Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 628

I kept having the bad dreams over and over, even after we reached the planet Jaff-15-B, a massive intergalactic entertainment hub of the sector of the Ixan empire I found myself in. It was basically one gigacity where they produced different kinds of entertainment from music, through art in various forms, films, and even sports events.

The biggest of them all was obviously fights in the arena. I was to join the most prestigious league the planet had to offer. A first step into reaching the Royal Tournament. If I could have the title of the local champion, I could start climbing my way to Quel'kabar, but first I needed to get it.

So high in the entertainment machine, there were no slaves participating, so my position was unique. Still, Yagg was forced to acquire a quite nice lodging for me, because simply the local customs forced him to. Other fighters had mansions full of servants, and every luxury the planet could offer. I got a nice room on top of one of the better hotels in the district we decided to live in for the moment.

It had access to a good training facility, which immediately got booked by the Calludin, so I and Druoag could actually prepare for the fight in peace, not worrying about the curious bystanders and crazy fans of the former champion.

And at this point, I have to mention that Druoag's appearance on the planet was mentioned everywhere. Literally EVERYWHERE. There were crowds blocking the streets near the place where we landed just to have an opportunity to briefly see him.

The former champion was forced to hire a group of bodyguards, who would keep the streets free of the crazy people around the place where he lived. It was close to my hotel, but because of his unusual size, he needed something more suitable for him, so he got a whole building.

,m Now a bit more about my apartment. A massive living room with big-ass TV, some gaming consoles I didn't even know how to turn on, three white couches forming a horseshoe, and a small glass table on the left side, occupying around one-third of the space.

On the right was a bigger table, with high chairs to eat properly, and at the front was a bar island with different types of drinks. There was alcohol there, and also some liquid psychedelic substances, plus many other things.

To tell you the truth, mostly I had no idea what it all was.

The floor was made out of deep dark wood, and the walls were partially covered in wallpaper, showing some city scenery, and partially beige. In those places, they had an uneven surface, which added quite the artistic vibe to the room itself.

On the bottom right side of my apartment was a kitchen with everything I could want to cook. All shiny and new, made out of metal, which gave this kinda industrial vibe. On the top right side was a bedroom, with a massive bed, clearly not just for one person. Probably more like a dozen.

The bed was dark brown, with black linens, and on the wall in front of it, they had a massive painting of two aliens kissing created with a mix of different colors entangled in an artistic way.

The floor was the same as in the living room.

There was a full wardrobe full of clothes of my size already prepared, and small bedroom cabinets on both sides, with small tube-like lamps emanating a cold light, which was making the normally quite gloomy room have brightness.

The left side of my apartment had a terrace with an amazing view of the city if clouds allowed...

The whole place had an AI to take care of everything I could want. Room temperature, humidity, light, music. It could even do the shopping for me if I had some money, which I did not possess. In this matter, I was completely dependent on Yagg, and Druoag's generosity. But a bit more on that later.

There was also an elevator leading to the very rooftop of the whole building, which was also a part of my apartment. They had a pool there, and other shit for some skyscraper partying. Nothing which would interest me even in the slightest, as I saw it only as a distraction from my goal, which was the title.

There was not much time until my first fight, and I had a difficult opponent right from the start. Sevva. Obviously, some strings were pulled to make it happen and to be honest, I wasn't even sure if not by Yagg himself.

I focused almost all of my time to make sure I was prepared to face the Calludin. Druoag helped a lot, squeezing every last bit out of me, so I wouldn't embarrass him during my debut in the big league.

The last two days I spent resting though, as the fact that I was sleep deprived because of the constant nightmares slowly was taking its toll on me, and I wanted to be in my top condition. Even the slightest disadvantage was unacceptable since that motherfucker I was gonna face was not there to win. He was there to kill me.

Both Druoag and Bashan assured me of that multiple times. Only Yagg remained silent about the matter, and he also stopped helping during the training process.

I was unsure if the reason behind it was the fact he didn't want his brethren to see him helping me in any shape or form, or maybe he really was the mastermind behind it all. The second seemed less likely since the High Queen would be probably very angry if she was to lose me, her toy and bait for The Great One, but since I didn't know him that well, nor what was really going on behind the scenes, I couldn't tell for sure.

Bashan seemed to be neutral in all of it, and Druoag, I felt was definitely on my side. I was noticing his support in every aspect of my life. If he wasn't there, he would send one of the three Atri, to help me with whatever I needed.

He even made sure the food I was eating was to my liking, and would happily sponsor everything I could possibly need. Which was a very nice gesture.

And that's how the D day slowly approached.

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