Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 577

Zor'xal started yelling at his entourage, and some of them quickly left his side, probably to fulfill his orders. Then we had to wait for a moment, for the next participant.

p - Will is doing great - said Adam. - To be honest, I didn't expect that from him. How strong is he really?

- I would say the second after Peter-san - sadi Nobuo.

This comment made almost everybody else look at me. Some people started whispering among one another. What I displayed during the fight with Gavriil was impressive, but the duels they saw here were also amazing. Nobody of them, except my friends, could understand that my real strength was not lying in the flashy moves, although I had them in my repertoire, but in the diversity in my arsenal.

I could move very well around the battlefield thanks to flying and shadow walking. I was incredibly tough thanks to the 'Dreadnought' class and my constitution. I could make barriers, use fire magic, and many more things. Not to mention my ridiculous pool of mana. And there was also healing and other stuff...

As I was analyzing my own skillset, the next alien entered the arena, and everybody's attention switched from me to a massive figure. Not as gigantic as the goliaths, but a bit shorter. His shoulders were wider though, and the hands thicker. Everything was hidden behind an armor made of plastic-like, black plates that looked like big scales, which was not limiting his movements too much.

He had horns on both sides, descending from the temples, and ending slightly behind his head. The face was quite humanlike, but longer and the skin was completely red. He had yellow eyes with dark pupils.

On his left forearm was mounted some kind of device, and in his left, he was carrying something that looked like an ax, but there was no blade. Instead, there were three spikes. He spoke something, and the scales moved to form a helmet over his head, with an expressionless mask hiding his face.

As he stopped in the middle of his half of the arena, the gong immediately announced the beginning of the fight.

Alien immediately leaped into the air to land heavily in front of imperturbable Will and brought down his weapon. Around the three spikes, there was now a shimmering, light blue blade. There was a quick flash of light as he struck the ground creating a shockwave that send the sand into the air because Will was no longer there. He was gone.

He appeared a few meters behind the warrior with a similar flash, and the two shields immediately rushed towards him, to block another strike from the alien.

The blade managed to cut one of them, leaving a deep mark, but that was still not enough to break even the single one of them, and there were two.

Will let took his right hand of the claymore's handle and extended it, while still golding the sword firmly with the left one. Hundreds of swords appeared in the air above him and came raining down at his opponent, being surrounded by the strange boiling aura in the middle of their flight.

The alien started knocking them down with his ax. The energy blade proved to be sturdier. He didn't take a risk of allowing any direct hits, which quickly proved to be a good idea, since one of the swords brushed by his arm, cutting the scales and leaving a trail of blood as it jammed itself in the sand.

The blades were flying everywhere, landing stuck deep in the walls surrounding the arena, hitting the barriers protecting both Zor'xal and Ashal Kal Anur. They were not enough to even scratch them.

Will kept summoning more and more of the swords in a constant rain of metal. Clearly trying to tire down his opponent, and wound him, but the warrior was doing rather good, so the human was forced to switch his tactic.

In a  flash of light, he appeared before his enemy striking with his claymore. The alien tried to block by swinging his ace, and something shocking for him happened, when Will's sword cut through his weapon creating a shockwave that pushed both of them back.

But there was more behind Will's attack. It not only destroyed the energy blade but also cut through the wall behind, leaving a gushing mark that allowed us to see the architecture behind.

It was clearly not supposed to happen. Both the imperial official and the emperor were shocked.

Ashal Kal Anur even stood up, to have a better view of Will. Zor'xal was stretching his neck, as he clearly couldn't leave his floating chair. He immediately said something to one of the members of his entourage, but they were unable to answer the question, and just shook their head.

The human immediately attacked again, but this time alien knew better and dodged. This strike was not as powerful, but it still made a mark on the wall surrounding the arena.

The warrior threw sand into Wills's face and extended his hand towards the entrance to the underground complex as he ran that way breaching the barrier of sound. But the move was not enough. Our friend appeared in front of him, in midswing as another ax came flying from behind him. His eyes flashed with light as he struck, while the new shield formed protecting his back.

The explosion of light blinded everybody, and when we could open our eyes again Will was standing on the edge of a giant hole melted by the energy, with the energy ax stuck firmly in the shield behind him. There was no sign of the alien.

Ashal Kal Anur immediately started clapping, while Zor'xal couldn't take it anymore, and slammed the hand support of his vehicle, making it start slowly descending.

In the waiting room, people exploded with loud cheers celebrating such a devastating victory. We were now winning by three with the addition of two draws.

As I thought about it the door leading to the corridor opened revealing Katri Xel Avakadaisu.

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