Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 588

There was a crowd of familiar faces gathered around the house, and more people were arriving just like us. I spotted Hatta, Aisha, and Daniel, all standing together on the side. I decided to head towards them, meanwhile, Tihana headed straight towards the house.

I was spotted on my way and the three came forward to meet me a bit faster.

- Good to see you back - said Hatta.

- I just came to bring the body back. I need to return by tomorrow. There are many things still happening out there - I replied, and then exchanged a handshake with everybody.

Aisha instead hugged me.

- How are you holding up? - she asked.

- It has been better - I confessed and tried to put a fake smile on my face, but I probably failed.

- If it cheers you up, we had some problems here too - said Daniel. - With you guys gone some people tried to get to power, so my hands were busy slapping them on their hands. Oh, and by some people I mean the friendly soldiers.

- You are overreacting - said Hatta to him. - We are handling the situation.

There was a second when I just wanted to say fuck it, and leave. I felt simply overwhelmed. I should be feeling victorious by what we achieved, but instead, I felt like a sore loser. The price was just too big.

Hatta had to read it from my facial expression as he patted me on the shoulder.

- Don't worry about this place. We are handling it. Focus on Earth.

​ - Yeah - I replied.

The rest of our conversation was cut short, as Boris's emerged a procession of people carrying a black shiny coffin on their shoulders. Behind them was walking Irina, holding her son by the hand, and Tihana closing the procession.

- Looks like it's time to go - said Daniel.

All of us and other people gathered around followed them. The distance we walked through wasn't too long, as on the Bratstvo's territory they had already prepared a tomb, and it was our destination.

As they vanished inside and a crowd gathered around because of the lack of space inside, Tihana went out of it and came to me, to grab my hand without a word, and pull me there. They already placed Boris inside a sarcophagus made out of concrete, decorated by murals showcasing warriors fighting with monsters.

There were more of them there, but the rest was placed in walls. I even spotted a familiar name on one of them. It belonged to Vitya, also known as 'Midnight'.

Irina was crying, just like her son.

- He was a great man who helped us rise from nothing to where we are now - said Ilja. - Incredible hunter, and an even better husband. An amazing father, who loved his family. I have nothing but respect for this man. I will remember him forever.

Those gathered around nodded to his words, and then he looked at me, clearly expecting me to say a few words.

I cleared my throat before starting.

- I met Boris when I was probably at the lowest point in my life. I remember it very well when I shared the food with him for the first time. People were starving here and everybody just thought about how to keep themselves alive, but he was different. He had his crew. Some of those people are right here now, so you know. He was unshakable and kept moving forward despite everything. This resolve and attitude not only brought him to the position of some of the most important people in this city but also elevated the people around him. He was a true friend even when it wasn't easy. Without him, I probably wouldn't be here right now.

I needed to clear my throat once again, as the grief tightened my windpipe, and I felt like my voice was about to crack.

- Even out there he showed unyielding resolve despite everything that was going on. He saw things nobody else could and brought us victories when we thought that we lost. Unfortunately, ha had to pay the highest price for that. Throughout the past few days, I've been constantly thinking about what would have happened if I were to stop him. To tell him not to go. If I were to go out there myself instead, and I can't help but blame myself for not doing it, but being wise after the tragedy is easy...

Tihana placed her hand on my shoulder. Even Tam, held by her other arm, was looking at me.

I couldn't speak anymore, as tears came pouring from my eyes, and my throat got completely twisted by the strong emotions.

- He was a hero, and he left us as one. We will remember him forever - said Tihana.

Those were the last words that were spoken during the funeral. A moment later people started slowly leaving. Ilja took care of Irina nad young Vitalij. My fake thought led me out of the tomb, to the streets of Arc, and she was with me when I had to sit down under a wall of one of the buildings around. Away from the eyes of other people.

I kept crying my eyes out, as the whole build-up tension finally exploded. She didn't say a word, just was there, sitting next to me with the chicken in her hands. I don't know how long it took exactly, but eventually, I got a hold of myself and was able to pick myself up.

- I need to return - I informed her.

She nodded.

- Kick their asses there, dad - she said and brought a smile on her face to make me feel better.

It worked. Her faith in me brought me strength that I thought I was not capable of. With Sudarshana gone she was the last pillar supporting me when I was supposed to be the one supporting her.

I smiled, at her, then hugged her tightly, almost crushing Tam, who despite that didn't make a sound, and then shadow walked back to the hotel.

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