Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 412

We passed through the gate in silence. The guards on top even waved at the soldiers.

The forest was starting further since we cut down some trees a while ago. The ones marking the beginning of the hunting ground were still standing tall, since no matter if they were cut down, the next day, they would just reappear.

We entered the woods.

- Ten people ahead, five on both sides! - shouted Asim Patel.

The soldiers surrounded us according to order, and we kept going in this loose formation since not all the times it could be kept because of the trees.

- Pay attention to your surroundings - he kept repeating himself.

- You don't have to be so on edge - I told him after he said the same words for the sixth time. - Goblins are weak and noisy.

- This is our first hunt mister Peter, also me and my guys don't have guns, so I don't want to take any chances.

I sighed. We kept going for a moment longer. Then the first monsters showed up. As soon as goblins noticed us, they charged.

Captain kept shouting the orders, as soldiers engaged in a short fight, that quickly became a victory.

- I told you - I said to him, as the last green one fell down, stabbed to death.

He ignored me and told his men to collect the crystals. We kept doing this for few hours, encountering many groups, since it was only us there, in the whole goblin forest. Eventually, we encountered the cave, protected by the guards.

- You don't want to make too much noise while dealing with them - I said to Asim.

He nodded, and send four guys, to kill the monsters quietly. Then the whole group approached the entrance.

- I would really like to go inside - said Bharat Kumar.

- Me too - said the captain. - We didn't earn that much so far.

- Is there a chance you could assist us? - the IB agent asked me.

My eyebrows shoot up, even without me realizing that.

- Why the hell would I do that? I'm already helping you by supervising your sorry asses.

- There is no need to be rude - said Kunal.

- Maybe we can arrange something to compensate you for the help? - Bharat wasn't giving up.

I noticed the soldiers exchanging looks among themselves.

- Like what?

- World peace and a cheeseburger.

My comment made the troops laugh.

- I'm serious - said the agent. - We can pay you for this. How does ten thousand US dollars sound?

- Ten thousand? What would I even do with this money here?

- Here? Nothing, but outside you can buy some nice things for yourself.

- Nah...

- Twenty.

- Look. You guys have no chances there - I pointed at the cave. - I would have to basically clean it for you.

- Thirty thousand. I can't offer you more.

- Ok, but the boss is mine.

- The whole point of this is to kill the boss - said Asim looking at Bharat, not me.

- If you want the boss, you should return with a bigger budget - I said to them.

- Isn't there a way for us to have the boss? - asked the agent.

- Ok, but you have to kill him yourself.

- Can we do that? - asked Kunal looking at the captain.

Asim didn't have an answer to that, so he looked at me.

- Boss will kill all of you. He is way too strong and way too fast for you, but you still might try. I won't stop you.

- Fine, the boss is yours - Bharat Kumar finally agreed.

- And thirty thousand dollars, in cash. You have time till tomorrow - I reminded him.

- You will have it tomorrow, don't worry - he said.

You might think I was being fullish, but I believed them. They were military guys, and also crossing me wouldn't be the smartest move, and I was sure they knew that.

I made few firebirds send them ahead, and shadow walked past the people, to enter the cave. Nobody expected any of those moves, but they all quickly followed. I threw a bolt of fire, to make some noise, and gather the goblin horde, which soon came at us screaming wildly, ready for a fight.

Then I started summoning Shadow fiends. Just a few, because there was no space for more, but that was enough, as they literally massacred the green monsters.

I pressed on without stopping. The captain quickly gave his soldiers the order to collect the score, while he, and the other two, surgeon and agent, followed me.

They didn't talk at all, just watched, as I cleared the dungeon all the way to the door leading to the boss. Then I unsummoned the shadows, and pushed it open, revealing the cave illuminated by the fire from giant bowls. My birds made it even brighter by flying under the ceiling when I entered.

The boss stood from his throne, like the rest of the soldiers attacked. With few shadow walks, I mercilessly broke their spines, alongside the armors.

Then the boss charged at me, but I was so fast, that I avoided every attack with ease, grabbed him by the face, and crushed his skull. The bones snapped with a loud noise, and he turned to dust. Then I picked the crystal and threw it at Asim Patel, who caught it, still in shock of what just transpired before him.

- Ok... Now I get why Marcella told me to never annoy you - said Kunal as I passed by him.

I snorted since he still didn't get shit, then found myself a spot under one of the tunnel's walls, and sat down on the ground, to eat some food from my vault.

For the soldiers it took some time, to catch up with us. I was sitting in silence, despite a few attempts from the tree to talk with me. They eventually gave up, asking me questions I would never answer.

I thought I made it obvious I want to talk about what I can, and cannot do, but they nevertheless tried.

When all the stones got collected, we returned to the surface, and the whole hunt continued until the late evening. Then we returned to the city, and the soldiers bought their first upgrades.

The day came to an end with 3 547 029 points remaining on my account, and 20 class points.

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