Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 391

It took me three days to get enough funds for the gate. It could be a bit faster, but I kept only going to two places, the ogre cave, and giants'. Why? I'm not sure. Maybe I wanted to have a rest from the hunt as I used to in the Loistavadvaar? Or maybe it was because of my friends, whom I missed and wanted to hand around with?

All I can say is, it happened.

Hatta and Will announced to the people, that setting up the gate might take more than just two days because of safety reasons. They wondered why the hell it was safe for the most, which was explained by the management of human traffic, to prevent this place from being overflowed by newcomers.

A bunch of people figured out the real reason, and that tumor spread among the people. Some panicked a bit, others were glad we were working on that, but nothing major happened.

Remember the thing I asked The Great One for? Probably not. So let me tell you, that on the first day after the upgrade was bought, instead of a bunch of people showing up, a bunch of Ki'rai-like lizards showed up in the city. They all were speaking English, and all had fake memories planted in their heads, of being Xuvi experiment from another planet, that was pulled here after an uprising, during which all of their masters were killed.

Why do I know it was fake? I didn't come up with that myself, The Great One told me. I kept that a secret though. From everybody. Especially Ki'rai.

She had her hands full showing them around. Some people were happy because of them around, others showed racial discrimination, calling them Xuzards, mixing words 'lizards' and 'Xuvi', which actually they grew fond of, so that's how their race got named.

She kept protecting her new family from assholes and led the whole bunch to hunt every day to get them stronger. Because of that, I've barely seen her, but still, I was happy.

​ My friends were also busy gathering enough crystals for the building and working on the identification. Aisha, Blue - after his return, Daniel and Marcella made sure we had a full list of the population, including the lizards, and everybody got the proper badges, enchanted with magic.

About Blue... He was actually against the barriers but didn't argue long, since he was the only one. Then I learned from Daniel, he was trying to sway people to vote for Japan in the upcoming referendum. The two of us came to a conclusion he was trying to overtake this place by teaming up with his government.

I let the others knew, and that just made everybody argue where the portal should lead to. Every freaking person wanted it in their backyard. I started considering putting it in mine, so they would all shut up. In the end, everything was gonna be determined by the vote.

I didn't want to argue with anybody and didn't even have time for it. When I bought the gate, which was set up inside a large hall with four exits big enough for five trucks to fit at the same time, I didn't activate it right away, instead, I took care of setting up the first lier of the barriers.

I wanted this to be a work of art, so I used 'Barrier combining' to make all work in symbiosis. The inside one had to be the strongest, preventing anything from entering at a highs speed, so any bullets or explosives wouldn't work on it. The second was filtring the weapons, the third was filtring the air from chemicals, the fourth was preventing any radio signals from passing, and the fourth was targeting the electronics.

It took two days to just set that up, then I spend a whole week on using 'Mana overcharge' constantly, and pouring everything in there. I didn't sleep at all, the only breaks I took were to eat, and go to the bathroom.

Probably using the device would be more efficient, but I didn't have enough points to just pour left and right, besides that overcharge was damn efficient, as long as I could just focus on that, so this method wasn't half bad.

During that time my friends tried to keep me in a bubble, preventing me from finding out what was going in the city, but I learned from Daniel anyway. The swaying votes became something that led to many fights among people, and nobody seemed to be able to just let it go, and allow the democracy to work.

After talking with him for few minutes I asked to spread information that if people keep fighting, I'm gonna open the gate to Antarctica. It worked, at least a bit. The large brawls stopped, but occasional fights still occurred.

The situation was not ideal, but I felt like I couldn't do anything. Although, I would lie if the thought of screwing everybody, and opening a gate in my own country didn't pass through my mind. In the end, I wanted to play fair.

After I felt like the barriers are ready, I went to inform everybody. The hunting in further grounds was put up on hold anyway, so all the people stayed in the city, and everybody got informed that the next day we vote.

With that, I went to eat, and relax in the bath, but the truth was, I just couldn't. The worries were too intense to just ignore them. I left after a couple of minutes to just sit under a wall in the city center, thinking I might prevent people from doing anything stupid.

Nothing was happening though, so just from boredom I went to the device and browsed through it. I looked through the newly unlocked stuff by The Great One, that only I could access, and I especially got interested in the access points. I could afford five with that I had on my account, so I bought them. Locating three close to the gates leading to the hunting grounds, and the remaining two in the city center.

Some kind of black roots emerged from the ground in two places forming two flat panels, with the symbols on the ground next to them. It caught people's attention, especially when I tried if they worked, and they did.

I spent the rest of my night walking to each of the three gates, to check if the same thing happened there, and it did.

That period of time came to an end with 3 847 049 points remaining on my account, and 19 class points.

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