Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 402

I started by summoning two shadows and made it look like they crawled from underground. Elaine reacted immediately, by stepping back. Dustin on the other hand was clearly excited, as his mouth opened.

My two minions picked themselves up, and then assumed positions in front of me.

- Ok, guys. We are going to go fight that lovely bunch - I pointed at the soldiers, and the shadows looked in the correct direction.

It was obviously fake, since they didn't have eyes, and were just simply silhouettes made of void essence.

- I want you to play nice. No sharp weapons. As a matter of fact no weapons at all, and no hurting, just simple subjugation. You get it? Ok, very nice. Now get the rest and attack.

They ran past me in the opposite direction of the pit, and vanished, turning to smoke, as I unsummoned them. There was a moment of pause when everybody was looking around nervously, not knowing what is gonna happen. Everybody except Will, who was facepalming.

Then the first shadow came running straight from thin air, next to me. Another followed him, and a few more joined. They ran down the stairs, to attack the soldiers in the pit, and were quickly put down. That was just the beginning though, as more and more kept coming. Quickly a few turned into a dozen, and the numbers kept growing and growing, rining down the pit from every direction, surrounding soldiers and getting easily destroyed by them.

I don't know what the audience was really expecting, but definitely not this. My soldiers were clearly not enough to win, but I was just fooling around.

- I said we are attacking guys! Where the hell is you?! - I shouted, and then really went for the summoning.

The dozen turned into hundreds, which turned into thousands. Ther were common from the alleys, jumping from the roofs. Crowding, and climbing on top of each other to pass to the soldiers. They got overwhelmed in few seconds. Disarmed and subjugated.

Meanwhile, my audience looked around scared. The officer was the same. I noticed him turning around to see where the hell were those shadows coming from, and if there was an end to them.

Elain got scared and caught Will's shirt. Even the agents clearly felt uneasy. Will just had 'what the fuck, Peter' written all over his face.

- Cool! - shouted Dustin.

I snapped my fingers, and every single shadow turned to black smoke, that quickly disappeared in the air. Soldiers picked themselves up, clearly not happy bout their defeat.

- That was soo cool! - the kid shouted again.

- Very interesting ability mister Peter - said Wolf. - How about you show us more? After all, it was supposed to be a spar with you, not your... Minions.

I noticed the 'mister' and a fake smile on his face.

- How about we do something different? How about you and me go down there, and show them how it's done? I'll use just one hand - I said, turning my eyes black, and smiling widely.

Elaine almost screamed. Dustin also stepped back, but he looked more surprised than scared.

- Hehe... I'm afraid a have a wrong outfit for that - was his response.

- Yeah... I think this is enough - said Will. - I'm sure you will all have a chance in the future to spar in any configuration... Let's go visit Nobuo, shall we?

I made my face return to normal.

- Yeah. Let's go.

I noticed that the family walked on the opposite side of Will than I was. Even the agents didn't want to be next to me.

It took us a while to get to the place where Bushido was located. I recognized the familiar buildings made out of wood with characteristically curved roofs, where eaves extended far beyond the walls. The front was empty, except for two guards sitting next to the door to the main building, but we could hear where the rest was.

They were training, judging from the shouting, and noises made by bamboo swords. This met they all were on the training grounds and the plaza behind the buildings.

The architecture caught the eye of Dustin, Elaine, and Josh.

We caught guards' eyes, but upon noticing who it was, they ignored us, as we made our way to the training grounds.

There were quite a bunch of people. I noticed a group swinging their bamboo swords under Nobuo's guidance, shouting all at once with every strike. Some were practicing alone on the training dummies. A couple also did physical exercises. Some push-ups, jogging, and other stuff.

- Master! - somebody shouted, picking Adachi's attention, and then he noticed us.

- Break! - he said to his students and immediately started walking towards us.

Dustin observed everything in awe.

- Good morning Peter-san, Will-san - he bowed a little bit to us.

- Morning Nobuo - we both replied at the same, time, also slightly bowing.

- This is my family. I wanted them to meet you - explained Will. - This is Elaine, my wife... We are separated. This is her boyfriend, Josh. And this is my son, Dustin. Those two are CIA agents, agent Wolf Linton and Agent Zander Grant.

- Good morning. I'm Nobuo Adachi - he said, and bowed again.

The rest replied with the same motion. Even the kid. Then Nobuo let us further, showing the training routines his disciples were going through. Then we witnessed few duels among them, with bamboo swords, obviously. Nobuo was watching carefully, and commenting on everything. Not leaving even a single mistake.

I was kinda surprised that he was actually in the city, and not out, hunting. Then I learned that actually most of the influential people were staying, because of how much was going on recently.

We ended up being invited to a traditional Japanese dinner. Both Elaine and Josh seemed to enjoy it very much. The agents on the other hand were paying more attention to the display of skills the Bushido disciples presented during the training.

Most of them had superhuman speed and strength, so the fights were looking amazing. Dustin also loved them.

After dinner, we went to visit Bratstvo.

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