to this place, but clearly, he didn't think whatever Dimitri said to him was true. He probably wanted to take me down, and now he found himself calling the police to arrest his ass.

I flew all the weapons to the corridor using psychic powers and dumped them behind the door while making the rest of the people find a place for themselves inside. Rachel and Chris reunited, and soon we all heard the sirens. I waited for the last moment to shadow walk the hell out of there, making sure nobody else would see me.

Then I sneaked on top of the closest building, turned the seal on, and observed as the thugs got packed in the cars by the policemen. Surprisingly both Rachel's and Patricia's parents showed up. There was a lot of hugging and crying. It made me understand that this wasn't just a coincidence. Only then did I release my shadows from Dimitri's stomach.

- It was you, wasn't it? - I asked out loud.

- Yes - the Great One answered immediately.

- Why?

- I needed you to understand something, and I think you just did, watching those kids and parents.

- I guess I did... But I still want to know how you managed to pull this shit.

- Why don't we talk about this later? I think you should something first.

- Yeah. I know. Take me to my parents.

With a sudden blow of wind, I found myself in front of the apartment block I visited not too long ago.

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