Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 406

After waking up I spent a moment in bed thinking about Will, and how to handle the situation. I thought about visiting him, and telling him that no matter what he chooses, I'm gonna have his back, but somehow I felt like this might lead to another argument, so In the end, I just went to take a bath, then ate breakfast in the cafeteria, and paid Rishi a visit.

I found him in a renewed workshop with a lot of machinery and electrical tools. The place got bigger, and there were several more people working there. He was actually cleaning up his little corner where he did all the enchanting stuff.

- Morning - I said to him.

He jumped since he didn't notice me at all, too focused on his work. I noticed dark circles around his eyes. He looked very tired.

- Peter?! Hey... Morning.

- Is it ready?

- Your weapon? Yes. Do you have what you promised? - his eyebrows rose up.

- No. I need some more time. I've searched for the last two weeks and didn't find anything, but I'll get you what I promised. Don't worry.

He sighed and shook his head.

- Wait here - he said to me and left, to return shortly holding a long something, wrapped in a piece of cloth. - Here... It's a bit better.

- Thanks - I took it from him and unwrapped it.

It was a nice, wide pudao. The other side of the blade had three sharp points, kinda like sawteeth. The handle was made out of dark wood, with nice little loops carved in as decorations. It was ending with a wide ring, perfect to attach it to something if I ever needed it.

- I'm waiting for your part to be delivered - he said to me, and then just turned around, to go back to work. - You promised.

- I'll come back soon, and you won't regret making a deal with me. You can trust me on that.

- Yeah... Go. I have work to do.

I could understand why he was so grumpy with the amount of work people dumped on him in the last weeks because of the gate, so I just left him alone by shadow walking straight to Loistavadvaar.

I used a counting-out rhyme to select the random gate and just walked through the portal. The world I ended up in was strange.

First of all the giant crystals, who were giving out a faint light, and levitating in the air everywhere around. There was no other source of light, so everything was half dark.

Then there also were those frame-like buildings, basically, two skyscrapers connected with each other at the top by a horizontal bar, just as thick as the building itself. There were several of them one behind the other.

Except that I also saw the regular buildings. All kinda the same. A short tower of three to four floors. Round, and finished with a dome on top. They were made out of white stone, and had a lot of windows, small ones.

Learning from my previous experience I didn't admire the view for too long and quickly focused on finding if there is an enemy nearby, but there wasn't. Only then I allowed myself to put more time into checking out the architecture of that place.

I entered a few of those towers to see what's inside and I found that even furniture was made out of stone. People who lived there in the past used to sleep on the stone platforms, but, to my surprise, they also liked potted plants, as I noticed few reminiscent of those, filled with soil.

A bit later I found a couple of plants that somehow survived without being taken care of.

I tried to look for some writings, papers, books, or even stuff put on the walls or something less obvious, but I didn't find anything. There was art in form of sculptures, but nothing of it was named in any way I could identify.

Whoever was living there had to be very agricultural focused, since I found a lot of gardens, still kept up by the device controlling the city. There were orchards with many trees with fruits sometimes ready to be picked up, and sometimes it was too late, as plenty of them lying wasted on the ground, covered by bugs feasting on them.

Since I was never a fan of insects, I just left, to look around in some other places, searching for ghosts.

I couldn't find any, though, no matter where I searched. Then it hit me. Since the ecosystem made by The Great One, was supposed to preserve the energy flow, and not waste it, the monsters were killing each other and eating the crystals left to become more powerful. This obviously meant that most of them had to be outside of the city.

I slapped myself in the forehead upon discovering this obvious truth, and then just started walking in a random direction. Still very much aware of my surroundings and expecting the possibility of attack at any given moment.

Even after hours of walking nothing happened. I didn't want to risk making too much noise by traveling fast, which combined with the fact that this place could be huge since it was ancient, meant that it might take me some time to reach the city walls if there were any.

The dim light made things even worse since it was making me sleepy, and also greatly influencing my ability to see the movements of possible enemies. I had to rely on 'Eyes of the Void' to make sure that I'm really not seeing anything dangerous around.

When I had enough of just walking, I dropped the anchor and returned back to Loistavadvaar to get some food, and rest a bit, while reading and hoping that tomorrow will bring me some results in for om nice red crystals.

Another day in Loistavadvaar came to an end with 207 935 359 060 regular points and 858 class ones.

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