Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 602

The first elements of my seal started to turn off as our group entered the chamber. Everything looked exactly the same as previously. Even the positions of the council members standing around the High Queen's throne were just like before.

I was the last one to enter, trying to buy as much time as I could, so my doings wouldn't be detected. I had no idea if they could somehow notice or not, but was not going to take any risks.

Ashal Kal Anur followed me, but he quickly rushed forward, to get at the front.

- Kneel - hissed Katri Xel Avakadaisu and everybody followed her order.

The Queen remained in her position, facing the crystal despite the fact that she was about to determine our future. Her expression was emotionless like her face was carved in stone. Her skin color even enhanced this feeling.

The potato-head alien nodded slightly.

- You might stand up no - said Atri.

Again, we all did what she told us. Then the same council member stepped forward assuming a position between us and the Queen. Ashal Kal Anur also moved, walking a bit forward to the side, and turning with his side towards us and the mighty monarch.

After that, a long monologue of the potato-head official started. He was moving his hands, and clearly explaining something, probably very much our fate, and considering the length, also the whole process that preceded the decision.

I ignored that completely, focusing on untying the complicated spell that was suppressing my true powers, just in case of an emergency.

When the official finally became silent, he looked at Ashal Kal Anur who started translating using the piece of technology on his lip.

- Greetings humans. Your case has been brought to the High Queen's attention, and both sides had their chance to provide evidence supporting your visualization, or decline it in favor of the expansion of the Dispurian empire. Taking into consideration the informations provided by both sides, and the material evidence the High Queen has made her decision.

When those words were spoken, bu heart started racing like crazy. I managed to completely turn the seal off and was ready to start grabbing people and doing my best to take as many as possible with my back to Arc. I was just waiting for the cue. A quick glance around told me, that I was not the only one.

We all were eager to hear the verdict, and nervous to the brim. There was not even a single human there who was not on the edge, keen to hear the world that definitely start something new. Either an apocalypse or a bright future for humanity.

Even both Ashal Kal Anur and Katri Xel Avakadaisu were still anxious, which told me they also didn't know the decision yet.

- The representation of the Ixan empire by Dispur and Zor'xal was pathetic - continued our translator. - Not only did he use cheap tricks, and try to tire out the human warriors, but he also brought politics to the sacred battlegrounds by bringing one of the most prominent races in the Ixan empire, the Calludins, and getting them killed.Â

Those words made me hesitate, as I started thinking that maybe the verdict was positive for our case. I noticed a few people smiling here and there, as they already were expecting a good outcome.

- Normally in such circumstances the verdict would be obvious, but the appearance of a Sabhetani as a participant on Zor'xal's side throws a shadow on the judgment of Ashal Kal Anur, the messenger of war, assigned to the task of conducting a sacred tournament, for a chance to join the empire. Especially when the participant could be a part of a once-prominent family, who disputed the rights to rule of the current royalty holding firmly the throne of the Blue Palace. But that is not the matter of this verdict. This verdict is solely focused on the fairness of Ashal Kal Anur's judgment.

Those few sentences put everybody back on the edge. My confusion was gone, I was ready to take action. I was ready to react and evacuate as many as possible.

- The footage delivered by both sides, combined with the memory invigilation by the High Queen herself was enough to determine what is the truth. The High Queen has decided, and we, the council will bring you her judgment.

The translator finally finished. And the potato-head official resumed his speech which we couldn't understand. I tried my best to read Ashal Kal Anur's face, but his expression remained the same throughout the whole thing. Even Katri Xel Avakadaisu, my second choice for finding out before the shitshow started, was not reacting. I gritted my teeth from irritation and held on.

- The High Queen decision is - Ashal Kal Anur started translating as soon as the other alien finished. - that despite the possible influence on my judgment caused by the situation, I remained fair for both sides, and this means toy, humans, are now accepted as the vassal of the mighty Ixan empire!

- Kneel, now - said the Atri.

I followed, with a second of hesitation. The potato-head official stepped a bit forward towards us and spoke again, but this time we didn't get the translation from Ashal Kal Anur.

,m - He is making it official - said Katri Xel Avakadaisu.

So we waited until he finished, which took maybe a minute or two. Throughout the whole process, Ashal Kal Anur was smiling. It was his triumph as much as ours, and people on our side found it hard to contain their happiness too.

- Now stand up - said the Atri. - It's almost finished.

We followed her order, and then she also added.

- Now the High Queen will go through your memories from the tournament. It's a part of the ceremony.

- What? - escaped my mouth, as I was taken by surprise by what she said.

But I didn't get my answer, as the people in front of me one by one started grabbing their heads, letting out groans of pain.

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