Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 604

I have no idea how much time has passed when I was out. I had no dreams, no feelings. It was complete darkness until it suddenly started getting brighter. Not much, though, but enough to wake me up.

I opened my eyes to see a pale blue field in front of me. I was in an empty room, with just grey walls. Completely empty, with light coming from a lamp embedded in the ceiling above.

I wasn't wearing the clothes I was supposed to have on. In exchange, I had some white pants and a sleeveless shirt. Also white. No shoes.

I picked myself up. My head immediately started hurting like hell. The vision got all blurry, and I had to stop.

I tried again after a moment, but the whole thing repeated itself.

There was clearly something wrong with me, so I decided to dump a whole 'Renewal' on myself. A second later I was looking at my own hand with the weird feeling of déjà vu.

"What the hell was I doing?", I asked myself.

And then I remembered. Something similar happened when the High Queen was rummaging through my memories. I couldn't use my powers at all.

- So this is how it is - I said out loud to myself and rolled on my back.

My head was killing me, but that was understandable considering the fact that she just practically tore my brain apart. In the end, I just played and waited, looking at the grey ceiling above, waiting for my body to heal, so I could finally move.

With me being quiet, and not focused on other things, I finally started rearing the muffled voices from outside, but it all just sounded like some gibberish, so I couldn't really tell if those were words or just noise. The patterns were irregular so after a while, I was pretty damn sure it was somebody talking outside. Multiple people.

I kept listening and starring trying to figure out where I was. I have no idea how much time passed me on that. It could be hours, it could be even days. It was very hard to measure time in that place, not to mention figuring out what the hell was going on.

It seemed like I was imprisoned, but that was all I got. No better ideas. At least until the terrible headache finally ended and I could properly move. There was still some pain, but at least I was able to get to that freaking blue wall.

It was an energy field of some kind. It was very hard to see through it, but I could distinguish some shapes and movements. After a long moment of observation I was able to determine that I was in some prison complex with many cells similar to mine, but what was in those cells was impossible to say.

There were also some guards patrolling from time to time, but quite rarely actually.

Knowing that I decided to check if my strength was still a thing, especially considering the fact that I remembered myself unlocking the seal, but before I tried that, I also tried to shadow walk past the barrier.

I failed with the same strange feeling of déjà vu, plus the fact that I actually forgot what I wanted to do. It took me a moment to finally get back on track and I ended up punching the blue field.

My fist smashed into it with remarkable force, picking up all the dust on the floor and throwing it in the air, but it was too little to breakthrough.

I tried again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

Until the field in front of me suddenly became translucent showing me a Calludin standing in front of my cell. I didn't focus on the alien though, but rather on what was behind him. There were hundreds of more cells like mine on several floors, as far as I could see.

A bunch of guards holding some riffles looking like toys were patrolling around, but there weren't that many of them considering the possible number of inmates.

The Calludin said something to me, but I couldn't understand. Still, his words made me focus on him.

He had four eyes, just like any other representative of his race. Pulsating head looking like a cluster of tumors, puffy lips, rudimentary nose. Everything seemed the same except the darker spots on his greenish skin., and clothes. He was wearing a deep green robe with some golden decorative patterns on the edges.

A grimace showed up on his face.

- I forgot that you do not speak the interplanetarian. Fortunately for you, I did learn your language - he said in English.

- Where the hell am I? - I asked immediately.

He smiled.

- You are in my training facility. I bought you.

- Bought me?

He smiled again.

- Obviously, you don't know, since your brain was basically turned into mush by the High Quen herself, but after she was done going through every part of your mind, she sold you. And I was there to buy.

- What happened with other humans?

- Behave, and maybe you will learn.

- Behave? - I almost snorted.

He was pissing me off, and if I had my powers back I would be already on the other side of that fucking barrier squeezing the life out of his alien body.

- Yes. Behave. That does include not punching the barrier in front of you. I was considering killing you, but then I thought that you might be of use to me, so I would suggest you won't make me regret making that decision, and going back to the previous idea.

- I didn't do anything to you, neither did I to the queen.

- Maybe - he shrugged your shoulders. - But one of yours killed one of ours, so many Calludins want revenge of some sort, but since you are now the Queen's vassals it not so easy. I thought that a public execution could at least give my brothers and sisters some relief, but then I decided to do something else. I decided... How do you call it again? Oh right... I decided to put you through hell.

He smiled yet again, this time wider, and the barrier in front of me went darker again.

- FUCK! - I yelled and was about to punch the barrier again, but at the last second, I stopped.

That was not the answer. It was meaningless. I needed a different solution to y problem.. I needed to remain calm and figure out the situation.

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