Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 594

The day started with an invitation to a grand breakfast in the dining hall. As I was informed by Sor, it was the place I visited on the previous day.

She gave me this information alongside traditional Sabhetani clothes she and also Ashal Kal Anur were constantly wearing. It wasn't really my style, but I ended up putting them on. The movement of air between my legs, as I was used to wearing pants all the time, was kinda weird, but I got used to it rather quickly.

- How do I look? - I asked her.

There was no mirror there so I couldn't really check myself up properly. Looking at my reflection in the water was not only barely working since the bottom of it was white, and also it was slightly moving all the time.

- Good - she said. - You look like a proper Sabhetani.

Then she even smiled.

- Ok then. I'm ready if you are.

- I'm afraid I was not invited. I'm a slave, Peter - she informed me. - But I'll happily walk you to the dining hall.

I rolled my eyes. This whole thing sounded stupid to me, but I also didn't have a mood to argue with her or anybody else.

- Ok. Just walk me there. I don't want to get lost on my way.

It was an obvious lie since the path was very easy, but she didn't say anything.

I gestured towards the door, and she moved first. I followed her almost immediately. The corridor outside of my room was busy with aliens and humans moving through. All in one direction, so we ended up following the crowd all the way to our destination.

It was an awkward walk, as nobody was talking. Neither among the alines, nor among the humans. I personally found it quite funny.

As we reached the hall we entered the ship through, I saw many familiar faces around coming from all three directions. I gave and received a few nods, as we all joined in one massive crowd, and followed along with the longest rug on the floor.

,m Those who didn't see the dining hall previously were quite stunned by how it looked. Especially the chandeliers above. Those were quite spectacular even for me, somebody who had already seen them once.

The tables were filled with food. Familiar and unfamiliar. It was a mix of many earth cuisine with some alien stuff we couldn't even name. The aliens who came with us immediately started serving. Moving the chairs, and asking if anybody needs help.

I was confused by it, as we already got assigned some people to us.

- It's a display of wealth - said Sor as she saw my expression. - Each slave has a single role. Those who guide can not serve food. Those who serve food can not clean, and so on and so far.

- Ok... I get it, but I'm not gonna lie. It's unnecessary as hell.

My words made her laugh.

- I'll be waiting on the corridor for you - she informed me then, bowed slightly, and left.

I just shook my head. It was simply unbelievable.

Then I spotted Ashal Kal Anur standing on the elevation, and patiently looking as everybody was taking their seats and was being served by the aliens. He nodded towards me, as he noticed me looking. I returned the gesture and went to search for some familiar people to sit among.

I spotted Will, who waved at me, as he already had a spot reserved for me. It was a chair between him and Nil. A good spot if you were to ask me, as I enjoyed the company of them both.

- Morning - I said to them, as I found my way there.

- Morning - said Will.

- Morning - said Sanders. - How was your night?

- Good. Why are you asking?

- Because mine was spectacular. I fucked an alien girl, and let me tell you, it was amazing - a gigantic smile crawled on his face.

I just sighed. Will simply chuckled and shook his head.

- What? - asked Nil. - It was an occasion I couldn't pass on. Where would I ever get such an opportunity?

- You are digging bro - said Will. - Let's just forget it happened.

Sanders waved his hand. Then I noticed Will looking around, and he got a bit closer to me.

- Hey. I had this strange thought yesterday. Do you think this might be a trap? All of our strongest people are gathered here - he whispered.

I shook my head.

- After everything that happened? I doubt it. Besides if something was to go down on earth Hatta still has my coin, so we will know, and I will take us back.

- I thought the same thing, that's why I didn't rush to you yesterday - he confessed.

It was an obvious lie, but I didn't argue with him at all. He was simply worried because this place was so strange to us, that anxiety was a natural thing.

We ate some. I avoided the alien stuff because I didn't simply want to have problems with my stomach. I still didn't change my way of thinking about food at that point. Since my body was so tough there probably wouldn't be any problem even if I were to eat dirt, but since I always had some good or decent food on me in my vault, it never switched in my brain.

There weren't any major announcements from Ashal Kal Anur. He simply lied down on his sofa, and observed us, while eating from levitating plates.

After we finished our meals people started departing. I was actually among the last ones to leave since I wanted to talk with the imperial official. There were still things on my mind that kept bugging me, so I wanted to find my answers.

As the door to the corridor leading back to our quarters was opening often, I noticed Sor waiting patiently there among a few other aliens. It was kinda irritating and forced me to move before everybody else left the hall.

I approached Ashal Kal Anur with confidence.

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