Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 393

A few hours passed in India before I allowed myself to have a little break. I was simply hungry and really needed some food. So I just pulled some stuff from my vault.

- A break? - asked Jayadeva.

- Yes.

He nodded with a smile.

- Is it tiring? This - He pointed at the invisible barriers.

- Yes, and no. A couple of hours is ok, but a couple of days is... It's just boring. Not to mention...

I ended up not finishing the sentence, and just focusing on opening one of the cans. I twisted the lid a bit to make a spoon and started eating the tuna.

- Not to mention the angry people in the city? - he asked.

- Yeah.

- You can't please everybody. I had to learn this as well, and I was way older than you.

- What happened?

- You took my son behind my back. I was furious back then, but now... Now I understand that was the right choice. They might not understand right now, but they will in the future.

- Maybe some will, but not everybody. Blue... He was planning to do something.

- I noticed. He really wanted the gate to open in Japan. Probably to contact the government, and take over the place.

- People would fight for it. I would fight for it.

- You think he cares?

- Yeah... I don't know. For some reason, I had this... Hope? That he changed... But I was obviously wrong. He didn't do anything for so long and even helped us so much.

- I think he is the type of person who fights till the end. Today he lost, but tomorrow might be a different story. We should watch out for him.

- Yeah...

- But don't be concerned, Peter. You are not alone here, and he knows that he cant lay a finger on you.

- He is a sneaky bastard, so it's better to be careful.

- I think you should just talk to him. Find out what he wants, and negotiate. Maybe you can figure out some kind of compromise?

I shrugged my shoulders and threw the can back in the vault, to get rid of later.

- I don't know... I don't know... What I know is, that I'm tired of fighting among ourselves. If he kips doing that I might have just to...

- Kill him? Yes, you might. Still, Peter, I would start with talking. You would be surprised at how much you can achieve with just that.

- Why do you think he will talk to me? Not to mention that he is a liar. I can't trust him.

- He won't lie to you. That might have not been the case before, but he respects you now. I think it's worth trying.

- I need to finish this first.

I resumed the process of overcharging mana and putting more of it into the barrier. Jayadeva just sat in silence, admiring the view. Some people showed up on a boat, swimming towards us. I didn't see them, because I was too focused on my work, but Jayadeva waved to them, as he stood up from his chair.

The boat landed on the shore, and curious locals came closer, talking to Jayadeva, but I didn't pick up the language. I was too focused on overcharging for my skills to get activated. Those people looked me over closely, then approached the barrier, which Jayadeva presented to them.

They put their hands on the invisible wall, and their minds got blown away. Some pulled up phones and started taking pictures and videos.

That was just the beginning, as more people, stationing deeper in the hall came closer to the gate, showing themselves to locals. Some of them were craftsmen and some Wuxias soldiers. A discussion in English started among them.

In the next hour, police showed up. They walked by land, circling around the lake to get to us. When they saw the gate, and the barrier they were just as freaked out like the rest. There was a bit of talking, which led to some of the police talking with the higherups through radio communication, while the rest made people back off. Then one suddenly approached me, to put me in cuffs. This broke me from the trance.

I felt his hand pulling mine, as he attempted to subdue me. Even with the seal turned on my body was simply too strong. I turned 'Eyes of the Void' on to scare him off. He stepped back, as his hand unconsciously went towards the gun.

- I told you this is a bad idea. You can't cuff that man - said Jayadeva to the policeman.

- You are on the territory of India illegally - I was told by the man in khaki uniform. - We need to arrest you.

- Just call your authorities or something, but you are not arresting me. Talk with that guy, and figure something out - I pointed at Jayadeva.

- I've been telling him what's going on here - the leader of craftsmen explained. - but he didn't listen. He talked with his supervisor, but I doubt they believed what he told them.

- Ok... - I turned around to face the police and used 'Telekinesis' to make their guns levitate in the air. - See? I can do stuff you can't even imagine, but I don't want to. So please stop making me to. Call some politicians, or media, or whatever, but stop interrupting me. I'm doing something important. If you want to talk, Jayadeva here will explain everything. Just be reasonable.

With those words, I threw the guns into my vault, and resumed the process of overcharging mana, and supplying it to the barriers. The surrounding faded away as I focused. I could still hear them talking, and noticed movement, but it was like through the water.

Jayadeva talked with the police for a while, and then they resumed talking with their superiors yet again. It went for a few minutes and was just a prelude to what happened after. As the news spread and even more police showed up, followed by men in suits.. It was already dark by then.

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