Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 600

Ashal Kal Anur stopped in the middle of the room, if I can call that spacy with this word, and one of the aliens from the High Queen's entourage stepped forward.

The creature's head for some reason reminded me of a potato, with its dark gray, earthy color, deeply sunken eyes, and complete lack of hair. They were wearing completely black, long all the way to the ground, robe with a thick stripe of red at the edges.

Our imperial official spoke first, bowing deeply. He said a lot, but since we couldn't understand, I tried to focus on something else, and that was the aliens around. I noticed a few representatives of races we have already seen in this place. There was a small crocodile of almost black, thick skin. I'm using the word small, but he still was around my size. Although compared to the guards we met, he seemed like a child.

There were long-limbed creatures with bulgy heads, and long fingers, and also those with two white balls levitating on something I can only describe as a meaty wire. Those seemed to have something swirling inside.

- We should bow now - said Katri Xel Avakadaisu interrupting me.

We fulfilled her request, first looking at each other.

- What are they speaking about? -Adam asked her.

- Shhh - she hissed. - Not now.

We didn't have to wait long for an explanation though, as Ashal Kal Anur partially turned towards us, avoiding having his back facing the High Queen.

- I just introduced you and gave my judgment to the High Queen and her council about you, but because of the fact that Zor'xal is arguing with the verdict I gave, and has already sent his messenger here, I will have to present the situation from my perspective and show the evidence. This will take a while, but the High Queen is ready to hear me out, as she prepared for such a case since Zor'xal's side has already been here. You will have to wait for the decision. There is already a guide outside waiting to take you to a place where you will wait. Please do not turn your backs to the Queen, and just walk backward.

- Bow again - added Atri, and she immediately did what she said.

We followed and then walked backward, which was to that easy since there was a whole crowd of us.

Outside of the Queen's room, just as Ashal Kal Anur said, was a person waiting for us. A Calludin. He looked very similar to Nall, with an identical pulsating head. He bowed to us, and with his hand pointed to the right.

- Welcome humans. Please follow me - he said shortly in English without any devices on him, and simply turned to immediately start walking.

We just looked at one another and followed him.

- I thought we were going to talk with the Queen - mumbled Will.

- It would be a disgrace to the High Queen and the council if they spoke to you since you are not yet acknowledged because of the dispute about Ashal Kal Anur's judgment - explained our guide.

The fact that he heard Will took us all by surprise.

- Wasn't this supposed to be just a formality to prove he wasn't biased? - asked somebody.

- If you didn't conspire with him to win, then you have nothing to worry about - said Calludin.

For some reason, he seemed angry, and a bit harsh toward us. His words were straight to the point. I had this feeling, that he doesn't like us at all. Maybe because we still weren't part of the empire, or maybe he had a different reason. It could also be the case that he was just like that normally.

His words cut the conversation before it even properly started. He led us through the corridor and a few staircases. Sometimes we were going down, and on other occasions climbing up. At the point it started to be annoying we finally arrived at our destination.

It was an open terrace with a view of the city below. There were black metal chairs and tables prepared for us to sit, and also some food and drinks. All alien to us.

- This is the place - the Calludin informed us and made space for people to enter.

The crowd went in, all except Will, who waited at the very end to question our guide a bit further.

- Do you know how long this might take? Approximately - asked Will.

I hearing his words also stopped just past the entrance to hear the answer.

- If it was up to me I would end it quickly and declare Ashal Kal Anur a fraud, so I could kill you - he said to Will's face. - I know what you did. You killed one of us, and for us, Calludins that is a grave offense.

This took my friend by surprise. Me too actually.

- It wasn't my fault. We fought in a tournament. He also killed one of ours - said the paladin, as his face immediately turned serious.

He even glanced at me, giving me a clear sign to be ready just in case.

- I know - said the alien. - And that is why you are still alive, but it doesn't change the fact that I would want my revenge. That's why I'm hoping for this to get that way, but if it doesn't... I guess I will just have to deal with it and accept the Queen's judgment.

With those words, he just left, but after a few steps he also added:

- I'll collect you when they are finished. Be ready.

There was something grim hidden in the sentence he just spoke. A hidden threat.

Will immediately looked at me.

- What the hell was that? - he asked. - I thought we will come, bow, and leave as a per of empire, but not only it didn't happen, we also already have some enemies here.

- Well... Ashal Kal Anur said this is just a formality to me, and that he can easily prove everything was fine, so let's just trust him, since there is nothing else we can do.

Will simply sighed.

- I hate being powerless - he added, as he moved to the terrace, passing next to me.

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