Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 613

The day started with Yagg visiting me in a new, silver, shimmering robe with white decorations on the edges of his sleeves. He was carrying a plastic box in his hand as he appeared in front of the pinkish barrier.

I picked myself from my bed.

- No guards today? - I asked him.

- No. Yesterday was a special day since I was busy explaining to an idiot that his actions won't have a positive outcome on our cause, but he decided to ignore me, so I see no point in wasting my time again.

- You're talking about that other Calluding, aren't you?

He just sighed, waved his hand, and they dropped the barrier so he could actually get inside my cell.

- The mistakes already bared some fruits for you - he informed me, completely ignoring my question. - Here. A gift from people you impressed yesterday.

He presented the box to me on an open palm, and then made it drift through the air towards me. I grabbed it, and with a second glance at him, opened it. There was an earpiece inside and a small thing similar to the rings I saw some aliens wearing on their lips. It was obviously some kind of translating device.

- Your fans want to communicate with you. I even received a proposition from some idiot who clearly had no idea who I am to buy you - Yagg smiled briefly. - You might celebrate. This is a big win for you.

- What about the other Calludin? Did he leave?

- No. He is still here. He booked two fights with you and brought three gladiators. He would lose his face if he were to run away from such a minor league. It still will be a terrible embarrassment for him to lose here, but not as big as pack his things and go. I warned him it was pure madness, but he refused to follow logic, and now he has what he deserves.

- You don't seem to like that guy - I said, as I picked both items from the box.

Then I started examining both of them.

- I do not like idiots. And I especially hate people who but in my business. My brothers and sisters chose me to torture you because I was their only option to fulfill their desires, and yet he felt the need to ignore all of that, fly all the way to this hole to show how pathetic he is. Those young Calludins lack patience and have too much energy to follow stupid ideas they never even thought through once. Not to mention absolute zero faith in their predecessors. Just because he got part of his father's business and through luck won an inner-galactic championship of some meaningless part of the empire doesn't make him the greatest producer of talents.

- I would say you are butthurt...

I said, and just as the words escaped my mouth the hair on my skin started to stand up from the presence of his psychic powers in the air.

- ...if I didn't know you better - I added.

This deescalated the situation a bit. As Yagg glared at me for a moment without a single word. I used this time to put the earpiece in my ear, and the small object on my lip. It was rather uncomfortable and weird at first, but I quickly got used to it.

- We should go - the Calludin said eventually.

Although I found it quite funny to poke him, I also knew that might lead to something unpleasant for me, so I just stopped. Still, his reaction made me realize very clearly how much pride he had, especially if the matters somehow were connected to his professional life.

He led me out of the residential area for fighters straight to the sandpit, with a quick pitstop to formalize the fight in a busy area where several dozens of promotors tried to book their fighters for matches. We didn't end in the craziest area, which again was the island in the middle of the chamber surrounded by the crowd.

An official stepped out for us, to resolve everything without getting engaged with other screaming aliens.

It was a thin creature with a bald bulbous head, grey, and wrinkled skin wearing her robe and gold jewelry.

- The opponent is already preparing - he informed Yagg. - You should start in ten minutes.

- Good - replied the Calludin.

- You relay want to get him out of this league, don't you? He is really talented, but fighting every day... That's something unheard of in those parts of the imperium - the alien continued.

Yagg ignored him completely, and just walked off. I shrugged my shoulders and followed them. It was my first time hearing, and actually understanding what the different species were talking about around me, and it felt weird.

We were stopped not too far away from the gate leading to a sandpit where I was supposed to fight by another Calludin, and I immediately knew that was the one, who tried to take my fate in his hands.

Despite the lights in the tunnels on both sides present periodically, we were in a spot without them, so it was actually quite dark. Despite that, I could see the alien ahead of us.

He was younger. His skin was much more green, and without any spots, than gray. The tumors on his head were pulsing much more lively. He was wearing a red robe as well, and way too much gold jewelry. What was most surprising though, was the fact he was levitating almost a meter above the ground.

- What are you doing here Jordd? - asked Yagg as he stopped, and forced me to do the same with his powers.

There was no answer, and the young Calludin even looked away for a moment, clearly struggling with something.

- He should be punished - he finally spoke, clearly indicating to me. - What they did to Nall was terrible, and he should pay the price. Let me hurt him before the fight. I need to win to keep my honor. He was to be tortured anyway.

My eyebrows rose quite high, as I looked at Yagg not saying a thing. In the end, as much as I didn't like that fact, it was his decision to make. There was also another reason behind my reaction.. I was simply curious what he had to say about that.

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