Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 565

Everything that happened after that is a blur to me. I know that before I managed to run Gavriil grabbed my hand and stopped me. I looked at him furiously.

- Can you help him? - he asked.

I donk know if he knew, just like me, that I couldn't. Despite the powerful magic I had, Bori's was already dead, so the best I could achieve was restoring his body, but that was it.

Hailwic screamed with all the power in her lungs. Everybody else was in shock, watching the holoprojection.

- If you cant help him, don't go - he then added.

I was furious, and about to punch him, but large arms wrapped themselves around me. It was Martin.

- Don't go, Peter. You are going to do something stupid. Please - he said straight to my ear as he hugged me tightly.

I didn't want to listen. I wanted to go out there, and butcher bot the fucking psychic alien, and Zor'xal. I wanted to free myself from Martin's grasp, but my seal was still on, so he was too much for me. I could feel the frustration fueling the anger that was consuming my mind.

- Peter, please - the giant continued. - You will cause a war. I know Boris was a friend, but he wouldn't want this. You can't bring him back.

- He can't? - asked Gavriil, still confused since I didn't answer his question.

- If he could, he would bring back Nadia - said Martin.

His logic was correct. If I could, I would bring her back, but that was beyond me. Neither I could help Boris, but at that point, it wasn't about him at all. I just wanted to rip Zor'xal apart, and threw hir remains across the arena.

The scene we caused brought the attention of others, and Will rushed towards me. I finally focused on the seal and broke it, just to throw Martin off me.

I was gonna jump to the door, leading to the armory but six blades, with a strange boiling light around them, appeared in the air and blocked my path.

- Peter! - shouted Will. - This is bigger than us. This is bigger than you. If she is right then we don't need you to fight that Nall, he will resign anyway, but I know that is not what you want. You want to kill them all, don't you? You can't. We came here to help avoid the war, not to cause it.

- They killed Boris! - I turned around to look at him.

I could feel tears slowly sliding down my face, and hanging on my chin.

- I know... We will have our revenge, but not now... - he said moving towards me.

Meanwhile, Martin managed to pick himself off the ground. Just as he stood up, and Will hugged me, AI's head popped above the arena.

- Participant Nall has resigned. Both sides should pick their new representatives, and send them to the arena - it announced, and vanished.

- You heard that? - asked Will. - I know you want to go and to be frank, I would let you, but not in the state you are right now. I'll go instead.

- No. I will go - said Tai who immediately started walking towards the door. - I'll bring what's left of your friend. He fought well. He deserves a proper burial. He was a hero... The world should know about him. Right now you all are too emotional to go out there.

Will didn't argue with him, neither did I. I could understand the logic, but the anger was still there, and above it was the frustration, that I just couldn't go there and make them pay, because the consequences could be too severe.

In the end, Atri was not lying. I looked at her, and she fixed her clothes and brought back her usual happy expression. She looked at me for a moment, and her mask broke. I saw the sadness. I still didn't understand why she behaved like she did before, and made us confused. Maybe that could change everything, or maybe it would make no difference at all. I don't know to this day.

Tai left, just like Avakadaiss. Will didn't let go of me until the Chinese man didn't reach the arena. He didn't even put his equipment on and headed straight to Ashal Kal Anur.

- I came to pick the remains of one of us - he informed the alien.

The device on official's read lighted up a bit, and he nodded. Tai then picked up the twisted lump of metal, covered in gore, the crushed helmet, heavy shield, and ax. We all watched. It was quite a lot, but he managed to bring it all back and put it down on the floor. Then he stepped back.

Will looked at me, and I nodded. I slowly made my way to the remains. For the skill, I didn't need more than just a bit of the flesh, so I scoped a bit of it from the armor and used 'Renewal'. Because of the injuries, if you even could call them 'injuries' at that point, the skill consumed quite a lot of mana, but it worked.

The bloody pulp in my hand started moving. At first, it looked like it was boiling, but then it started extending, forming parts of the body. Bones and muscles quickly changed into the full-scaled man we used to call Boris. Our friend. Still dead.

I took down my hoodie and threw it over him to cover the naked body at least a little bit.

Hailwic was sobbing, but she was not the only one crying. I saw many silent people, with tears running down their faces.

- He was a hero - said Nil. - The best man I ever met in my entire life.

Then he completely broke down, and quickly covered his face, but that was not enough, so he turned around shaking and quickly left.

- We will make sure the world will remember him - said Adam who observed from afar.

The mourning lasted a bit longer before I placed the body in my vault.

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