Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 388

In the morning I didn't just get up and decided to lay for a moment on the cubic thingy. I was gonna go back today, after talking with The Great One about how to open the path, but there was no rush. On top of that, I had my doubts.

Don't get me wrong here, I really wanted this, but I also knew that every single person with influence and money will try to put their hands on the device in some kind of way. I knew that some shit will happen and people will get hurt in one way or another.

After several minutes, I finally picked myself up, and slowly made my way to the right place. The suns were shining over some of the cities I could see through the gates. Others were enveloped in darkness.

It was my last walk in this strange, cold, silver light shining from above on the empty alien buildings. I admired the greens and the sadness of this city.

Reminiscent of once a great civilization, that caused its own demise, with a bit of help from the outside.

I found The Great One outside his temporary home, waiting for me.

- Good morning, Peter.

- Good morning. It's time.

- I know. I will plant a thought in your mind that will allow you to access the functions of the sapling in your city. With that, you will be able to open the pathway, but that will still cost you points. Not to mention you will need five upgrades of your sapling to make it.

- Fuck... We have four. Why didn't you tell me before it will require points? I would save a crystal or two.

He smiled at me.

- That's why exactly I didn't do that. Your progress is my priority right now, and the weight of the city is not only on your shoulders. There are others.

I just shook my head, because I had a different opinion about that.

- Just do it, and I'll take it from now.

- I will, but I also want to inform you that from now on I won't be helping you hunt the ghosts. You have to do it alone. I already distracted the one sniffing around the area above us, the one whom you led here.

- Ok - I shrugged my shoulders.

He nodded, and I felt as his mental powers passed my defenses, and something changed in my mind. It was a strange feeling, as for a moment my senses went crazy like I was levitating in space, with blurry vision, hearing a buzzing sound, and smelling different things.

- It's done - he informed me. - Goodbye for now. Peter.

With these words, he just disappeared. I sighed heavily, and shadow walked back to the anchor left in my room in the barracks. It was dark there, as the shutters on the window were closed. A tiny bit of sunlight was passing through the small spaces but that wasn't enough for me to even see the outlines of what was inside.

I used 'Eyes of the void'  to not hit anything, and opened them, letting the sunlight in. When I turned the skill of, I got blinded. My eyes were used to much less intensive light. Squinting them I went to sit on the bed, where I remained until I finally got used to it.

Then I took a deep breath, and a laugh escaped my mouth. I made it. I had the knowledge to open the path to earth. I could do it, finally.

- Just a bit more - I said to myself, and then stood up, to leave.

O my way outside I passed by few people, who were stopping to look after me. Probably shocked by my sudden reappearance. The days when barely anybody knew about my existence were long gone.

I went outside, and it struck me how the city changed during my disappearance. The buildings were looking more modern than they used to. I saw nice dors everywhere, and glass windows. It made me turn around to look at the barracks, which was actually the only old-looking building in the vicinity.

This made me smile a bit, as I admired the beautiful late morning in the city. Few people were hanging around, some walking with intent, others just not. Only birds' twitter was missing. I walked straight to the Wuxia headquarters.

Their building, as I found out, was also still in the medieval ages. Hetta probably had more important investments to make, than the buildings. I found him in his office. The guards allowed me to enter without any problems.

He was dealing with some papers with a cup of steaming coffee on the side of the desk. The olive lamps were still the main source of light there, and I found it strangely nostalgic.

As soon as I entered he rose his eyes and looked at me. A smile crawled on his face.

- Good to see you, friend - he said.

- You too. I came to tell you that I have it. I will be able to open a path to earth now.

- Good. Great - he stood up and came around the desk. - We have a place for that not too far from here. The spot is just right. Shouldn't interrupt with the lives of people too much, and is also close to the center of the city.

- Ok, but we will have to upgrade the device first. Just one, but still.

He nodded.

- I have some funds prepared for that. If I inform people that we are doing this, we should be ready in a couple of days.

- I will go hunting too. I also would like to talk with the rest, so how about we meet here later?

- Ok. I will notify people, but... Did something happen?

- No. I just... I just want to talk about the future. Things will change when everybody will learn about us, and what this place has to offer.

- Yeah. I know that. To be honest I'm a bit concerned, Peter. Still, what else can we do? I want to go back, and I believe most people feel the same. We made some changes. I mentioned that when we talked last time.

p - I'm not talking about hunting Hatta. I'm talking about safety. About this place being taken from us.

He nodded again, this time slower.

- I understand. I think you are right. We should talk about that tonight with everybody.

- I will come back later then. Now... It's time to get some crystals... again.

He laughed.

- Yeah. That's how it is here, always crystals, always more.

I patted him on the shoulder, then turned around to leave. After few steps he added:

- Bring back a lot!

I shook my head, as I shadow walked through the door, and passed the surprised guards.

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